Penrith High Towers-Alumni
Edition Nineteen - Term 3 2022
Relieving Principal's Message
Welcome to the latest edition of Towers - Alumni. In line with what is happening in our community, this term we have seen a spike in COVID and influenza cases at the school which seem to have settled with the very welcome warmer weather.
Record Student Applications for places in Years 8-11 in 2023
Last year we shared the record number of applications we received for entry in Years 8-11 at our school. This year, we have exceeded those numbers yet again.
On 6 August, hundreds of students came to PSHS to sit the Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST) with hopes of attending our school in 2023. Our school is one of 9 Selective High Schools that share HAST results and applicants will be notified of the outcome in October, 2022. Accompanying many of those students were familiar faces of our Alumni and parents of recent Alumni. It is always a wonderful feeling to see generations of a family come through our gates - it’s always heartwarming to hear the positive experiences they have had and wish for their children and/or siblings.
My thanks extend to the selection committee, including administration staff and invigilators who help manage and implement this process.
Major Upgrades to the School Hall and other buildings
Unfortunately, at a school with a rich history, spanning 70 years, leaky roofs are something that we have had to battle at times. As such, it is exciting to share that the roofs of the school’s Hall, A block and in parts of H Block and T Block are currently being replaced.
These major works have seen a great deal of scaffolding erected, lots of room changes and some disruption to school access points.
70th Anniversary - School Tours and Luncheon
Finally, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the 70th Anniversary Committee for organising the recent luncheon. It was an awaited event and it was fantastic to see so many of you at our school tours held in the morning and then connecting over lunch. On behalf of the 12 current students present at the luncheon and their families, thank you for allowing them this opportunity to meet so many of you and hear from the Honourable Linda Burney MP and Councillor Tricia Hitchen, Mayor of Penrith - both Alumnae of Penrith Selective High School.
It was truly an event that reinforced how special it is to be a past, present or future student, staff member or community member of the school.
School Website
Finally, many pages of our school website have recently been updated including the following pages: Sport, Co-curricular and Enrichment, JRC and the Yarning Circle and Indigenous Education pages. New pages include: Hector MacGregor Field, Wendy De Paoli Art Gallery, The Penrith Podcast and Multimedia Team.
You can view these changes and additions here: https://penrith-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/
Warm regards,
Jaclyn Cush
Relieving Principal
The Honourable Linda Burney MP led the Alumni through the wonderful speeches on the day
The Organising Committee with the Hon. Linda Burney MP and the Hon. Mayor, Tricia Hitchen
Informal Moments throughout the day
Alumni Photos
Archival Memorabilia on display
The Present meets the Past
A Review from Paul Hansen from the Organising Committee
There was a constant positive vibe throughout the afternoon.
The camaraderie amongst the attendees was most evident as old friends and possibly new friends were meeting and greeting. The speeches were good in content and delivery and measured in length and contributed to making it a good day. Teachers, Students and Parents, Alumni and partners mixed seamlessly in the Paceway venue with a happy background hum all afternoon. Many people took the time to express positive feedback to me as they left late in the afternoon. I have been most pleased with the alumni committee's blend of strengths and positive attitudes and the PSHS cooperation for this weekend event; Staff and Students surrendering their precious time. The Alumni committee warmly thank all who attended this 70th Anniversary celebration.
The Speakers
All three speakers were excellent. All were connected to the school. The Honourable Linda Burney MP and the Honourable Mayor, Tricia Hitchen, were both students in the mid-1970s. Both former students now with big political agendas. Mr Mark Long is the Principal (on assignment) in 2022.
- Honourable Linda Burney MP spoke movingly of experiences of racial abuse as a young teacher and her challenges now as Minister for Indigenous Australians, to create constitutional change, emphasising the gap that persists between privileged Australians and the reality experienced by indigenous Australians that no longer can be ignored: thus the importance of truth-telling. Linda heads a Department with resolve for cultural and constitutional change in Australia. The start of this change would be a successful referendum within the first term of this parliament and growing awareness of the importance of truth-telling
- Honourable Mayor Tricia Hitchen advised of the continued crisis in the Penrith City area, being perennially second place only to Blacktown for domestic abuse in NSW, and her challenges as a Councillor to cope with the steady flood of victims. The statistic that an average of one women a week is killed by her partner or former partner is startling, but then all the statistics about domestic violence are confronting.
- Mr Mark Long spoke of the outstanding success of the PSHS curricula and the academic results in recent years making PSHS a much sort after school. This year there were 700 applications to join the school in Years 8-11 and only a handful of places were available. Plus a record number of applications for Year 7 positions making PSHS a most sort after high school in the state.
It was not the first PHS school tour we have been on but it was the best to date. Small groups of 3 with two delightful guides in Rachel and Manasa. The girls certainly showed us the old structure encased in scaffolding but also discussed the attention focusing on the well-being program and the emphasis on awareness. We finished up in the Alumni Garden looking at names on bricks for my father (Year 1933) and our children. Here we happened to meet an old mate Judith Roberts (nee Phillips) who did Year 1 in 1950. and had in her purse the very first Towers magazine protected in a soft leather binding and decorated throughout with signatures. Judy recalled playing in the trenches on the new school site that were excavated during the war and how students collected bits of The Towers building as it was demolished.
Paul Hansen '68
Judy Roberts(nee Phillips) with her original Towers 1950 on the school tour on September 10 with Vivien Hansen
Davina Donaldson's (now passed) had a very colourful Autograph section in her 1950 Towers for 1950!
Thank you from Mark Long Principal (on secondment for 2022)
Thank you to all of the committee members - Paul Hansen, Dayle Hinrichsen, Joh Dickens, Jim Mason, Doreen Davies, Greg Allchin, Derek Thompson and Harold Dulay - for stepping forward, without knowing that the time period would be as long as it turned out to be. Thank you for staying the course and ensuring that our 70th Anniversary Luncheon happened.
It was wonderful to meet and reconnect with so many people, as school visits have been very limited since the pandemic began. Our guest speakers and alumni, The Hon. Linda Burney MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians and Penrith Mayor, Councillor Tricia Hitchen shared inspiring insights about their time as students at Penrith.
To the chair of the 70th Anniversary committee, Paul Hansen, thank you for your ongoing commitment and support of the school.
Sincere thanks also to relieving Principal, Jaclyn Cush (for all that makes its way to the principal’s office), Maria Ryan (for so much coordination and organisation as always), Cathie Fayle, Maxine McNally and Lisa Roberts (for the archival displays and connections with Alumni), Doris Lee (School Tours) and Karl Serrato (Multimedia team).
The organising committee, made a generous donation to the school raised from attendees. We will mark the event and contribution on one of the bench seats in the Alumni Garden with a plaque.
Finally, thank you to our Multimedia team of students who captured the event. A collection of their images can be seen in this edition of Towers Alumni and will also be uploaded to the school’s website. We all appreciate you giving up a Saturday to ensure we have a record of this important event.
Thank you again for celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the school and given the delayed event due to COVID, the 75th celebrations are not too far away.
Warm regards,
Mark Long
Principal (on secondment for 2022)
Response from Prue Charlton - Girls Captain 1968
It was great to have some of the students of today in attendance, and to them for their interest and their contribution to the event, thank you also.
All the best,
Prue Charlton
An Original Invite to the Opening of the School (donated at the 70th Anniversary)
Alumni Night Term 2
Our current students took away so much from this experience.
See some feedback below.
Also some photos from the Multimedia Team who where there on the night.
School Functions Prefect Report
As the School Function Prefect Interns, we have been working with Mrs Fayle over the past couple of weeks as part of our 70th Anniversary Celebration to piece together Penrith’s history by connecting with Alumni and gathering items from our archives. These items are currently being displayed in the Penrith City Library and will be transferred to the 70th anniversary luncheon at Penrith Paceway on September 10.
As a follow up from Alumni Night - where years 10, 11 and 12 students sit down to speak with Alumni about their experiences since leaving Penrith High - we interviewed some students as feedback from the night.
Following are some responses.
What part of the night stood out most to you and why?
Probably talking to people who have experienced, basically what we are experiencing right now, because you get first hand information about what they did. And you can use and accumulate that to what you want to do.
How successful was the night? And did it meet your expectations?
I would say it was very successful. Definitely, because I loved meeting all the people.
What did you learn?
I guess I learnt that getting in careers and jobs is very tricky. Because there are so many components to it and you have got to start preparing earlier on.
What strategies will you implement based on the advice given by the Alumni in achieving your future goals?
They told me to take up every opportunity I can get because even if you're not completely sure about it, you're probably better still trying. And that advice really resonated with me and sometime I’m going to try and implement it.
What parts do you think could be improved?
I guess, I wish we had more time to talk to them. Because I only managed to get around to three people and there were a lot of other people I wish I could have spoken to. So I wish we could spend more time with them.
What part of the night stood out the most to you and why?
The Alumni Night was eventful, and the engagement of many students alongside the Alumni was very inspiring and a driving factor throughout the night to take advantage of this great opportunity. The amount of student involvement was one of the highlights of the night and is definitely an event that should occur again.
How successful was the night and did it meet your expectations?
In all honesty, the night exceeded my expectations and set the standards high as the first Alumni Night with my attendance. The hall was filled with enthusiastic individuals eager to learn and advise which really kept the night moving. It would’ve been amazing to speak to all the Alumni in attendance, however there was a large diversity in the group of Alumni, allowing students to reach out to their passions and interests for the future.
What did you learn?
From the various Alumni speakers, I learnt the most valuable lesson; that it won't matter if you don't know what you want to be now, or even 5 years from now because in the end, you’ll end up where you always needed to be. The only difference would be that if you do have a passion or interest that overtakes all other interests, that is what you follow because in life your occupation is your passion and not just a job for jobs’ sake.
What strategies will you implement based on the advice given by the Alumni in achieving your future goals?
The Alumni all provided great advice, all of which included using all the resources and opportunities that Penrith Selective High School provides all students. We are often unaware of the privileges we have in our school and how far our prospects can take us if we ask for help from Teachers, Alumni, Career Advisers and our fellow peers. There is so much we are still yet to uncover and learn which is why it’s important to never let a stone be unturned.
Another vital piece of advice, work hard. Put into place realistic goals, ones that are attainable for short term and long term. Do not limit yourself by placing all focus on one goal which can affect your potential as an individual. It's okay to not have a specific goal as long as it’s something small, like bettering your lifestyle in the smallest of ways, changing habits and understanding how you function as a student/individual.
What parts of the night did you enjoy and which parts need improvement?
The enjoyment was most prominent when speaking to the Alumni and being able to hear different experiences of school life, career journeys and personal lives. It’s much more calming to know that we have all asked the same questions, had the same concerns and still grown to exceed our expectations and achieve greater than our previous goals.
ALEX VELLA (Year 11)
What part of the night stood out the most to you and why?
Talking to the different people and different directions of life and seeing where school has taken them and getting life advice.
How successful was the night and did it meet your expectations?
It was good. It was very fast-paced. It was actually better than I expected. It was very good.
What did you learn from the night?
I learnt a lot about universities and careers as well as advice about schools.
What strategies will you implement based on the advice given by the Alumni in achieving your future goals?
One advice I got was trying not to stress out, there are always other ways to get what you want to do.
What part of the night did you enjoy and which parts need improvement?
There could have been more round tables so that the Alumnus could talk to each other and some students did not know which Alumnus to choose.
Angeline Kaitharath Joby
Dharani Sutharshan
Dharika Sujendran
Tanish Patil - moved on to Vice Captain
George Mikhail - moved on to School Captain
Thank you so much for sharing those photos and also inviting us back for an opportunity to share our experiences with the current students since we left.
I was a bit nervous going in but I was left really uplifted and heart warmed after the conversations I had with the students I met. I had such a warm welcome from Ms Ryan and Josh when I first arrived, and was really impressed with the other students I had a chance to speak with including Andre, Rionne, Holly, Trisha, Cassidy (and others that I've unfortunately forgotten their names, sorry!). Also, a big thank you to you and the team for organising it!
It was a lovely reminder of how proud I am to be from Western Sydney and also an Alumni of Penrith High, and I could also feel that same spirit from the students. Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can support with in the future.
Take care
The School Functions Prefects helping to coordinate memorabilia for Penrith City Library display for the 70th Anniversary
Alumni Night 2022
A Visit from Alumni 2021
Naman Tinari is studying Engineering, Aamir Jat is studying Communications and Aryan Tyagi is studying Computer Science.
Good luck boys!
Robert Cuckson
Robert Cuckson '58
Robert Cuckson is a member of the Cuckson Family who were very involved in the Arts especially around the Penrith Region. He was educated at PHS, being Dux in 1958, and also attended the NSW Conservatorium of Music and settled in New York in the mid 1960s.
Robert has held various positions at the Mannes College The New School for Music since 1971.
Since 1991 he has also taught in the Theory of Music Faculty and the Keyboard Studies Program at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia.
Robert has completed three chamber operas, and has written numerous other works for a variety of media. His music has been performed worldwide and as a pianist he has given solo recitals in London, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Sydney to name a few.
At 79 Robert is still working at what he loves and this year gave the "Keynote Address" for the Mannes Graduation Ceremony.
Below is his speech at 1:25
*some information courtesy of Wikipedia
Following is some information about Robert from his sister, Barbara.
We thank her sincerely for sending through this valuable information and the amazing photos she has added.
Below are photos of 2 programmes that the local ballet students from the Bodenwieser Ballet School at the W.E. Cuckson Factory performed for the Nepean Summer Festival celebrations at the PHS auditorium, 1960 and 1969. (Barbara on front of second cover) The group performed regularly around the district.
Robert played the piano for the ballet classes and performances for some years. Robert's sisters, Barbara and Margaret, both danced in these programmes, as did other PHS girls.
Next photograph of Robert at the piano on stage, at the first class held in the canteen of the factory, in Feb 1954.
The factory also gave birth to, and housed, the Nepean Concert Orchestra, under the baton of local identity Lance Jeffrey. Barbara and Robert both played in the original orchestra. Photo of Robert with viola, next to Doris Jeffery, Lance's wife.
Additional photos, Robert, age about 18, about to leave Sydney for piano studies in UK, 1960.
Wedding reception, at Watson's Bay with wife, pianist, May Yang, 1969.
Robert, May and their daughter, Miranda Cuckson, who is now a well known New York violinist, in about 1976.
Robert is at present still teaching and living in NY USA, where he is Professor of Techniques of Music at Mannes New School and Curtis University.
In 2015 he was awarded a Distinguished Teaching Award.
Mike Smith Class of '60
In liaising with Michael Smith, he has many fond memories from his time at Penrith High School.
Below is but one.
A Memory
A common theme shared by Alumni in the Newsletter has been how lucky we were to have such good teachers. I can agree with that wholeheartedly.
Watching a French movie on SBS recently, I was reminded of our 1960 Leaving Certificate French class, and our wonderful teacher, Vilma Giudici. She was young, enthusiastic and inspirational. Vilma encouraged us to go beyond the standard curriculum, and I recall many discussions about the French Existentialism movement, and writers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. She brought in current French magazines so that we could extend our vocabulary and understand contemporary French culture. One was Paris Match, but there were others.
Vilma also organised for us, at weekends, to visit the art-house cinemas in Sydney to see French movies. One that I remember was a re-mastered copy of Jean Cocteau’s La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast). The special effects are very dated in the current era of Green Screen and computer animation, but they had a surreal quality that was cutting edge at the time. So much so that when I saw a DVD copy a few years ago, I immediately bought it.
Because of Vilma’s influence, we had a very cohesive French class. For several years after leaving school, we continued to meet from time to time with Vilma and her husband, Jean-Pierre. That must have been for at least three years, because my girlfriend (later my wife, Wendy) also came to the reunions. Then, finally, we all went our separate ways.
But the memories remain.
Michael Smith
Leaving Certificate Class 1960
Michael Smith (2nd from left Front Row)
23 FLIGHT - A.T.C.
L.A.C. (Leading Air Cadet) Michael Smith third from left Back Row
Point of Interest
Michael has told me that Miss Giudici also encouraged her classes to try their hands at writing poems in French. After some persuasion Michael reluctantly agreed to have his poem included that was published in the 1960 Towers Magazine.
Thank you Michael!
Cathie Fayle
Editor PSHS Towers-Alumni Newsletter; PSHS Monthly Newsletters
Luke Boyes 2021 Follow up
He finished in 8th place in his heat, just missing his PB.
In addition, in the Penrith Valley Sports Foundation Presentation Night which is sponsored by Penrith Panthers League Club, Luke was recognised twice. In November 2021 he was named the Senior Sports Star of the Month in Athletics and has gone on to be named the Senior Sports Star of the Year for 2021-2022.
Congratulations Luke!
A Blast from the Past....
1973 1st Eight win Champion School Trophy
Considering Sydney Boys High and Telopea Park crews only rowed Eights while Penrith rowed Fours then joined up for the Eights was a pretty special effort.
L-R Ken Moran, Paul Harley, Mick Flowers, Harry Liedke, Paul Kenny(Cox), Geoff Jones, Steve Foote, Dean Bonventi, Doc Rylance(Coach) and Pete Wilson.
Dean Bonventi
Are you in this photo in 1986??
School Captains Book in Celebration of our 70th Anniversary
We are proud to announce that the first edition of the school's Captains Book is now available for purchase. Please follow the instructions below to order your copy now.
Price: $40 - Please pay on the website under Make a Payment (in the top right of the home page)
Note- you will need to fill out the questions marked in an asterisk *
Keep a record of your payment
Postage within Australia will be free. Contact the school with proof of purchase and mailing address.
For overseas mail, you will need to contact the school and emails/calls can be directed to Lisa Howarth in the Accounts Office.
Nonetheless, we would still like to hear further from the Captains that are not in edition one.
Photo courtesy of The Vietnam War Experience by Gerry & Janet Souter 2008
Would you like to be recognised on PHS Defence Force Service Honour Board? Or, have your friend or relative recognised who attended PHS?
The servicemen and woman shown are a few whose names have been recognised or are on the list to be updated.
If you are interested please email the school on: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Attention Cathie in the library for further details
NOTE: the school was not established until 1950 so bear this in mind
In addition, if the Alumni listed below could also reach out to update some details:
Harry Grimes
Jason Peterson
Stephen Thompson
Brian Carney
Alan Ormerod
David Stevens
Ian Dickens
Penrith Selective High School
Email: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: penrith-h.schools.nsw.gov.au
Location: 158-240 High Street, Penrith NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 4721 0529
Facebook: facebook.com/penrithselectivehighschool