LHS Update vol. 6
September 10, 2021
Inside This Edition
- 2021 Homecoming Information
- Daily Symptom Check
- COVID-19 Home Management
- LVS and Online Students
- Parhway Relocation
Homecoming Week 2021
Saturday, September 25th Homecoming Extravaganza 7:00-10:00 pm Claude Cranston Field
- There will be water and snack for sale for the students
- No heels allowed on the stadium turf.
- Guests are welcome with the appropriate guest form completed prior to the event.
- Guest passes can be picked up in the main office and need to be approved by building administrators before a ticket can be purchased.
- Tickets will be sold during lunches starting next week. Ticket cost is $15 per person September 13th -24th, and will increase to $20 per person if purchased at the gate.
- LHS students will be required to present their digital school ID for entry.
Spirit Week Daily Themes September 27th -October 1st
- Monday, September 27th - Groovy PJ Day
- Tuesday, September 28th -Tie-Dye Day
- Wednesday September 29th - Hippy Day
- Thursday, September 30th - Disco Day
- Friday, October 1st - Spirit Day Freshman White, Sophomores Grey, Juniors Red, Seniors Black
Tuesday, September 28th Senior-Junior Powderpuff Game 7-9pm Claude Cranston Field
- Presentation of gentelman's Court and Announcement of Homecoming King
- $5 entry or $10 for a family that enters at the same time
- No athletic or Senior passes allowed as this is a fundraising event.
Friday, October 1st Homecoming Parade
- Line-up on Stan Eaton by the water tower 3:45pm
- Parade starts at 4:30pm
- Senior Float -Disco
- Junior Float- Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine
- Sophomore Float- Hippy
- Freshman-Volkswagon
Friday, October 1st Football Game 7:00 pm Claude Cranston Field
- Presentation of ladies Court and Announcement of Homecoming Queen at halftime.
Daily Symptom Check Reminder
Students/parents/families are encouraged to continue to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. DO NOT send student(s) to school if symptoms (even mild symptoms) are present. Please contact your health care provider if symptoms are present. The Genesee County Health Department has defined symptoms of COVID-19 as any of the following not explained by a known medical or physical condition:
- any ONE of the following: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, new loss of taste or smell:
- at least TWO of the following: chills/sweating, sore throat, muscle pain or body aches, new onset of severe headache, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, congestion or runny nose.
For additional information. please reference the GCHD 2021-2022 COVID-19 School Toolkit
Home COVID-19 Management
LVS and online students should follow the due dates established in their online classes. The schedule identified below, provides additional guidance as to where student's progress should be throughout the remainder of the semester:
- 9/23/2021 (¼ through the semester) 25%
- 10/23/2020 (½ through the semester) 50%
- 11/24/2021 (Thanksgiving Break) 66%
- 12/10/2021 (¾ through the semester) 75%
- 12/23/2021 (Christmas Break) 92%
- 1/7/2022 (End of Semester) 100%