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Dedication to Education, Inspiration for Life
2022-2023 School Board of Directors:
Dianna Grunlose
Nicole Rivera
Jen Silver
Laura Gutierrez
2022Annual Performance Report (Based on the 2021-2022 school year)
Each year, the state of Washington asks school districts to provide their patrons with an annual performance report. The annual performance report shall include, but not be limited to (a) A brief statement of the mission of the school and the school district; (b) enrollment statistics including student demographics; (c) expenditures per pupil for the school year; (d) a summary of student scores on all mandated tests; (e) a concise annual budget report; (f) student attendance; (g) information regarding the use and condition of the school building or buildings; (h) a brief description of the learning improvement plans for the school; and (i) an invitation to all parents and citizens to participate in school activities. RCW 28A.655.110
Goal #1- To create more positive family involvement and communication within the school district.
Action Plan
- Provide instruction for family activities that would help parents/guardians with supporting student academics at home (intervention and extension).
- School to utilize modes of communication at the classroom level outside of traditional modes. Make sure that ParentSquare is official mode of communication between families and staff.
- Continue to provide communication to school district patrons outside of district communication.
- Provide cultural sensitivity and Social Emotional Learning training/conversation for all stakeholders per ESSB 5044.
Goal #2 – To maintain the financial stability of the school district.
Action Plan
- Maintain minimum fund balance according to board policy.
- Review and monitor district budgets monthly to avoid overspending/ underspending.
- Maintain 1:1 Initiative
- Evaluate yearly long-term funding and spending plans for education/curriculum, facilities, technology and transportation.
- Continue to apply for available grants that support district purposes.
- Pursue facilities development within the next 1-3 years.
Union Gap School is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.
Family involvement takes place in a variety of ways. A few of those are listed below:
- Phone calls home to hold students accountable for homework, assignments, etc.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Native American, Migrant & Bilingual Parent Advisor Council Functions
- Newsletter 4-6 times per year
- Math, Literacy & Science Nights
- Holiday Programs
- Book Fairs
- Sports Banquets
- Steering Committee
- ParentSquare
- Health Services/Nurse-5 days a week
- Counseling Services
- Native and Bilingual/Migrant Liaison
- Birth to grade 8 services for students with special needs
- School Psychologist
- Speech and Language Pathologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Home/Hospital tutoring as needed
- Migrant Physicals
- Vision care
- Generous and caring staff
- Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco/Gang Awareness
- Behavior Health Counseling Services
- Home Visits
- Summer School
- Nutrition Program during Summer School
General Fund Revenue
- State Support----------- 73.13%,
- Federal Support -------15.74%
- Local ------------------------11.13%
Per Pupil Amounts
- Revenue -----------------------------$16,683.27
- Expenditures -----------------------$7,595.85
- Basic Education----------------- $ 7,344.65
Detailed Expenditures 2021-2022
- Salaries & Benefits ---------------------$6,892,502.14 -------------------77.52%
- Supplies & Materials-------------------- $ 499,487.32 ----------------------5.62%
- Purchased Services -------------------$1,244,769.05 ---------------------14.0%
- Travel ----------------------------------------------$18,275.62 ----------------------0.21%
- Capital Outlay -------------------------------$ 235,870.27 ---------------------2.65%
Cash Reserve History
School Year: ------------------FTE Enrollment -------------Cash Balance in Dollars
- 2012-2013 -------------598 -----------------------------------$2,439,129
- 2013-2014------------- 610 -----------------------------------$2,786,503
- 2014-2015 -------------617 -----------------------------------$3,422,599
- 2015-2016 -------------651 -----------------------------------$4,163,811
- 2016-2017 -------------629 -----------------------------------$2,612,623
- 2017-2018 -------------595----------------------------------- $2,432,452
- 2018-2019------------- 621------------------------------------$3,283,281
- 2019-2020 -------------609 -----------------------------------$4,079,931
- 2020-2021 -------------593 -----------------------------------$5,202,847
- 2021-2022 -------------579 -----------------------------------$4,369,560
Due to COVID, there is no new state assessment scores for the 2020-2021 school year. You can view past SBA scores for all of the schools/districts in the State of Washington. When comparing schools or districts, it is imperative that you compare entities of similar demographics. Scores and status information can be secured by going to http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us and selecting School on the Select Organization Type drop down menu. Type in Union Gap School in Select Organization drop down menu to view our assessment data. This data is summarized below as well. If you cannot access the information, or need a printed copy, please contact Union Gap Principal, Patrick Vincent at (509) 248-3966, extension 306 and one will be provided to you. Please contact an administrator, and schedule an appointment, if you would like to discuss the SBA scores.
Student Assessment Data: MSP/SBAC Test Scores
----------MSP -------MSP ------SBAC ------SBAC ----SBAC ----SBAC -----SBAC ----SBAC
Grade 4: 12-13----- 13-14 -----14-15 -----15-16-----16-17---- 17-18 ----18-19 ----21-22
Reading 70.8% --------68.0% -------40.2% -------47.2% ------53.9% ------50.% -------52.9%----- 55.2%
Math -----80.0%-------- 72.0% -------57.5% -------61.3% ------50.% --------51.3% -----50.7%----- 48.3%
Writing --70.8% --------74.6% -------NA ------------NA ----------NA -----------NA ----------NA ----------NA
Grade 7
Reading 58.6% -------66.6% --------62.1% --------63.0% -----60.6% ------59.4% ------64.8% ----58.2%
Math -----57.1% -------50.0% --------52.3% --------66.1%----- 49.1% ------64.3% ------43.7%--- 35.8%
Writing-- 81.4% -------83.3% --------NA -------------NA ---------NA -----------NA -----------NA --------NA
MSP/SBAC baseline test scores for grades 3, 5, 6, and 8
Grade 3
Reading 53.3% ------61.4% --------42.6% ----------33.3% ----36.1% ------55.5% ------49.2%--- 21.9%
Math -----58.7--------- 57.9% --------65.3% ---------60.0% ----61.1%------ 57.5% -------79.4% ---25.0%
Grade 5
Reading 68.7% ------65.1% --------42.0% ----------56.1%---- 47.1% ------59.2% -------42.1%--- 35.7%
Math -----62.7%------ 49.2% --------45.5% ----------59.4% ----44.2% ------48.5% -------36.8% ---14.3%
Science 61.2%------- 63.0% --------44.1% ----------71.0% ---68.5% -------55.1% -------44.7%--- 50.0%
Grade 6
Reading 85.5% -----84.6% ---------74.2% ----------64.7% ----71.6% ------55.9% -------78.4% ----62.5%
Math -----61.8% -----70.7%------- --77.6% ----------69.1% ----74.6%------ 48.2% -------59.5% ----50.0%
Grade 8
Reading 71.7% -----81.6% ---------64.4% ----------63.0% -----62.5% -----58.9% --------70.0% ----45.1%
Math -----69.8% -----61.9% ---------51.1% ----------41.5% -----70.3% -----47.5% --------51.7% ---26.8%
Science 52.8% ------57.7% --------44.4% ----------57.5% ------75.0% -----52.9% --------61.7% ---31.0%
Algebra I EOC 92.0% --100.0%- NA--------------- NA---------- NA -----------NA ------------NA-------- NA
*No data for 2019-2020 due to COVID and school closure
*No data for 2020-2021 due to COVID and school closure
The Union Gap School District develops an annual School Improvement Plan (SIP) as a road-map to achieving a set of goals designed to improve student achievement. The plan is created by involving the school community including teachers, staff and parents. Once the goals are identified, an action plan is developed that describes effective methods and instructional practices used to meet the goals. The action plan includes checkpoints and completion dates, necessary resources and measures of success. A steering committee guides the work of the SIP and is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the plan. For a copy of the plan, please see the district website or call the school.
Student Enrollment 2021-2022
- October 2021 ---------589
- May 2022 ---------------611
Special Programs
- Low Income (Oct 2021) ------------------------------93.2%
- (CEP) ---------------------------------------------------------100.0%
- Special Education (Oct. 2021) --------------------13.9%
- Transitional Bilingual (Oct. 2021) ---------------23.0%
- Migrant (Oct. 2021) --------------------------------------7.0%
Gender (October 2021)
- Female --------48.0%
- Male ------------52.0%
Other Information
- Native American/Alaskan Native---------------------- 0.2%
- Hispanic ----------------------------------------------------------84.9%
- Caucasian -------------------------------------------------------12.2%
- Asian -----------------------------------------------------------------0.5%
- Black/African American ------------------------------------0.3%
- Two or more races --------------------------------------------1.9%
Class Sizes as of 10/01/22:
- PK: 15
- TK:15
- K:------------------- ----------16, 16, 15---- = 47
- 1st: --------------------------22, 22, 24-----= 68
- 2nd:--------------------------19, 22, 18---- = 59
- 3rd:---------------------------24, 22, 21---- = 67
- 4th:---------------------------22, 19, 23---- = 64
- 5th:---------------------------21, 21, 20---- = 62
- 6th:---------------------------17, 18, 18---- = 53
- 7th & 8th:------------------------71, 60--- =131
-------------------------------total= 581 (PK-8)