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Term 4 Week 7
23 November 2023
Resilience for change
Kia ora koutou (Hello everyone)
As we wait for the outcome of the coalition talks - I was struck by the similarity in part to parents waiting to hear the outcome of who their child's teacher will be for 2024. This in turn made me think of our resilience and what we can do to bolster that.
Firstly, let me talk about what is happening with classes next year. As most of you who read the last newsletter will know we are currently working on this. For the most students will stay in the same whanau that they are currently in, and simply move up or stay with the same teacher. So for example a student who is currently in Year 2, and in Room 9, will most likely stay in Room 9, with Mr Gannaway for next year. However, a Year 3 student in Room 9 will be moving to Year 4 with Mr Kay. Mrs Wotton and I will finalise the classlists next week and will then share the changes with all families.
We have a growing number of students so we are adding extra classes next year. We are in the final stages of employing staff for 2024, and will also share this with parents as soon as we have finished the process.
Secondly, there are some really important things that we as parents can do to give our students more resilience to change.
- Breathing is one of them. A few good deep breaths when we feel stressed always helps
- Exercise is another good way of getting a different perspective. For our tamariki a good bounce on a trampoline, kicking a ball or a run around the park always helps too.
- Talking about changes and expecting them - so prepare your children for things to be different - i.e. next year your teacher will be... and you will be in Room...
- Listening when our tamariki voice their thoughts - sometimes the listening is by watching their actions - so noticing that they may be slightly more tense.
- Do something that everyone enjoys!
This leads me nicely into the next exciting thing.
Next week THURSDAY we have the Marlborough's got Talent Finals Evening. Wow, what an amazingly talented bunch of akonga we have. Come and join us to celebrate their talents, but also , just to have a nice family night out. We are really looking forward to see you here.
Ngā mihi
What's coming during the holdiays?
Guess who visited the Principal's Office this week?
Breakfast Club and Reading Together
We also do have some spare Weetbix and Milk so if there are any whanau that might need something extra, please send me an email so I can send some extras home. principal@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Friends of the School - FOS
Friends of the School (FOS)
Looking to get involved in our school community? Join Friends of the School (FOS)!
We're a dynamic group of enthusiastic parents dedicated to making a positive impact.
As an FOS member, you'll connect with fellow parents, forge friendships, and expand your social circle. Together, we work with staff to organize fantastic events and raise funds for our school. By joining, you'll gain insider knowledge, receive timely event updates, and have a say in fundraising activities.
Joining our committee isn't just about making a difference; it's about having a blast too! Our energetic meetings are filled with creativity and purpose. New members are always welcome, so reach out and get involved.
Email fos@marlboroughprimary.school.nz or visit the Marlborough Primary Parent’s Facebook page for more info. Don't miss our next meeting!
Marlborough Primary School
Email: office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Website: www.marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Location: 4 Wykeham Place, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: 09 - 4810365
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marlborough-Primary-School-112129594831867
Certificates - Pōkaitahi
1 Daniel Eades Nina Tran
2 Penelope Gronberg Amanda Gacitua Cayo Jones
3 Jet McDermott Thomas Tiplady
4 Miya Mancilla Monica Nguyen
5 Indran Maya Sathesh Lian Cardinal
6 Maya Cazeiro Maiaorere Karanga Puhi
7 Mila Roukema Nairah Farooq
8 Leon Rossiter Dhea Singh Keisha Oliva
9 Serayah Patching Samuel Ritson
10 Aaric Labial Nathan Morancil Rocky Franchisco
11 Pearl Lambert Anaya Gill
12 Penelope Bensley Alaya Zaidi
13 Charlotte McClean Iunisi Vaitohi
14 Evelyn Duncan Ayesha Varona
15 Raphael Efremychev Nathan Mathis
16 Lachlan McCall Aleksandra Tikhonova Peter Jiang
17 Samaira Kaur Samuel Webber
18 Darshi Chaudhary Swecha Nalla
19 Yumi Nakashima Katie Andersen
20 Hayden Bishop Mirabel Olsen
Nate Batey
Miel Azul
Phoebe Dong
Erik Sonderegger
Zoey Li
Wolf Church
Cooper Lewis
Sophia Lee
Eddie Zu
Pawin Saisoontorn
Mikayla Mellor
NianCi Liu
Emma Needham
Aramāia Paul
Elijah Pearson
Zac Ablanida
Amelia Smorag
Mia Mcmynne
Zander Targa
Mani Shiroma Alves
Gabriel Tan
New whānau
Airen JOSE
Aiden JOSE
Enrolment applications
We are aware that some families who have students turning 5 before the end of the year, have not yet enrolled their tamariki. Please could you help us to plan for them by enrolling them early.
Our cut off for out of zone applications for Term 2 2024 is Monday4 March.
Enrolment can be done online - the link is on our website - or on paper - application packs available from the office.
If you have a wonderful tamariki that is turning 5 during 2024, please can you enrol them now to enable us to plan adequately for them.
Please contact the office if you have any queries regarding enrolment - office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Dates to remember
Term 4
Monday 9 October to Wednesday 20 December
Monday 23 October - Labour Day
Friday 27 October - Year 4-6 School Athletics
Friday 3 November - Gumboot Friday - Mufti and Gold Coin
Friday 3 November - Assembly - Takahe
Monday 13 November - Teacher only day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Thursday 16th November Year 1-3 Athletics
Friday 17th November - Assembly - Piwakawaka
Monday 20th November - Out of Zone Application - Term 1 - Close
Monday to Friday 20-24 November - Year 5/6 Noho Marae - Araperera
Friday 1st December - Assembly - Kotare
Wednesday 6th december - Year 1 - Kiwi Valley
Monday 18 December - End of Year Assemblies (Junior 9:30am; Senior 10:30am)
Monday 18 December - Year 6 Graduation (5:30pm - 7:30pm)
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of school 2023
Term 1 2024
Wednesday 7 February - Friday 12 April
Wednesday 7 February - Day 1 Term 1 2024
Friday 29 March - Tuesday 2 April Easter Weekend - SCHOOL CLOSED (Includes Tuesday)
Friday 12 April - Term ends
Term 2 2024
Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Monday 3 June - King's Birthday - School Closed
Tuesday 4 June - Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Friday 28 June - Matariki - School Closed
Term 3 2024
Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
Term 4 2024
Monday 14 October - Friday 20 December
Monday 28 October - Labour Day
Connecting in our community
Sushi Day - Sushi
· To order weekly sushi lunch, please visit www.sushiday.co.nz and if you are a new parent, you can go to the link www.sushiday.co.nz/sushi-login to register under Marlborough Primary School.
· Don’t forget – Order cut off time is 9pm (Wednesday) for THURSDAY order delivery.
· Any question, please contact Dan on yoursushiday@gmail.com or 021 339 700.
Vietnamese Summer Rolls only.
Summer rolls can be prepared in a packet of 2 pcs for $6. The ingredients are as follow.
- Rice Paper
- Mixed green salad including cabbage
- Carrots
- Capsicum
- Cucumber
- Chicken Katsu (Crumbed Chicken)
- Honey Mustard and Sweet Chilli
Please call 09-442 2040 to place your order.