STAAR Report Card
January 31, 2023
Dear Parent or Guardian,
If you are unable to view the report card, please contact the Pine Tree District Assessment Office at 903-295-5000, ext. 1766.
If you would like to request a paper copy of this report card, please contact the Pine Tree District Assessment Office at 903-295-5000, ext. 1766.
Single Sign On Instructions Below:
Step 1: Login to Skyward Family Access. Select the Portfolio tab, then select the TSDS NUMBER link.
Step 3: Select the "How do I look up my access code?" link in the Family Portal.
Step 4: Enter your child's TSDS number, Date of Birth, and Legal First Name in the "Find Your Access Code" area.
Step 5: Click the "Go To Login" button to view your child's STAAR report card. Keep your child's access code for future logins.
Step 6: Select the name of the test you would like to view in detail.
Step 7: Select the tabs to view test detail information. To view test questions your child answered, select the Test Questions tab.
What information can I find by viewing my students STAAR test?
View your child's STAAR score level, percentile ranking, and scale score on the Test Results tab. You'll also see the State, Campus, and District Average.
Detailed Results Tab
View your child's answers to each question and the percent of students who answered correctly at the state, district, and campus level.
Test Questions Tab
View the specific student expectation that was tested, the test question with answer choices, the correct answer, and the rationales that explain why the answer was correct and why each of the other answer choices was not correct.
View rational for each response for an explanation of why the answer is correct and why the others are incorrect.