Anderson Weekly News 9/18/23
You are part of our TEAM!
Anderson Schools is excited to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month which is celebrated nationally from September 15 through October 15.
Hispanic Heritage Month exists to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of Hispanic Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. We celebrate those who have contributed to our shared history and championed and inspired all to achieve success.
Dates to Remember (Click the baseball icon to the right for a digital calendar you can sync with your phone.)
- Wed. Sept 20th Tekakwitha Woods Walk during PE classes
- Wed, Sept. 27th - Early Release - Students are dismissed at 2:10 PM.
- Fri Sept 29th Kick-a-thon at St. Charles East High School 5 - 8:00 pm
- Tues Oct 3rd PTO meeting 7pm (more info below)
- Wed Oct 4th Walk (and Roll) to School Day
- Wed Oct 4th PTO Dine out - McAlisters 10:30am-9pm (more info below)
- Thurs Oct 5th NO SCHOOL / Parent Teacher Conference 8:00 am -8:00 pm
- Thurs Oct 5th Epic Air Jump Jam (PTO fundraiser) 4-8pm (more info below)
- Fri Oct 6th NO SCHOOL/ Parent Teacher Conference 8:00 - 12:00 pm
- Mon Oct. 9th No School (Columbus Day)
- Wed 18th Tekakwitha Woods Walk During PE
- Fri October 20th School Improvement Day
- Sat Oct 21st PTO Trunk or Treat Event 1-3pm (more info below)
- Wed Oct 25th Early Release - 2:10 Dismissal
- Tus. Oct. 31st. Halloween Classroom Parties 2:25-2:55 PM
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 5th from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Friday, October 6th from 8 a.m .- Noon.
Beginning on September 22nd at 8:00 a.m. through October 2nd at 11:59 p.m, Parents/Guardians may log into PickATime to schedule an in-person or a Zoom conference. (See directions below)
This is an opportunity for students, parents/guardians, and teachers to focus on setting meaningful goals. Teachers will be working with students to review their strengths and areas of improvement prior to the conference. Students will then set goals and brainstorm ideas to reach those goals which will be shared at his or her conference or before.
In order to prepare for these conferences, please reflect on this school year so far.
- What has been a success for your child?
- What has been a challenge?
- How can you support your child with reaching his or her goals?
The conferences will conclude with time for questions that you may have for your child or the teacher.
Home Access Center
First, login to your HAC account.
- Register (new users)
Enter your email address and push "Login/Create Account".
Fill in the required fields and register.
- Sign In - If you have previously registered, all you need to do is enter your email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can select the Forgot Password button and a new password will be emailed to you.
- Once you are logged into HAC, click on the Home icon ‐> School Links tab ‐> Parent‐Teacher Conference Scheduler
Identify your Student(s)
For each child, enter in the two prompts that your school requires. They typically are a student ID and birthdate (Unless your school specifies otherwise enter the birthdate in the following format mm/dd/yy).
You will then encounter a drop-down menu offering the option of In-Person or Virtual for your meeting choice. Once you select your choice the teachers who are offering that meeting option will appear. You can continue to toggle between both options while you book.
Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you which teacher corresponds to which color, and the times increase as you go down the page. (Note: you will not see all of the teachers at your school, just your own child's teacher)
Click on a square to book that time
Click "Create Appointment"
At any time you can click on "printable schedule" and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule. You will also have the option to email your schedule to yourself.
If you want to make changes to your schedule, you can log in at any time with the email address and password you used to create your account.
- Click on “Your Schedule” to display and hide your appointments. There will be links to change the time or cancel the appointment.
- To cancel your appointment from the desktop, select the "Your Schedule" option and then select the Cancel button next to your appointment.
- To cancel your appointment from a mobile phone, select the green menu option to the left of your name. Then select the green Your Schedule option to see your appointments. You will need to scroll to the right- hand side to see the Cancel button.
What about Specials Teachers?
If you would like to schedule a conference with one or more of the Special Area Teachers, (PE, Art, Music, Empower,) please contact that teacher directly to set up a time to meet.
Music: breena.lanphier@d303.org
Art (Thursday Mornings) katherine.smith@d303.org
Empower: tanya.hernandez@d303.org
PTO Monthly Meeting - All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend!
Join the PTO for some FUN and FUNdraisers!
District 303 is pleased to present its lineup of Parent Education sessions for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Parent Education series (formerly Parent University) includes informational meetings and workshops intended to empower parents and guardians to support their children’s academic, social and emotional needs. Become informed on specialized topics, engage in two-way dialogue with speakers and fellow parents, and become a support resource for others.
Sessions for this school year will focus on bullying prevention, addressing anxiety, and include film screenings and discussions about the impact of screen time and cultural awareness. The schedule also includes college preparation workshops hosted by our high schools. Sessions were selected based in part on feedback from District 303 parents.
Explore the full lineup of sessions here. Signup forms for each session will be made available closer to the session dates. New this year, you can also register for Parent Education notifications and receive alerts as new information and session recaps become available.
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300