Monthly School Newsletter
Sacramento New Technology High School's News You Can Use!
In This Issue....
- Hour of Code Day
- Winter Showcase
- Finals Schedule
- Winter Break
- Leadership
- Dual Enrollment Update
- IXL Over Winter Break
- Parent Participation Hours
- Student's of the Week
Hour of Code Day
Tuesday, December 5th
Every year, Sac New Tech participates in The Hour of Code. But, since we are known for our Computer Science and Technology Programs, our students get to engage in fun activities for half of their school day!
This year, we have partnered with the Sacramento Developer Collective to bring interactive workshops to our students. These workshops will include Graphic Art using Blender and Maya, Game Design using Unity, and AI. Students will also be able to interact and or complete fun coding activities on Code.org. You can actually go to Code.org and try some of those activities NOW! Go check it out!
Please see below for more information about Hour of Code!
The Hour of Code is a free introduction to computer science through fun activities and videos for learners of all skill levels. This year's celebration of both coding and AI is supported by over 400 partners, 20,000 educators, and 58,000 volunteers. (Hourofcode.com)
Winter Showcase
Thursday, December 7th 5:00-7:00
Please join us for our annual Winter Showcase!
Our students have been working hard all semester on projects for all of their classes. Now its time for them to show you what they have done! This is a great opportunity for Parents and Community Members to visit our school, interact with our students and teachers, and see all the great learning our students have been doing this year so far!
Please bring cash as many of our classes and clubs will be doing food and beverage fundraisers. The Sac Republic Taco Truck will also be on site, as part of our Senior Class Fundraiser. So feel free to come early and have some dinner while supporting our senior class!
Every adult family member you bring will earn you 2 hours of participation time! Please be sure everyone signs in when you arrive so we give you proper credit for your time!
Finals Schedule
Finals are on December 13th & 14th
PLEASE NOTE THE SCHEDULE! We do our class schedule in REVERSE!
Wednesday, December 13th
Per 7/8 - 8:30-10:51
Lunch - 10:51-11:16
Per 5/6 - 11:19-1:40
Thursday, December 14th
Per 3/4 - 8:30-10:51
Lunch - 10:51-11:16
Per 1/2 - 11:19-1:40
Fall Awards Assembly
Friday, December 15th
During the Fall Awards Assembly, all of our teachers recognize their Most Improved and Most Outstanding student in each of their classes. Students who have perfect attendance will also be recognized, along with students who have semester GPA's of 3.0 or higher.
Parents are permitted to attend with advanced notice. If you would like to attend our Fall Awards Ceremony, please let us know via phone or email.
This is a minimum day and school will get out at 12:42. Please be sure your student is picked up no later than 1:00PM.
Student Leadership Announcements!
Moving Towards an Early College Model
Dual Enrollment Update
On Tuesday, November 28th, over 30 Sac New Tech Students went on a field trip to Sacramento City College. Sac New Tech (SNTHS) has developed a partnership with the Sacramento City College Hispanic-Serving Institution Early College Program (HSI-ECP). Through this partnership, our students will have access to classes that are only available to our students but that will be taught by a college professor. In the Spring Semester this coming January, 30 SNTHS students will be taking Deaf 310 (American Sign Language) to fulfill their Word Language HS Graduation Requirement and 40 SNTHS Students will be taking HCD 310 (College Success). As part of this program, these students will have extra supports and check in's with the program support specialists.
In addition to this program, ALL SNTHS students who are taking any additional college classes ARE also college students! This means they all have access to the many resources, clubs, and events at the college.
During this tour, our students learned about the free services that are available to them such as, tutoring, mental health counseling, math and writing labs, study spaces, and creative spaces like the design lab and the maker space on campus. Additionally, they have full access to the SCC campus library. Students who attended this field trip also got their college student ID's.
We will be taking more of our dual enrolled students on another field trip in the Spring Semester, so stay tuned for upcoming information about this.
We want all of our students to learn about and understand all of the resources they now have available to them as COLLEGE students. We are super excited about the direction we are heading as we provide opportunities for ALL of our students to experience college and the possibility of completing college certificates and or an AA degree while they are still with us and all of the extra support we will be able to provide to them on this journey!
Steering Committee Votes YES for a Name Change next Fall!
During our last Steering Committee Meeting in November, Principal Martin explained the benefits of undergoing a name change next semester that emphasises that we are a Early College High School. The vote was unanimous! We will be changing our name from Sacramento New Technology High School to Sacramento New Technology Early College High School.
Adding the Early College title to the school name gives the school the ability to allow students to take more college courses during the school day while still maintaining the instructional minutes as outlined in ed code.
Our next step is to have a Community Meeting so all of our educational partners have an opportunity to share their thoughts on this change.
The Community Meeting will be held on January, 22nd 6:00pm at New Tech High School. We will send reminders after Winter Break.
Right now, we have some of our creative graphic arts students creating a logo that will incorporate the title. The community can also have input on a rebranding logo!
IXL - Practice Over Break!
Please Encourage your Students to do IXL 15 minutes a day!
Parents! We need your support. One month is a LONG break! Based on our school data as reported by the CA Dashboard and DataQuest (click the links to see for yourself), we have severe deficits in Math and English Language Arts. As a school we are doing extra to close these gaps in our students learning. One of the ways that we know is PROVEN to do this is the IXL program. Students not have access for both math and English Language Arts. The more time they spend in these programs, the more they will be closing the gap to their academic progress in these areas.
You can help us and your students by having them spend just 15 minutes a day doing the lessons on IXL. IXL is an online program that your students have access to at home. We highly recommend that you have your student log in to IXL and show you their progress. We appreciate your continued partnership in proving the very best educational experience for your students!
Parent Participation Update
Need Hours? Here's how you can help...
We are currently in the processes of mailing out your current parent participation hours. Some of you may have already received them, and the rest of you will be getting them soon! As a small school, we very much rely on support from our parents. This is part of the reason why we require our parents to give 30 hours of their time or resources to help us out.
We are in need of some things at school. For every $10 spent or donated, you earn 1 hour of participation time. The mailer you receive will have a list of items that you could donate. Just purchase the item and bring it in with the receipt and we will give you the hours. Cash donations of any size are also gladly accepted. All cash donation will go towards purchasing the items below for the school.
As a reminder, all meetings you attend, and all events you attend also count towards parent participation.
PLEASE NOTE! The fastest way to earn all of your participation hours is to refer a new student who enrolls at our school! This cannot not be an immediate family member, but it can be extended family or friends.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
Students of the Week - November
Juliana, 11th Grade
Mr. Huang, nominated Juliana for student of the week and said this about her. "Juli has been an excellent collaborator with her teammates. Also, Juli did an excellent job presenting her robot presentation. Juli has excelled in our new Computer Buying Project, completing deliverables and executing excellent work!"
Ahmad, 12th Grade
Ahmad was nominated by Mr. Grossman who commented that Ahmad did a great job reading Shakespeare!
Pricilla, 9th Grade
Pricilla was nominated by Mr. Grossman for having excellent Agency skills, and she was also nominated by Mr. Mac for "thinking like a grown up"