Library Media Center
March 2023 - Issue #62
Teachers Corner
National Read Across America Day is on March 2nd
National Read Across America Day is on March 2. It’s a day to celebrate the privilege of being able to read, so head to the library, or curl up on the couch and just be a bookworm!
Amazing Giveaways
WeAreTeachers has given away over $5 million in prizing. See what’s up for grabs right now !!
26 Magical St. Patrick’s Day Crafts for Kids
Kids (and let’s face it, teachers) love an opportunity to celebrate, so here are some St. Patrick’s Day–themed crafts to try for the holiday. While a good craft is always fun, some of these activities also incorporate math and literacy skills.
Women's History Month
The Library of Congress, National Archives, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, and more join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.
Pi Day is March 14th - get ready
37 Mathtastic Pi Day Activities for the Classroom - Why shouldn’t you be intimidated by math? Because it’s really easy as pi.
National Women's History Museum
Find biographies, articles & resources. Check out the virtual field trips, online exhibitions and so much more here.
60 Idioms for “Idiom of the Day” a great "Do Now"
For young students or those learning English as a second language, these phrases can be really confusing. Use “Idiom of the Day” as a 'Do Now" to help them learn these expressions and get comfortable using them.
NFL's First Black Female Game Official: 'I Never Thought The Day Would Come' | TODAY
History Behind Women's History
Women’s History Month is a dedicated month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to United States history. Women’s History Month 2023 will take place from Wednesday, March 1 - Friday, March 31, 2023.
Get out of the classroom and explore the world!
Best Field Trip Ideas for Every Age and Interest (Virtual Options Too!) You usually only get one or two a year so it’s important to do it right! Our roundups of unique field trip ideas have something for every age, subject, and interest.
100 Inspirational Quotes by Powerful Women in History
Each of these quotes is powerful in its own right; together, they form a motivational stew, encouraging you to seize life and sprint towards success.
5 Calming Mind-Body Exercises
Calming Mind-Body Exercises to Try With Your Students - Benefits include better self-control, anxiety management, concentration, and mental focus.
Pi Day Jokes and Puns to celebrate with
Everyone can have a little fun in honor of March 14 a.k.a. Pi Day (3.14 — get it?). For starters, you can whip up a homemade pie in homonymic tribute. Even if you're not baking, you can pull out some good, clean math humor in the Pi Day spirit.
Favorite Videos for Teaching Kids About Friendship
Regardless of whether you have a tiny tot or a teenager, everyone can use a reminder about how to make and keep friends. We especially love that many of these videos put an emphasis on celebrating kindness and valuing our differences.
BookFlix or TrueFlix
Which one is right for you and your kiddos? Both offer lesson plans, references and resources - both are interactive - Check them out - Use your Lawrence Bookmarks - School Library Databases - find our schools - Username & Password = broadway
📚 Peninsula Public Library 📚
Take a peek at what is going on at the Library! Find a book for curbside pick up! Take a trip to a museum with free passes! Database access also available.Use your library card to borrow books using Sora or get free homework help from Tutor.com
New York Public Library
Get a library card, attend virtual programs and and so much MORE @ nypl. Check it out !!
Something for everyone
125 Funny Jokes For Kids
Ready to get the littlest people in your life laughing? Here are 125 funny jokes for kids that will make even the most serious adult smile. We've broken them down by category, but all the jokes are pretty punny — we swear.
📖 This Day in History 📖
History.com brings you this day in history everyday. Check it out !!
😎 Word of the Day 😎
Learn a new word everyday. Impress your friends, family & teachers. Improve your vocabulary and SAT/ACT scores.
Common Sense Media
Reviews for what your kids are into (before they get into it). Trusted ratings created with families in mind.
Apps To Combat Anxiety and Stress
When it comes to reducing stress and anxiety, everyone from the very old to the very young can benefit from another tool in their belt. Experts recommend meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and calming music as good ways to illicit a calming response.
10 Tips for Teaching Emotional Regulation
Learning to live with your emotions takes a lot of practice.Controlling emotion can be automatic, or it can require conscious effort. As we become more skilled at emotional regulation, our automatic responses are more likely to kick in.
😎 FUN & FREE Online Word Searches 😎
Easy, Medium & Hard - Challenge yourself
🌟 Difficult Hidden Pictures 🌟
These activity pages are amusing and entertaining, they help hone skills like paying attention to details, using visual memory, and practicing hand-eye coordination as they color in the shapes they find hidden in the fun artwork
Free Coloring Pages
Create something beautiful with some of these free coloring pages for kids and adults. On this page you'll find a massive collection of seasonal coloring pages for occasions throughout the year.
Storyline Online
I love this site you have to check it out. Storyline Online receives over 140 million views annually from children all over the world. I promise you will find a story you love.
25 Inspirational Quotes All Kids Should Hear
Some of the best advice given through the ages is actually the simplest that kids can grasp and hopefully become just a bit wiser by knowing.
Ms. Abby
Email: jabbatangelo@lawrence.k12.ny.us
Location: 195 Broadway, New York, NY, USA
Phone: 516-295-7025