MHS School Counseling Newsletter
Semester two is here!
Post-Secondary Planning
For Seniors
Seniors, we will be sending your mid-year grades to colleges this week. You do not need to do anything on your end in order to request this. On the Common App, grades will be uploaded through the mid-year report. For any schools that are not on the Common App, we will be sending mid-year grades directly to the schools' admissions offices via email.Please check out our Scholarship Resource List. This document has a ton of information about where to start when applying for scholarships. We are currently working on updating the local Maynard scholarship application and it will be available later this month. We will be going into senior classrooms to talk to students about it at that point.
MEFA Resources
Now that many students have sent in their college applications for admission and financial aid, you should be receiving decisions and financial aid award packages. The MEFA After the College Acceptance Webinar provides valuable guidance for high school seniors who have received their college acceptance letters and financial aid offers and are trying to make the college decision.
- This webinar will be held live on March 11th from 12-1pm, March 30th from 6:30-7:30pm, and April 13th from 6:30-7:30pm
- A pre-recorded version of the webinar is available here along with slides from the presentation
MEFA has shared a handful of helpful blog posts recently:
- What is the Effect of Retirement Savings on Financial Aid? explains how retirement accounts are calculated in the financial aid formula
- Communicating Special Circumstances with the Financial Aid Office reviews what students need to know about sharing updates with the financial aid office
- College Savings and Financial Aid answers frequently asked questions related to college savings and financial aid
For Juniors
Juniors, we will be coming into your classrooms at the end of March to talk to you all about beginning the post-secondary planning process. In the meantime, here are a few things to get you started!
- Sign up for the SAT - upcoming dates are 3/12 (registration deadline 2/11), 5/1 (registration deadline 4/8), and 6/4 (registration deadline 5/5)
- Sign up for the ACT - upcoming dates are 4/2 (registration deadline 2/25), 6/11 (registration deadline 5/6), and 7/16 (registration deadline 6/17)
- Start prepping for the SAT! If you haven't already done so, link your College Board account with Khan Academy for a free, personalized study guide to the SAT
- Sign up for the Shrewsbury HS SAT Prep Course. The course will begin the week of February 7th and run through the week of March 28th. Participants may choose between Monday and Thursday evening classes. Classes will meet remotely from 5:30pm to 8:30pm for a total of seven night sessions. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. The course is open to juniors and seniors. To reserve a spot, return the completed application form and payment to Jennifer Williams at Shrewsbury HS (more info and the application are attachments)
- Attend the SERF College Fair at Sudbury HS on March 19th! Virtual seminars will also take place leading up to the fair. More information can be found here
- Continue researching colleges through in-person and virtual tours
We are working on updating the 2022-2023 program of studies for viewing. Once that is available it will be uploaded to the MHS website and shared in our news and notes. More information to come soon!
Additional Resources
Helping Our Kids Thrive - Child Mind Institute
It’s common for kids to question their gender identity or sexual orientation, but the process can be difficult and confusing — for kids and their parents. What’s the best way to support a child who’s unsure of their identity? How do you show up for them while dealing with your own big emotions? And what if they’re in serious distress along the way? The most important thing is to offer them unconditional love and support, no matter where their questions take them.
Here are some helpful articles from the Child Mind Institute. If you would like further resources or support please contact your student's School Counselor.
Tips for Communicating with Your Teen
How to Support Kids Who Are Questioning
Transgender Kids and Dysphoria
Transgender Children: A Mother's Story
Teen Support Group
The Worcester Family Resource Center will be running a Teen Support Group on February 23 from 11am-12pm via zoom. Students ages 13-17 are welcome to join the session for several games and a discussion about mental health during the pandemic. Participants will be allowed to share personal experiences and have a chance to bond with others who might be feeling the same way. Participants will be given tips and tricks on how to maintain a positive headspace and leave with some useful tools to cope during these unprecedented times.
Please reach out with interest by February 17th by contacting Mahly Alejandro at malejandro@sevenhills.org or (508) 796-1411 or Colleen O'Brien at (508) 796-0117 with referrals or questions.
MHS School Counseling
Amy Petroskey apetroskey@maynard.k12.ma.us (978) 897-8891 ext. 3210
Dana MacPhee dmacphee@maynard.k12.ma.us (978) 897-8891 ext. 3105
Soteria Zouzas szouzas@maynard.k12.ma.us