Reading Classes
with Ms. Braese, Ms. Gordon, and Mrs. Zuckerberg
Courtney Braese
Chris Cochran
Charlotte Gordon
Ellie Zuckerberg
The following letter was sent home with Mr. Cochran's students the week of 1/9:
Dear Caregivers,
It has been a complete pleasure to be your child’s reading teacher this year. I am proud of the progress my classes have made and of the communities they have formed. After seeing the iReady reading data we collected this week, I can also say that I have seen students in my classes show growth in many of their reading skills that can transfer to their content-area classes.
With all that in mind, I am writing to let you know about a change that will be occurring soon in our reading department. After giving it much thought, I have applied for, and accepted, the position of Literacy Coach at Watertown Middle School. This means that I will no longer be working with your child as their reading teacher.
The role of literacy coach is an important one in our school. The literacy coach works with all the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade English and reading classes to support the teachers, strengthen our practices, and align our curriculum to make sure students are ready for the next grade. The coach looks at important data, such as our iReady scores, to help teachers form instructional groups so that students can receive the support where they need it. I will miss working with the students as a classroom teacher, but I am excited about stepping into a new leadership role at WMS and continuing the work that our previous coach has been doing with our teachers. I will still be at WMS full time, and students are likely to see me in their classrooms, working with their teachers, and supporting their learning.
We are currently looking for a teacher to take over my classes for the remainder of the year. Until this happens, I will continue to teach my classes. Once someone is hired, I will work closely with them to make this transition as smooth as possible for the teacher and for our students.
I realize this is a big change in the middle of the year, and I am happy to talk more and answer any questions about how to support your child’s reading and writing. Please reach out to me if your child has any concerns about what to expect as we prepare for this transition.
Again, it has been a pleasure building relationships with my classes this year. I can honestly say I have enjoyed each group, and have seen each and every student grow as a reader, a student, and as a person. Thank you for all that you have done, and I wish your child all the best as we move into the second half of our school year.
Chris Cochran
Welcome, Ms. Gordon!
-Chris Cochran
PURPLE CLASS (6th grade)
Learning Targets:
1. I can explain what a "resolution" is and can write specific and relevant goals for myself.
2. I can draft a poem using sentence starters.
This week the purple class finished their "I Am" New Year's resolutions poems and had the chance to publish and print them. We will display them on the bulletin board. They met Ms. Gordon this week, and on Monday, they will have their first class with her!
BLUE CLASS (7/8 grade)
Learning Targets:
1. I can design a virtual poster to express myself.
2. I can write a paragraph explaining my choices.
3. I can find evidence within a nonfiction text.
This week the blue class revisited an activity we did in the beginning of the year - virtual posters! Everyone had the chance to revise their slide and make different choices about how to present themselves now, as opposed to in September. As the class transitions to Ms. Gordon, they may return to the assignment and students may have the chance to present their work so that she can get to know different personalities. We also practiced reading a nonfiction text ("Should I Save This Friendship?") and finding evidence to support two sides of a debate. This is an important skill that Ms. Gordon will continue to practice with the class.On Friday, we visited the library to hear about new book choices. It was a busy, but exciting week!
YELLOW CLASS (8th grade)
Learning Targets:
1. I can explain what a "resolution" is and can write specific and relevant goals for myself.
2. I can draft a poem using sentence starters.
This week, the 8th graders edited and published their "I Am" New Year's resolutions poems. We will display them on a bulletin board. They also had their first full class with Ms. Gordon on Thursday and had a chance to participate in an interest survey so that she can plan upcoming lessons for the class. On Friday, the class went to the library to hear about new book options. It was a good week packed with creative activities, new book choices, and an exciting transition with a new teacher!
Learning Targets
- I can find evidence to support a claim in a nonfiction article.
- I can read a nonfiction article and use comprehension strategies to respond to questions.
We have been reading winter nonfiction, including some interesting articles about ice hotels! Next week we will continue exploring winter topics, focusing on reading nonfiction for details and answer questions accurately, using evidence from the text.
ORANGE CLASS (7/8 grade)
Learning Targets
- I can find evidence to support a claim in a nonfiction article.
- I can read a nonfiction article and use comprehension strategies to respond to questions.
We have been reading winter nonfiction, including some interesting articles about ice hotels! Next week we will continue exploring winter topics, focusing on reading nonfiction for details and answer questions accurately, using evidence from the text.
GREEN CLASS (6th grade)
Learning Targets
- I can find evidence to support a claim in a nonfiction article.
- I can read a nonfiction article and use comprehension strategies to respond to questions.
We have been reading winter nonfiction, including some interesting articles about ice hotels! Next week we will continue exploring winter topics, focusing on reading nonfiction for details and answer questions accurately, using evidence from the text.
Red Class (8th):
I can find the gist of a chunk of nonfiction text.
I can create an infographic to teach others what I have learned.
I can show what I know on an assessment.
This week, we read a poem and reflected on our iReady achievements. We journaled about our proudest moments of 2022 and what we hope for 2023. Next week, we will continue looking for the gist as we read nonfiction texts about different sports, and create an infographic to share our new knowledge with our class.
Orange Class (7th/8th):
I can break a nonfiction text into chunks to pace my reading.
I can find the gist of a chunk of nonfiction text.
I can show what I know on an assessment.
This week, we read a poem and reflected on our iReady achievements. Next week, we will continue looking for the gist and monitoring our comprehension as we read a variety of nonfiction texts, including a text about a 16 year old who has become a professional basketball player.
Purple Class (6th):
I can use academic vocabulary in conversations and in my writing.
I can find evidence that supports a claim as I am reading.
I can use debate stems to have a debate with my classmates.
This week, we shared positive traits about our classmates, reflected on our iReady achievements, and learned new academic vocabulary. Next week, we will use this academic vocabulary as we read about real mummies and debate whether or not they should be moved from place to place.
Our November Smore
From Our October Smore
From Oct 7, 2022
8th Grade:
We have been working through our first vocabulary unit (Censorship), and reading articles about banned books. We have been looking at both sides of the issue and identifying reasons for and against, supporting our statements with evidence from a text.
On Friday, we had our first vocabulary quiz. Students were given the opportunity in class to make revisions where necessary. Please encourage your child to take advantage of these opportunities - not just to bring up the grade, but to extend their learning and take the opportunities to strengthen their work.
We will learn about Indigenous Peoples Day this week, as we examine nonfiction articles and consider reasons why this day is being recognized in different ways than in the past.
7th Grade:
We have been working through our first vocabulary unit (Censorship), and reading articles about banned books. We have been looking at both sides of the issue and identifying reasons for and against, supporting our statements with evidence from a text.
On Friday, we had our first vocabulary quiz. Students were given the opportunity in class to make revisions where necessary. Please encourage your child to take advantage of these opportunities - not just to bring up the grade, but to extend their learning and take the opportunities to strengthen their work.
We will learn about Indigenous Peoples Day this week, as we examine nonfiction articles and consider reasons why this day is being recognized in different ways than in the past.
6th Grade:
We have been talking about the topic of Censorship and Banned Books and exploring this issue from both sides. Students have been writing about their opinion and supporting their ideas with evidence from a text.
WMS Pride Alliance
- PowerSchool is open and students are able to monitor their own progress. Please encourage them to advocate for themselves when they have questions. We are always happy to receive emails and questions from students and to discuss their progress. Also, please emphasize that grades change throughout the term. Our focus is on the process of learning - not on the letter or number grade. Students are able to re-do and revise quizzes and to turn in late work so that they are still practicing the material.