The Bear Necessities
October 3, 2023
Updates & Reminders:
Pick Up and Drop Off Reminders
Parents and guardians as a courtesy to our neighbors please refrain from blocking the drive ways of Hannum, St. Germaine, and the homes surrounding our school during pick up and drop off.
Bear Behavior Support At Home
Thank you parents for your support in encouraging our expected Bear Behavior. In analyzing behavioral data thus far, we have noted that our biggest struggle is keeping our hands, feet, and bodies to ourselves. Please encourage your student to practice safe touching only. We want our students using their hands for helping not hurting. In the event, a student is engaged in inappropriate physical contact, there will be consequences. It is critical that EVERY student feels safe at school and we are turning to for your support in making sure this happens.
Safety Drills
Speaking of safety, we are beginning to conduct various safety drills at Hannum. Today, we had our 1st fire drill. The students did an excellent job evacuating our building quickly and quietly. We will continue to run through our drills over the course of the year to ensure all students and staff are prepared in the event of an emergency.
MAP Reports
All students received their MAP reports for their first benchmark assessment today.
Families can expect to have conversations with teachers during our upcoming conferences regarding their child's progress. For more information regarding this assessment and access to the family toolkit, please visit
Assignment Notebooks Grade 3-5 Students
Just a reminder that if you have not yet turned in your $7 for your assignment notebook, please do. Please write the name of the student and "assignment notebook" on an envelope.
Fall Family Family Conferences 2023
Family Conferences will be held on:
- Oct 12 from 5p - 8p & Oct 13 from 11:30a - 6:30p
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 Family Conferences will be completely scheduled online via Skyward and families will have the opportunity to select either an in-person or phone conference.
- K-5 families will have the opportunity to schedule conferences with their student's grade-level teacher, encore staff, and specialists.
- 6-8 families will have the opportunity to schedule conferences with their student's advisory teacher, encore staff, and specialists.
Beginning on September 28 at 10:00 am and Ending on October 9 at 11:59 pm families can log into Skyward Family Access and pick their family conference time and date. Below you will find a series of resources to answer any questions you may have about Skyward Family Access. As always you can contact your school office if you have any additional questions about scheduling or a family conference.
Upcoming Halloween Celebrations
Below you can read more about how we plan to celebrate Halloween this year at Hannum School. A flyer will be sent home next week on Tuesday with students to return with their classroom party money.
Find Us On Social
If you are not following us on Twitter, we strongly encourage you to do so @d123hannum.
We use this social media platform to share our Hannum story. An example of what you will catch on our Twitter can be viewed below. Our Bears LOVED coming to the grand opening of our Bear Booth.
Important Dates
- Wednesday, October 4th: LATE Start @9:30am
- Monday, October 9th: NO School-Federal Holiday
- Wednesday, October 11th: PTA Meeting @6:30
- Thursday, October 12th: Early Dismissal @11:30; Family Conferences 5:00-8:00pm
- Friday, October 13th: NO School; Family Conferences 11:30am-6:30pm
- Wednesday, October 18th: Unity Day {Wear Orange}
- Thursday, October 19th: PTA Book Fair
- Friday, October 20th: PTA Book Fair; PTA Bingo 6:30-8:00pm
- Tuesday, October 31st: 11:30 Dismissal; 10:15 Classroom Parties
Hannum Highlights
Order forms went home last week in your student’s backpack. The order form is attached if it was misplaced, or you can get a copy from the office. Orders can be paid by cash, check (payable to Hannum PTA) or on Memberhub. When paying online, paper form still must be turned into the Hannum office.
Boo! Grams
We are so excited for this new fundraiser this year and we hope the students will love them. Boo! Grams went home today in your student’s backpack. Students can send boo! grams to students in their classrooms or students in another classroom and/or grade. Each boo! gram will come with a non-edible prize and costs $1 each or the whole sheet for $6. They will be delivered to the students on October 27th. ALL BOO! GRAMS MUST BE TURNED IN BY OCTOBER 20TH. If you need another boo gram sheet the office has extra copies, or you can print off the file that is attached.
Thank you to everyone that attended. We had a great turnout and the kids loved spending a little extra time with their friends before the weekend.
Water Donations
If you would like to donate a case of water to the PTA, please place the case of water in the foyer labeled PTA and with your name. We use water for various events throughout the year and will accept them at any time this year.
Raffle Basket Donations
If you have any items or gift cards you would like to donate to be put into a basket or if you have an entire basket to donate, please drop off at the Hannum office labeled PTA - donation; the PTA will be using raffle baskets at various events throughout the school year. Please add your name on the labeled item, so credit can be given. If you have any questions, please email us at yourhannumpta@gmail.com
Hannum Bear Yard Sign
Show your Hannum Pride with a Hannum Bear yard sign! Get yours today!
Order online or email Hannum PTA at yourhannumpta@gmail.com to place an order.
Oriental Trading
Don’t forget to use code HANNUMFUN when placing your order between now and October 20th, for Hannum PTA to receive 10% back and you will receive FREE SHIPPING on your order. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Box Tops
Please support our school with Box Tops!
Have you scanned your grocery receipt this week? Box Tops is an easy way to make a difference. Money earned goes right back to the school.
If you receive a paper receipt, a quick scan with the Box Tops app will identify participating products and automatically credit our school's earnings online. Digital receipts are accepted as well.
Use this referral code JAN118W4 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last!
See attached flyer for October Bonus Offers!
Download the Box Tops for Education app here: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=JAN118W4
Dates to Remember
Book Fair - October - 19th & 20th
Halloween Party – Tuesday, October 31st
Fall Ball November - 10th
PTA Meeting Dates:
October 11th at 6:30pm
November 8th at 6:30pm
January 10th at 6:30pm
February 7th at 6:30pm
March 13th at 6:30pm
April 10th at 6:30pm
Questions? Email Hannum PTA at yourhannumpta@gmail.com
Oak Lawn Park District Information
Enjoy the rest of your day...the Hannum Bear Way!
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Ms. Doornbos - Principal
Email: mdoornbos@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @meagan_doornbos
Upon their arrival, Bears should line up with their grade level peers in the locations listed below. Students will be escorted into the building by staff at 8:30 am. Students participating in the breakfast program will be permitted into the building at 8:10 am.
KDG & 1st: Arrive and Dismissed at Door 9
G2: Arrive & Dismissed at Door 2
G3: Arrive Door 2 & Dismissed at Main Entrance (Door 1)
G4 & G5 Arrive & Dismissed at Door 8
When school is dismissed at 3:20 pm, students are able to walk home or meet their parents/ caregivers outside of the school. Older children who walk younger siblings or neighbors should meet them in a prearranged location outside of the building and will be dismissed first in order to pick up their sibling or relative.
***This year 2nd grade students and 5th grade students end their day with Encore Classes and PE which go until 3:20.
Lunch will be ordered with your child's classroom teacher every morning. Students will be able to choose from 2 choices. Student can also bring a home lunch and only order a milk. Milk only is $0.65 and students can choose white or chocolate. You can add money to your child's meal account through Skyward. You may access the menus below.
KDG- 12:55
3RD: 11:25
4TH: 11:25
5TH: 11:55
Click the link below for a visual on how our lunch procedures work.
Here are some reminders for helping us get kids in and out of school safely.
- Pull up as far as you can go w hen you are letting students out of the car.
- Refrain from parking across the street and having kids run across to get either to the school or back to your car.
- Be patient as kids are getting out of the car.
- Refrain from blocking the entrance and exit of the school parking lots.
- Please do not park in the driveway of St. Germaine School. (You may pull into the spots in their parking lot, but do not park in the driveway. )
Hannum Visitor Information
Last year D123 began using the Visitor Aware program to immediately identify visitors, along with when they arrived, and where they are going
In order to ensure a smooth visit to the school, please use THIS LINK to complete the pre-registration for Visitor Aware.
Once pre-registered, you will be prompted to take a picture of yourself and answer the questions, including DL#. Once you do this they will be in the system. You will receive their QR code via text and email. This QR code is what you will use when checking into the school for a visit.
If you have any questions, please contact the front office.