hair loss after bariatric surgery
What causes hair loss after bariatric surgery and how to prevent it
Hair loss is the most bothersome side effect of bariatric surgery. Although weight loss surgery is primarily for the health of patients, hair loss is a major concern.
There are many causes of hair loss, including surgery. This problem can be solved by first determining the cause.
This blog post will discuss the most common reasons for bariatric surgery hair loss following weight loss surgery. It will also include solutions to help you feel better about yourself.
Gastric Bypass/Gastric Sleeve, Hair Loss
Sudden hair loss following surgery is common for patients who have had more severe surgery, such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve.
Due to rapid weight loss, extreme diet changes, and nutrition absorption, 30-40% of obese patients experience hair loss. This is more common in younger women.
Are Gastric Banding Patients able to Lose Weight?
Because the lap-band patients experience a slower weight loss, there is very little to no chance of hair loss. Hair loss can also be accelerated by psychological stress and other conditions. There is a possibility that gastric band patients may experience hair loss.
Patients who have Lap-Band lose weight slowly and are less likely to experience hair loss. They lose weight slower than other patients undergoing bariatric surgery and they don't have a high level nutritional deficiency.
Telogen Effluvium
Telogen Effluvium or telogen phase is when your hair suddenly falls due to stress, mental illness, or other reasons. This type of hair loss includes excessive hair loss following sleeve or other forms of bariatric surgery.
Hair growth is composed of three stages, as you can see. The anagen stage, which is the growth phase of hair, is the first stage. The second stage, catagen is the transition stage from hair to telogen. Telogen, also known as the resting stage or the falling stage, is the third stage.
A scalp that has not experienced hair loss is considered healthy. About 5-15% of the hair in the resting phase is at any time.
Resting phase: At least 5% to 15% is the average hair length. This phase lasts on average 6 months.
If you notice that your hair falls out after weight loss surgery, it is likely that your hair is still in its resting phase. You will still have full hair growth.
Nutritional Deficiencies
After weight loss, malabsorption and a reduction in food intake can make your body prioritize how many nutrients it receives. The majority of the nutritional resources that you receive will go to your brain and heart, while your hair and other vital organs will get less.
A study published on National Library of Medicine found that most people suffering from hair loss had low levels of iron and zinc. A second study found that hair loss is more common in younger women and those with lower Zinc, Vitamin B9 (folic acids), and protein levels. People with weaker medical conditions should be more cautious about their diet.
How to stop hair loss after bariatric surgery
As we saw in the last section, the diet and nutrition you consume directly impact the outcome of your hair loss surgery.
There are many other sources that can provide these nutrients. However, these resources are not necessarily the best for your post-operative diet. It is recommended that you consult your dietitian.