Teaching & Learning
January 2022
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and welcome back!
I know it won’t take long for the break to feel like forever ago. Time keeps passing by. It is something we can’t control. Time will pass. The seconds turn into minutes; minutes into hours; hours into days; etc. For this reason it is so important that we make the best use of the time we are given. Whether that be time with family, time with friends, time at work, time with students. All of it is time we are given to make an impact, to connect, to serve a purpose. And although we can’t control time we can control and choose the energy we bring to each moment in time. Our attitude and effort are what define each moment, and those are totally in our control. Your attitude and efforts are what makes USD 489 the place it is and the place it will become. Each of us has power to do that, to contribute in a positive way to making our district great. I am humbled by the effort and talent we have in our district and am grateful to be a part of the amazing place USD 489 is for our students and their families. Keep up the great work! Keep choosing to bring positive energy to each moment and expect that from one another. Our students deserve greatness!
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” ~Michael Altshuler
Tiger Teacher Nation Regional Inservice Day - CHOOSE YOUR SESSIONS!
Welcome to the Tiger Teacher Nation Regional Inservice Day Website at https://ttnjan172022.sched.com/!
- Be sure to login (create an account if you don’t have one from last year) so you can create your schedule for the day.
- We need you to select your sessions by 8:00 AM on Wednesday, January 12 so we can make final room assignments.
- Please watch this video and/or read here carefully to learn more about this year’s event and the selections we need you to make.
KITE has a new way to exit the app from the iPad this year…
When the test is done, after they click on End Test, it prompts are you sure you want to end? The student says Yes, it asks where the test was taken (school, home, other) and students choose School and Submit. It then takes them back to their Home Screen with their name on top. The student clicks Sign Out and it takes them to the KITE Log In screen and the student then clicks on Close KITE. It asks if you want to close session and the student selects Quit. It then pops up with another screen with a LOT of wording about their Exam Session Finished. The only option is Start Another Exam. At that point, the student just needs to hit their Home button to get out and then I do suggest swiping up and closing the KITE app.
~Amy Arnhold
Spanish ESL Classes for Adults Starting January at Hays Public Library - Share with Families in Need -
Congratulations to NEW National Board Certified Teachers!
Tracy Roe-Archer
Laurenda Jacobs
Laura Gaughan
Jessica Groff
USD 489 Current National Board Certified Teachers
- Amy Wasinger
- Lisa Renz
- Kristina Oborny
- Misty Lohmeyer
- Laurenda Jacobs
- Jessie Groff
- Laura Gaughan
- Monica Dreiling
- Aubrey Brooks
- Kathy Wagoner
- Kay Shippy
- Kimberly Schmeidler
- Tracy Roe-Archer
Seal of Biliteracy Results for 2020-2021
- 3 gold
- 8 silver
The Kansas Seal of Biliteracy recognizes students who have achieved functional proficiency in English and another language and sometimes more than two languages. Read more...
Dr. Watson's End of the Year Message
Hello, and Happy New Year!
As we wrap up 2021 and head into 2022, I want to take this opportunity through video to look back on some of the great things that we’ve accomplished together during the past 12 months and take a look at the exciting things to come in the next year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4My2HlhofaU.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I know the past 21 months have been difficult because of the pandemic, but we will get through this together. We are strong Kansans. I believe in you, and I believe that 2022 will be a great year for Kansas education. I wish you and yours all of the best in the coming year.
Dr. Randy Watson
Kansas Commissioner of Education
Daily Ritual
Hand Crafted by John E. Will
To whom it may concern,
(To CBS Evening News - "On the Road")
My name is Rene Burns and I am the Principal of O’Loughlin Elementary in Hays, Kansas. I would like to nominate Mr. John Will for your On the Road series. I would like to say I know Mr. Will personally, but I just met him 15 minutes ago.
He stopped by our school to deliver his very own homemade Lincoln logs. He drove 116 miles to deliver these to our local schools. Every year he travels across Kansas to deliver these creations and all the while smiling and visiting with each school he encounters. He shared that he understands that the screens are the future, but he feels that kids need to touch, move, and explore.
This man has an opinion, and he is doing something about it. He is putting in the work, the love, the passion to make a difference. He left me his card with his information on it but more importantly, he left me with such an impression. I believe he said he is 86 years old. He said he is not traveling to Wichita anymore; the traffic is a little too much. So, he maps out the locations each year and finds smaller towns to drive through to deliver his wooden blocks.
In this day in age, the world is full of people with strong opinions. We could all learn a lot from Mr. John Will. His belief is that screens are the future, but children can learn a lot by touching, moving, and building. So, he is actively giving them the opportunity to do just that.
Thanks for considering him for your future segments.
- Enter east doors next to the basketball court
- Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00am-7:45 am
***Prior to attending be sure to check the USD 489 Website Covid Testing Information for any updates or changes to the testing schedule.
8 Ways to Grow Students' Vocabulary
Schools are About More Than Teaching
On the Friday of Labor Day Weekend during my eighth-grade year, both of my parents were in a catastrophic motorcycle accident...read more
FastBridge - AutoReading Subtest
I have witnessed, and had reported to me, several issues with audio loading properly for the AutoReading test on FastBridge.
If students are working on an AutoReading subtest and either don’t have sound or have scratchy/muffled sound, this means their page did not load correctly. They need to close the tab and log back into FastBridge. If they close the tab in the middle of a subtest, they will start back at the beginning of that subtest. Doing this has been successful with every student I have worked with (some did have to do it more than once – 4 is the winner right now).
If they don’t tell you they couldn’t hear until they finish, you will have to delete their score before they can redo it. The steps to delete a score are linked below and have been added to the Canvas/Seesaw courses.
~Allison Kitchen
- USD 489 - FastBridge Assessment Overview 2021-22
- Logging into FastBridge for the First Time
- Forgotten Password
- FAST Assessment Estimated Administration Times
- Quick Sheets, Student Materials and Demo Videos can be Accessed on the Assessment Page HERE
- How To Access the List of Student Usernames & Passwords for Your Building
ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Study
~Rebecca S. Clark, LSCSW, MS.Ed.
- LETRS Professional Learning Overview
- Scope & Sequence - Grade-level drafts, K-3 (Grades 4 & 5 are still being developed): K-3 Scope and Sequence drafts
How to Earn Graduate Credit for LETRS Volumes 1 and 2
K-5 ELA: Teachers College
Teachers College Phonics Videos - https://vimeo.com/showcase/6802092
Teachers College Entire Vimeo Video Collection - https://vimeo.com/tcrwp/videos
Blog Post: Am I Following This Recipe Correctly?
When designing effective science learning, a common question is how often students need feedback and from whom. The newest post from NextGenScience’s On The Same Wavelength blog explores how teacher and peer feedback supports student progress in the mastery of three-dimensional learning objectives.
See the post here--------------------------------------
Mathematics Professional Development Opportunities
All PD sponsored by KSDE are free of charge.
Math Differentiation - Quantiles 101: (90 min)
Educator Guide: (Link)
IPS New Resource
GREAT NEWS on a new resource to frame conversations with parents to support student success!
- Start Career Awareness conversations in Elementary and Middle School
- Please find the first Cool Careers Video created by our friends at Hire Paths. More coming soon!! https://hirepaths.com/cool-careers-videos
***Sign up for the monthly newsletter https://hirepaths.com/for-educators.****
IPS Professional Learning Group
Electronic Portfolio – What is Needed? What Works?
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvcu6ppz4iHty87qwBHGnjO5bAYpw7DA-Y
Kansans Can Star Recognition and the IPS Component
Tuesday, March 29th, 2022
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvde6vpz8tEtwIdAgmYKJj-AL-ZTciskbm
Speech/Language Pathologist: https://www.ksha.org/licensing.php
KS Board of Nursing: https://www.kansas.gov/ksbn-verifications/search/records
KS Board of Healing Arts: http://www.ksbha.org/searchforlicensee.shtmll
KS Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board: https://ksbsrb.ks.gov/