Dear Decatur Township Families,
February is a time each year that we place increased emphasis on the home and school partnership through intentional communication. Your child’s teacher(s) will be reaching out to you in some way this month to communicate about academic progress. These meaningful conversations can impact learning and growth for the future.
This important communication reminds me of the fifth discipline of the E+R=O Mindset, to “Make a Difference.” Each of our stakeholders can take ownership of their “20 square feet” to make a positive difference in our culture. Reflecting on our attitude, actions, and words as we work together as a team, will lead to greater success. I encourage you to speak with your children about this important concept by discussing the small ways we can respond with intentionality, showing kindness to others in order to make a difference in our community.
February includes recognition for more of our outstanding Decatur Township staff members. National School Counseling Week is Feb. 6th-10th, and School Bus Driver Appreciation Day is February 22nd. Our Counselors and Bus Drivers make a difference in the lives of students each day. Join me in saying THANK YOU for all they do!
Please also note that Monday, February 20th, is Presidents Day. There will be no school on this date, as we take time out to recognize past and present leaders of our country. Committed to making a difference as well, President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” May these words inspire us all to contribute to Decatur Township.
Together we are Decatur Proud!
Dr. Prusiecki
MSD of Decatur Township
MSD of Decatur Township respects a parent’s determination regarding their child’s attendance at school during inclement weather. If school is open, or delayed, because of inclement weather, the school will respect the parent’s decision to keep their child at home. Parents are expected to contact the school and inform school officials of their determination. The student will be counted as absent, per state code, and students will be given an opportunity to complete their academic work in the same manner as an excused absence from school.
MSD of Decatur Township believes the public expects schools to be open and to provide education, supervision, and other services (including meals) to its students.
MSD of Decatur Township believes all parents are committed to keeping children safe, and parents will dress their children appropriately for the weather when sending the children to school.
MSD of Decatur Township believes its parents often do more than expected, and often seek out ways to assist children from other families with shared transportation to school. This high level of commitment and cooperation is sincerely appreciated.
Variable weather conditions are to be expected in Central Indiana. MSD of Decatur Township believes its parents have plans in place for weather related delays and closures and believe morning notification is generally appropriate.
Communication of School Delay and Cancellation
● District Website and Social Media postings:
Check or our district Facebook Page: MSD Decatur Township or Twitter: @MSDDecatur
● TV Stations: WTHR (13) WISHTV (8) FOX (59) WRTV (6)
● For media lists of delays/closings, always look for “Metropolitan School District of Decatur Township” or “MSD Decatur Township,” not to be confused with Decatur County.
Delaying or Closing School is based on Multiple Variables
Freezing Rain/Sleet
The most unpredictable weather variable is freezing rain/sleet. Freezing rain/sleet is temperature sensitive and fast-occurring. It begins and ends with little notice. When freezing rain/sleet is predicted, the decision regarding school is delayed until the latest possible time in an effort to observe the most current and local conditions. Such a decision generally will be made in the morning.
Snowfall is more predictable than freezing rain/sleet. Meteorologists generally give a 2 inch variable when predicting snow accumulation. Because the variation in actual snowfall, when compared to predicted snowfall, the decision regarding school status is delayed until the snow accumulation indicates a need for action. Such a decision, except in extreme situations, will generally be made in the morning.
Extreme Snowfall Situations
When snow has accumulated to a significant level, or is at such a level with more snowfall predicted, then the decision regarding school may be made the previous evening. A significant level is one in which local authorities have indicated it is unlikely streets will be passable by the following morning. This is an unlikely, but possible occurrence.
Extreme Cold
Temperature prediction is increasingly accurate. MSD Decatur Township uses the hourly temperature predictions for its zip code from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( If air temperature is predicted by NOAA to be -10 degrees or below (the starting point for wind chill concerns with calm wind) at 7:00 a.m. the school will consider a two hour delay for the start of school. If the air temperature is predicted to remain at -10 degrees or below at 9:00 a.m. the school will consider closing. Such a determination will be made as early as possible, perhaps the evening before, but certainly by 6:00 a.m. in the morning.
Extreme Wind Chill
Wind chill prediction is not as accurate as temperature prediction because wind speed is more variable by time and location. While NOAA observations and predictions are based upon the open conditions of the Indianapolis Airport, these conditions are often different in some of the wind barricaded neighborhoods of MSD Decatur Township. Local observations of wind speed will affect the decision regarding delaying or closing school. Wind chill concerns emerge at a predicted wind chill temperature of -19 degrees. If wind chill is predicted by NOAA to be -19 degrees or below and local wind conditions are predicted to mirror the airport wind conditions at 7:00 a.m., the school will consider a two hour delay for the start of school. If the wind chill is predicted to remain at -19 degrees or below and local conditions mirror the airport wind conditions at 9:00 a.m., the school will consider closing. The variability of wind speed will likely cause this decision to be made in the morning.
Functional Facilities
Utility issues (gas, electricity, water) may cause a school to close. Issues associated with cold, including water supply to a building and electricity to a building or neighborhood, may cause school to be canceled.
Other Related Topics
The State of Indiana allows school districts to implement up to 3 asynchronous (non-live instruction) eLearning days per school year. MSD of Decatur Township will utilize these days first in the event of inclement weather. Subsequent eLearning days beyond 3 will be designated as synchronous (live video instruction 50% of instructional day) or complete school closure, with make-up days as determined by district administration.
Teachers will deliver content for eLearning via Canvas and/or Webex. Look for ParentSquare communication.
Extra Curricular Activities
When school is closed due to inclement weather, no practices, rehearsals, or meetings under the sole control of MSD Decatur Township shall occur.
Given that a game time or performance time may be more than 10 hours after the decision to close school is made, and understanding the weather conditions can significantly improve over the course of a day, the decision regarding inter-school athletic contests and major performances shall be made on a case-by-case basis by the school administration.
A contractual obligation to participate in an away activity may be honored in a situation where a mutually agreeable resolution (postponement or cancellation) cannot be identified.
Commitments to local and state tournaments shall be honored, to the greatest extent possible.
Official MSD of Decatur Social Media Accounts:
Board Meeting Recognition
At the MSD of Decatur Township School Board Meeting on January 10, 2023, annual Board Reorganization took place. Mrs. Dawn Lee administered the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Board Member, Chase Lyday and Re-elected Board Members, Judith Collins and Dale Henson. The following positions were determined through election and/or appointment:
Judith Collins - President
Larry Taylor- Vice President
Estella Vandeventer - Secretary
Kirk Farmer- Treasurer
Dawn Lee- Deputy Treasurer
Chase Lyday - Legislative Liaison
Judith Collins - SSSMC Advisory Board Member
Dale Henson - Foundation Advisory Member
The MSD of Decatur Township School Board, 2023:
Left to Right: Judith Collins, Larry Taylor, Estella Vandeventer, Dale Henson, Chase Lyday
The Decatur Central High School Band program and Director, Tim Cox, were featured by Dr. Stephanie Hofer for the Decatur Proud Recognition. The DCHS Advanced Jazz Ensemble (Band #1) attended the first Butler University “Benny Golson” Jazz Festival in December. This was an "invitation only” event. Our DCHS students performed three pieces for a clinician and received professional level feedback in real time as they played. The clinician worked with the students immediately after they performed to perfect a few skills. Our students then attended a jazz improvisation clinic given by guest artist, Kirsten Edkins. Finally our students attended a concert featuring the Butler University Jazz band and Ms. Edkins. Three of our students received Outstanding Performance certificates (from the judge/clinician) for their performance that day:
• Grayson Devening - Trumpet
• Ari Porter - Alto Sax
• Evan Miller - Drums
Evan also received one of two $450 scholarships to the Butler University Summer Jazz Camp for his outstanding performance.
We are Decatur Proud of these students for their hard work and dedication!
Left to Right: Dr. Prusiecki, Evan Miller, Ari Porter, Tim Cox, Judy Collins
Not pictured: Grayson Devening
Views From Around the District
DCHS/Gleaners Food Pantry
Decatur Township Families,
Dry and fresh food items will be available for drive thru pick-up for any families with children enrolled in MSD of Decatur Township Schools!
When: Selected Thursdays 11:30AM – 12:50PM (dates below)
Where: DCHS, Door 1
How to apply: Complete the intake form below and submit! (required for each distribution date) The form must be completed by the Tuesday before the pick date. 2023 days have been updated on the google form.
Click Here to complete the form.
The first pick-up date for the new semester will be JANUARY 12th!
Mark your calendars for additional pick-up dates this semester:
January 19
February 2
February 16
February 23
March 2
March 16
April 13
April 27
May 11
Tobacco, E-Cigarette, & Vaping Diversion Program
Decatur Township School Police Department, (DTSPD), in collaboration with the Drug Free Coalition, is excited to offer a new diversion program for students found to be in possession of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and or vaping devices. DTSPD has also partnered with our local courts in an effort to minimize the use of these products and devices on our campuses. Our students, if found with the aforementioned items, would be in violation of Indiana Code 35-46-1-10.5, Minor in Possession of a Tobacco Product or an Electronic Cigarette or 7.1-5-12-8 Smoking in a Prohibited Area. Each of these would be met with an Indiana citation, also known as a “Uniform Traffic Ticket,” (UTT). When submitted to the courts, the cost of the ticket for this violation is $170.50. This is an actual ticket and will affect your license or the ability to obtain one if left unpaid.
Our objective however, is not to create financial hardship, but to have an opportunity to educate students and families on the dangers of vaping and tobacco products. Twice per month, DTSPD officers will present a 1-hour class for students who have opted to accept the terms of the diversion program. The cost of the class for a student attending alone is $75.00. If a student attends the class with a parent or guardian, the class is discounted at a cost of $25.00. Upon the completion of the class, the UTT, or citation, will not be referred to the courts, and there will be no record of the violation. A student may only participate in the program once per school year, and only twice throughout their entire school career.
2022-2023 SCHOOL FEES
Please make arrangements with your school's Treasurer to pay any fees you may owe. Or, you may pay online here.
Daily Rate $25.00
Monthly Rate $450.00
Annual Cost $4,500.00
Supply Fee $50.00
Daily Rate $10.50
Monthly Rate $189.00
Annual Cost $1,890
Supply Fee $25.00
KG - $181
Grade 1 - $186
Grade 2 - $186
Grade 3 - $181
Grade 4 - $181
Grade 5 - $181
Grade 6 - $176
$128 plus course/consumable fees (varies based on student schedule)
$118 plus course/consumable fees (varies based on student schedule)
Click HERE to sign up.