Pierce Downer This Week
September 30th, 2022
Pierce Downer Families-
We are officially in Fall and enjoying some cooler temperatures. With the daily changes in weather, please have students layer to stay comfortable with the earlier cooler temps and warmer afternoons.
As required by law, all new students, as well as students entering grades K, 2 and 6, must receive health examinations and immunizations and submit completed health forms by October 15th. To learn more check out the Health Services page on the District 58 website.
Thank you to many of the families who have already completed and submitted these forms. If you have not already scheduled your appointment this is a good time to plan ahead! Failure to comply with these requirements by the end of the day on Oct 15, or 30 days following registration for first-time registrants, of the current school year will result in the student's exclusion from school until such requirements have been met according to Illinois law. All sections of the child examination form must be completed including the health history, which must be completed by the parent.
District 58 communicates frequently regarding these requirements as it is our hope to avoid school exclusion for all of our students. If you are in need of additional assistance, our school nurse, Michelle McGarry, would be happy to assist you in accessing resources or assisting in removing other barriers to completing this requirement.
Looking ahead, parent-teacher conference sign-up will begin at 11 am on October 6th. We will also be having our emergency evacuation drill with the Downers Grove Fire Department on Friday, October 7th, 2022.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns via email LWagner@DG58.org or call 630-719-5860.
We are PD!
L. Wagner, Principal
October Focus is being Respectful!
National Bike or Walk to School Day - October 5th!
Celebrating 20 Years for Ms. Doose
School Safety Message from Dr. Russell
Dear Staff and Families,
District 58’s number one priority is ensuring that all our students and staff are safe. Last December, I sent this letter to all families outlining how seriously we take threats to our schools. The purpose of this letter is to be proactive in terms of safety and ask for your assistance. Preventing school violence is the responsibility of the entire community and we need your help.
Last school year, the United States once again experienced senseless acts of school violence. School shootings in Oxford, Michigan, and Uvalde, Texas, underscore the urgent need for all of us to be vigilant. I am asking all families to once again speak with their child (ren) in an age-appropriate manner regarding school safety. Please emphasize with your child(ren) the following:
If you see something, say something.
Making any kind of joke about violence toward someone else or the school is not permitted.
Making a threat against someone else or a school (in-person or online) is not permitted.
Possessing a weapon or a look-alike weapon is not permitted.
Talking about a weapon or a look-alike weapon is not permitted.
Please remind your child(ren) that if he/she makes a threatening statement or brings a weapon or lookalike weapon to school, they will immediately be referred to the Downers Grove Police Department. Police consequences may include arrest, referral to the State’s Attorney, and the Juvenile Court System. Further, your child(ren) will receive significant consequences at school, which may include expulsion (see Board Policy 7:190). We will not take any chances when it comes to the safety of our students and staff. District 58 is also here to help any student or family that is struggling with mental health issues. If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us right away.
I am once again asking for your assistance to help ensure the safety of our students and staff. Please speak with your children about the importance of being safe at school. As I shared last year, I view every student and staff member in our District as a part of my family. Let’s continue to be proactive and collaborate with one another, as the safety of our students and staff is the highest priority. If you see something, say something. District 58 staff are ready to assist anyone in need and we are grateful for your partnership.
Dr. Kevin Russell
District 58 Superintendent of Schools
District 58 Referendum
District 58 will place a proposal on the Nov. 8, 2022 ballot to issue $179 million in bonds to improve District 58’s facilities. To learn more about the District 58 referendum, please visit www.dg58.org/referendum.
This website contains helpful information, including the District’s Master Facility Plan, frequently asked questions, ballot language, voter information, tax impact, facility presentation and videos and much more. If you have any questions about the referendum not answered on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please know, as a school district, we can provide factual information about a referendum, but we cannot advocate for or against it.
Monday and Friday Spirit Days All Year Long!
Safe2Help Illinois
District 58 has partnered with Safe2Help to give students a safe and confidential way to report potential threats or crises. Safe2Help was launched by the State of Illinois in December 2020 and aims to help prevent suicide, bullying, school violence and other threats to school safety.
With Safe2Help, students can connect with a trained crisis professional during their own crisis, or to report a potential threat. Students can submit a Safe2Help alert via the following ways:
- Website: https://app.safe22helpil.com
- Text: SAFE2 (72332)
- Phone: 844-4-SAFEIL (844-472-3345)
- App: "Safe2Help Illinois" app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
- Email: HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
All alerts are responded to by a trained Safe2Help crisis professional. Safe2Help is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
District 58 staff are not the initial responders to the alert and will receive each alert after the Safe2Help professional provides support. District 58 staff will review alerts sent by Safe2Help during regular school hours, unless the nature of the alert necessitates immediate school action.
September 30
Custodian's Day
October 3
Bus Evacuation Drills
October 7
Fire Evacuation Drill
October 10
No School: Columbus Day
October 18 & 20
Parent Teacher Conferences (evening)
Leland Wagner, Principal
Email: LWagner@dg58.org
Website: www.DG58.org
Location: 1436 Grant Street, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Phone: 630-719-5860
Twitter: @LWagnerDG58