Ipswich Middle School
September 23, 2022
Ipswich Middle School
Sean Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal
Our mission is to create a nurturing community where students are encouraged to develop confidence as lifelong learners with the awareness and flexibility necessary to adapt to a changing world. We strive to bring out the best in every student and adult in our learning community.
Email: kmcmahon@ipsk12.net
Website: www.ipsk12.net
Location: 130 High Street, Ipswich, MA
Phone: (978)356-3535
September is Rolling Along!
It is very encouraging to see the number of students who have registered to participate in our many after school offerings. The field hockey and cross country teams have had strong games and meets against other middle schools. Kids are playing tennis, joining art club, and practicing lines for Shrek the Musical.
Our academic classes are active, engaging, and center on learning that is interesting and thought-provoking.
I hope to see you on Thursday at Curriculum Night to share the year's offerings and adventures with you.
Raining Kindness
Sharing a beautiful student poem!
A rainy day can be a rain of kindness
A smile
A door held for someone
A conversation
A get well soon card
It can be many small things in the rain to be kind
Come along and join the stampede of kindness around the world
Day by Day, Night by Night, we manage to get through each day
Even though days can be tough, we all get through like the rain passing through
We all have certain abilities and disabilities
We are all strong as a group like a big waveBy Dilyn McCallum
Free bus to the YMCA
Complete this form to give permission for your child to take the van to the Ipswich Y.
Please contact Sean Fitzgerald with any questions at sfitzgerald@ipsk12.net
Student Leadership Senate (SLS)
F.R.E.E. Club
There is still time to Order School Photos!
Order your Kindness T-Shirts Now
We have surveyed all students for t-shirt sizes and will be placing the order soon. Please send your donation to the office if you have not done so yet.
Please use this form to view the shirt and to place your order. If you have more than one child, complete an order form for each child. Payment can be made by check to Ipswich Middle School or with cash, both delivered to the main office.
IMS Curriculum Night Reminder
Tiger Tales Reading Celebration
On Friday, September 30th, IMS will be celebrating summer reading with creative learning opportunities and food! All students will receive an email invitation to participate in a multi-grade book group discussion. If your child has not read a book, there is still time. The book list can be found on the school website, and the public library does have a few copies of each title. Humanities teachers in each grade will be available after school for some book readings in order to help students be prepared for the discussion.
Girls Who Code
Art Club
School Council
Health Forms
Students were sent home with forms for permission to use your child's image and another form for the Free and Reduced Lunch program. All parents should return the Image Permission form. Even though lunches are free for all students this year, please return the Free and Reduced Lunch form if you will need financial assistance with field trips and/or students activities.
Robotics Club
Robotics Club registration is now going on. We will design and build a variety of robots, program and code robots to make basic moves and then will compete in challenges.
Robotics Club will be held on Wednesdays beginning: October 12 from 230 - 3:30 PM
Cost will be $50
Forms may be picked up in the office.
And returned with payment to Mrs. Senechal or Mrs. Colby by Friday, October 7.
Student Lunches
Upcoming Important Dates
Thursday, 9/29, 6:30-8:30 pm, Curriculum Night
9/30, Tiger Tales Summer Reading Celebration
Ipswich Community News
Ipswich Travel Basketball
Ipswich Travel Basketball registration is open for the 2022-23 season!
Sign up today! www.ipswichtravelbasketball.com
- Who: Boys and Girls Grades 4-8
- When: Registration is open now until October 15
- How much: $275 per player. $60 for complete uniform (shorts and jersey, if needed).
Families with multiple players receive a $50 discount per child
** Finances are NEVER a barrier to play. If you require financial assistance please reach out to the league treasurer at itb@mail.com. We want all kids to play!
Evaluations are scheduled for mid October. Practices begin Nov. 1. The season runs from early December - Mid March.
For any questions please email itb@mail.com
Sign up for basketball today!