Personal Finance
Mr. Page's Parent Newsletter
Transition to Online Learning
Your child will have everything needed to be academically successful. I have the resources in this class for students to continue to learn from home, for the remainder of the year if necessary. Last night I held 15-minute virtual meetings with students to go over our new procedures and communication tools. Here is a summary of that meeting and what your child can expect:
- The weekly schedule for the class will be released every Sunday night on Google Classroom. There will be an assignment each day. There is a 20% penalty per day for any late assignment.
- Students are required to meet virtually twice a week at a scheduled time for 40 minutes.
- Students are required to complete independent learning assignments three days a week.
- I have virtual "office hours" for students to schedule one on one time with me in the morning or afternoon. This is optional.
- Google Meet (Hangout) virtual meeting codes will be shared on Google Classroom each day for each class.
- If you cannot communicate with me via email then you can call or text me at 513-312-1813.
Here are some to the point suggestions for how we can work together to keep your child on task:
- Check our district website daily for announcements.
- Google Classroom will be the primary form of communication for my classes, be sure your child checks Google Classroom each day.
- Make sure your child has signed up for REMIND. The signup information is in Google Classroom.
- Comcast is offering need-based free WiFi for a limited time as our country works through this health crisis.
- Make sure all work in all classes is turned in before the end of the week. The quarter grade for each student is very important, for a number of reasons.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Brian Page
I hold Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Education degrees. I was the recipient of the '11 Milken National Educator and CNN Money Hero awards. I served on the Working Group for President Obama's Advisory Council on Financial Capability and also provide consultation for Penn's Wharton School (WhartonHS Program), George Washington University, Next-Gen Personal Finance, VISA, the Ohio Department of Education, and U.S. Department of Education.
Email: bpage@readingschools.org
Website: www.readingschools.org
Phone: 513-312-1813
Twitter: @TeenDollars