Hixson Happenings
89th Issue, October 8, 2021
Important Dates
October 8 - 20 - Book Fair
October 14 - PTO meeting in Hixson Library, 5:15 pm
October 15 - Kona Ice visit during lunches
October 19 & 20 - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm - 8pm
October 21 - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences - 9am - 4pm; NO SCHOOL for students
October 22 - NO SCHOOL
November 1 - Professional Development day - NO SCHOOL
November 24 - 26 - Thanksgiving Break
Hixson honored as a Sprout Level Missouri Green School!
I would like to send a very special thank you to Mr. Hayes for all of the amazing work that he has done so far to engage students in this important learning, including creating a Sustainability class/curriculum and our amazing garden. I am looking forward to all of the excitement and innovation that this course will generate from our students now and in the future. THANK YOU MR. HAYES!
Book Fair!
Upcoming PTO meeting
Please read the information below from the Hixson PTO!
PTO Meeting - October 14 in Hixson Library at 5:15 pm OR via Zoom
Hixson Middle School
PTO 2021-22 Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Carla Grundy and Saneta Thurmon
Co-VP: Sarah Middendorf and Eran Schuettpelz
Co-Secretaries: Cherie McCoy and Amanda Hancock
Co-Treasurer: Rebecca Dorhman and Cassie McCarthy
House Tour Co-chairs: Teresa Herrell and Karen Renner
Meetings: Second Thursday of the month--time and place TBD
PTO Email: hixsonmiddlepto@gmail.com
Family Directory: Coming soon!
Sign Up for Parent Teacher Conferences
Our virtual parent/teacher conferences will take place October 19 - 21. We are asking parents to please abide by the time limits set for conferences. Since conferences are virtual, teachers will likely have other parents in the waiting room who are waiting for their turn to talk to them. Teachers will end conferences on time so that they don't keep other parents waiting. Conferences will end promptly at 8:00 pm on October 19 and 20, and promptly at 4:00 pm on October 21. Thank you so much for understanding.
To schedule a meeting with your child’s teachers, please visit the link below.
Please note: 7th & 8th grade math, PE, and elective teachers will meet separately from the team conference. If you would like to meet with these teachers, you will need to schedule additional conferences.
You will receive a link to a Zoom meeting in your confirmation email. You will use this link to attend your conference. We will send reminders and further information regarding Zoom links closer to conference days.
In addition, please remember that the Main Office is located on the Elm parking lot, not in the back of the building that faces highway 44 (circle drive). All visitor check in, late arrivals, and early dismissals take place at the Main Entrance. Please do not enter the building from any entrance other than the Main Entrance, and of course, without an appointment.
Attendance Reminders
Reporting an Absence
Please call the office at 314-963-6450 to report an absence. Follow the prompts to speak to the appropriate staff member who will update your student's attendance.
Student Late Arrival and Early Pick Up Procedures
For students who arrive at school late and for those who are being picked up early, we will use the following procedures. Non-essential visitors will not be allowed to enter the building.
Late Arrival Procedure
Parents should not enter the building to sign their student in.
Park in front of the Main Entrance near the Library.
Your student should enter the Main Office lobby to sign in with Ms. Hicks. She will write your student a pass to class.
Students should make sure they are wearing a mask upon entering the building.
Early Pick Up Procedure
Parents should not enter the building to sign their student out.
Park in front of the Main Entrance near the Library.
Call the school office at 314-963-6450 and follow the prompts to be transferred to Ms. Finn, Hixson’s receptionist, who handles early dismissal.
Mrs. Finn will call your student to the Main Office to sign out.
Your student will exit the Main Office.
Mask Reminder
Thank you so much for supporting Hixson Middle School with reinforcing proper mask wearing!
Team & Department Newsletters
Contact Us
Email: mayes.shenita@wgmail.org
Website: https://www.webster.k12.mo.us/Hixson
Location: 630 South Elm Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Phone: 314-963-6450
Facebook: facebook.com/HixsonMiddleSchool