Chesterbrook Academy
May News
Note from the Principal
April is a time to celebrate all of the young children in our lives. We spent last week, the Week of the Young Child doing special things for all of the kids. We had a bubble dance party, ice cream treats and field day, just to name a few. It is always nice to take some time to really appreciate all of the special people in our lives. We had great fun celebrating the children in our lives and now we would like to celebrate the parents. We will be holding a Parent Appreciation Breakfast on Thursday, May 11th to celebrate you the parents! We appreciate everything that you do for your children and it's our turn to say Thank You for all that you do! Please be sure to join us to have breakfast with your child here at school from 7 to 9 and let us do the cooking! We are looking forward to a great time and hope to see everyone there.
Important Dates
11th - Parent Appreciation Breakfast
14th - Happy Mother's Day
18th - Field Trip - Kindergarten and PK2/KE - Philadelphia Zoo
22nd - Tooth Buddy Tales
29th - School CLOSED - Memorial Day
Sunscreen will be apply midday if you have signed the sunscreen permission form. Please be sure to apply at home before coming to school.
Water Bottles may contain water ONLY. Please be sure to take them home each night to be washed.
Sign In/Out - Children MUST be signed in and out with the their teacher each day.
Ticks - It is that time of year again. Please be sure to check your children for ticks each night.
Extra Clothes - Please be sure to check your children's spare clothes to be sure that they are of appropriate for the weather and that they still fit.
Kindergarten graduation will be held here on Wednesday, June 7th at 1:30. There will be more information coming home next week with all of the details.
If you have not registered your child for camp please do so ASAP, as we are filling up and some weeks are quite full.
If you are registered for camp please check the schedule that you registered for, changes may be made up until June 1st.
If there are any questions please see Karen or Meagan.