Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ April 13, 2020
Happy Monday Oak Grove!
Oak Grove Board of Education Meeting Update
Due to Governor Pritzker's "Stay at Home" Executive Order, the Oak Grove Board of Education's meeting(s) scheduled for next Tuesday, April 21st, will be held remotely. Both the Committee of the Whole meeting and the Regular board meeting will be held electronically. Details of how you may access the meeting are still being finalized, but will be posted on the school's website, e-mailed to all Oak Grove families before the meeting, and shared in next week's Oak Grove News.
Public comment will still be accepted. If you would like to share comment with the Board of Education, please e-mail it to BOTH Dr. Lonny Lemon at lemon@ogschool.org and Board President, Dr. Tony Giamis at giamis@ogschool.org, no later than 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 21st, 2020.
Normal board procedures will apply, covering length of allowable comments, and limits to public comment. Dr. Giamis will read all submitted public comments during the appropriate agenda item. Thank you.
Attention Noetic Math Content Participants
All 4th - 8th grade students who signed up to take the Noetic Math Contest should have received your login and password via e-mail from Mrs Phillips. Just a reminder to login and take the math contest online anytime between April 9 - 23rd. E-mail: phillips@ogschool.org or clement@ogschool.org if you have questions.
Extended Day 20/21 Registration
I hope you all have been staying safe and healthy; all of us at Extended Day truly miss you and hope to see you all soon!
Parents, that time of year has come again to get those registration forms in for the 2020-21 school year. Please visit the school website, and click on the Extended Day link, which is located under the tab "About".
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at: rendon@ogschool.org.
Thank you!
Mr. Rob
Don't Forget to Take Care of YOU!
Multicultural Committee
We hope that many of our Oak Grove families have been enjoying reading Wishtree, a story of community, friendship, kindness and inclusion. If you haven't viewed it already, here is a special message just for Oak Grove from the award-winning author, Katherine Appelgate. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wksv6jeXRx8uorLIjifV2y1aRjgP3UbW/view
We know that this is an overwhelming time as we juggle work, e-learning, parenting, uncertainty, etc. If you cannot manage to read Wishtree with your children now, please do not worry or stress about it. We hope that you find a time to enjoy this story when it is right for your family. The novel is one the entire family can appreciate — short chapters, animal characters and pictures for the little ones and a meaningful message for the bigger kids.
If you are reading along now, fantastic! Please continue to look for updates from Ms. Kiefer through SeeSaw. Each chapter has also been posted on every e-Learning page, K-8, if your family would like to listen to the story. The readers have represented members of the staff, but we have lots of exciting MYSTERY READERS coming up for the end of the story. Don't forget to sign up for the virtual Wishtree family trivia night happening at the end of April, if you haven't already! Here is the link to register for Trivia Night. We are only taking the first 25 teams.
Stay healthy & when you are out for walks, look for the beautiful artwork of our students. Trees are posted in windows, illustrated by students K-8! Get excited for our very own WISHTREE to be planted by ELAN Landscaping this spring!
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
This morning marks the beginning of our fourth week of remote learning. In that time, we have learned so much about creating work spaces that work and don’t work at home, we’ve learned how to host Google Meet meetings with two people and one hundred people, and I’m still learning that I don’t really NEEd to go to the store everyday (even though I may want to).
With all of that learning happening, it’s also great to see all of our teachers working together even while far apart to craft the best remote learning plans possible with high expectations and focusing on our priority standards to move into spring reinvigorated for student growth.
On Thursday, the teachers spent their day, collaborating, brainstorming and problem solving to ensure that we continue to organize our remote learning plans to be authentic and productive opportunities for students while allowing them to gain new skills, and still maintaining the knowledge they have gained throughout the school year. As you can see in the picture, we did manage to make a 101 person Google Meet work! Go OGS :)
For the complete set of guidelines we are following during our remote learning period, see the website link. It’s the first link under the Parent Resource Section called “Remote Learning Overview Plan”.
PTO News
A Note from the PTO Presidents
We want to take a moment to thank our students, families, teachers and administration for your commitment, hard work, compassion, and patience. Our community has remained strong and we will get through this together.
Our priority during this time must be the health and safety of our students, families and the OGS staff. As we continue to monitor impacts to upcoming PTO related activities and events, we are evaluating all alternatives to continue as many activities as possible as well as considering virtual formats, but this may not always be an option. Some tough decisions may have to be made. Information will continue to be shared as we know more details over the upcoming weeks.
The PTO Board is also working hard to make sure we continue to support our school and students during this unprecedented time. While our students are at home doing remote/e-learning, we must continue to support our families and teachers more than ever. Due to these current circumstances with COVID-19 and the school closure, the PTO is not able to meet and therefore actively accept/review new funding requests. However, there are additional resources our teachers will need to support our students during the next 30-60 days. The PTO has therefore developed a weekly application process for PTO funding requests specifically supporting Remote Learning/E-Learning. Each week the PTO Executive Board will have an Emergency Meeting to review and vote on requests to support immediate remote learning/e-learning needs to be implemented starting the following week.
We must continue to stay positive and support each other within our OGS community. Please also continue to support our local businesses as much as you can, as they have always been there to support Oak Grove School.
Feel free to email us with any questions at julieCkovach@gmail.com and sandersL7@hotmail.com. Thank you for your continued support and please take care.
Laura Reutzel and Julie Kovach
PTO Co-Presidents
Variety Show
Based on the current situation and consideration of all options, we are sad to share that the Variety Show will unfortunately be cancelled this year. This was not an easy decision. We want to thank all of the 5-8th grade students who signed up to try out this year. Thank you to the staff lined up to help with tryouts and the show, and the 8th grade teachers for participating in our emcee tryouts. Congratulations to our 8th grade emcees, Kylie Hughes, Henry Calsin, Charlotte Tomlinson and Sofia Tijunelis. We always look forward to seeing our students shine on stage and we are sorry we won’t get to see you perform this year.
Scholastic Book Fair
There have been requests from parents, wishing to purchase books during Oak Grove and the community's closing. We are hoping that this Scholastic "online" fair will help fill this need.
- The online fair will be accepting orders April 6th-19th.
- Every order over $25 qualifies for free shipping (books only) and is delivered directly to your home.
- This is not a PTO fundraiser; however, each purchase from this online book fair earns our school scholastic dollars for books!
Please https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/ogschool to shop.
Please contact Jen Tippett at tippettjennifer1@gmail.com with any questions.
Video Links - PTO Virtual Assembly with Heather’s Gym
Thank you to all our OGS Eagles who joined us live with Heather’s Gym last week!
You can still access the virtual assembly videos on YouTube via Heather’s Gym.
K-3 Virtual Workout with Heather’s Gym
4-8 Virtual Workout with Heather’s Gym
A huge thank you to Shellie Fahy for organizing, Heather’s Gym, & our very own OGS personal trainers, Sarah Roe & Kristin Sorensen, for making our first virtual assembly a HUGE success!
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120