MTSS Family Newsletter
March 2023
MTSS Vision
Students of Chesaning Union Schools are engaged in a positive comprehensive school-wide system of tiered, high-quality instruction and supports resulting in student mastery of all standards. This is achieved through ongoing educator collaboration, family and community partnerships, professional learning, data-driven decision making, monitoring student progress, and evaluating outcomes of the whole child.
Highlights of MTSS Supports in Place
Universal Screening
Universal screening data for reading, math, and social-emotional behavioral skills informs teams of the need for student interventions. Our district univeral screeners are NWEA Growth for Math and Reading and SAEBRS (Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener), which are provided to students three times per year. Daily classroom performance, attendance, and other at-risk indicators support intervention decisions.
Delta Math RtI (Response to Intervention)
Initially determined by student performance on the NWEA Growth for Math and classroom-level performance data, students in 7th and 8th grade math enrichment classes are utilizing the Delta Math RtI Program. This program provides a readiness assessment, Tier 3 screener, standards-based reports, progress monitoring, and instructional support for Tier 2 interventions. Students receive this support daily. Data is used to determine how many weeks students stay in the program and when they are ready for the additional support to be removed.
Phonological Awareness and Phonics Intensive Interventions
At Big Rock Elementary, NWEA information is used to determine if students are in need of additional, extensive assessments for phonics or phonological awareness (or both). These extensive assessments provide information on the intervention students will receive to support critical foundational skills. Content mastery and general outcome measure progress monitoring tools are used to monitor student response to the interventions.
Social Emotional Learning Competencies (from CASEL and Wingsforkids.org)
- Self-awareness: Understanding your emotions and thoughts and how they influence your behavior. Skills include: identifying emotions, self-perception, recognizing strengths, self-confidence, and self-efficacy.
- Self-management: The ability to regulate your emotions and behaviors in different situations and to set and work toward goals. Skills include: executive function and self-regulation, stress-management, and self-discipline.
- Responsible decision making: The ability to make positive choices and take responsibility for positive and negative outcomes. Skills include: identifying problems, analyzing situations, solving problems, and reflection.
- Social awareness: The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others. Skills include: empathy, appreciating differences, and respect.
- Relationship skills: The ability to establish and maintain healthy and meaningful relationships with others. Skills include: communicating clearly, listening, cooperation, resisting negative pressure, resolving conflicts, and supporting one another.
Resources to Check Out
SEL Toolkit for Parents
This resource describes the components of social and emotional learning with examples and videos along with parenting tips to support children in the development of their competencies.
Chesaning Schools MTSS Webpage
Please check out our district MTSS webpage for updated information about academic, social emotional, and health-related supports.
Kindness 101 Videos
These videos, from CBS News, share many traits within the SEL competencies under the theme of kindness. Several staff members and students have been viewing these heartwarming stories.
Health and Wellness
Strep Throat Information
Strep throat has been on the rise. Please see this information from the CDC to protect you and your loved ones: https://www.cdc.gov/groupastrep/diseases-public/strep-throat.html#protect-yourself
Step Up & BWell
Have you registered your child for our county-wide health competition? Your child(ren) in grades K-12 are eligible to sign up for Step Up & BWell – a new program in Saginaw County public schools to encourage healthy exercise and eating habits. After registering, your child(ren) will
track their daily minutes of exercise and earn “stars” for other healthy behaviors such as eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding sugary beverages and junk food.
Communication Survey
The District Implementation Team continues to be focused on providing effective communication to help support each school’s use of MTSS. We would like to hear from you about the effectiveness of our communication regarding MTSS. The data will be used by the District Implementation Team to refine our communications and improve how effectively we communicate to you! Please fill out the survey below: