Superintendent Update
A Message From Mr. Tim Reeves
August 26, 2022
Wayland Union Schools Families,
We are very excited to have started the 2022-2023 school year and welcome students and staff back to the buildings for our first week of school.
I have been able to visit each of our school buildings during arrival and dismissal times and I can tell students are already getting back into the school routine.
Speaking of first days back, our entire district staff attended Capturing Kids Hearts training last week Wednesday and Thursday. In short, Capturing Kids Hearts is a nationally recognized program that focuses on creating connections with students which will in turn encourage each and every student to work toward achieving their personal best. All of our staff members were actively engaged in this training and this week I saw them applying what they learned with our students from the moment they step on the bus or walk in the door of their building.
A Few Reminders
Lunch & Food Service - Universal breakfast/lunch for all students ended at the close of last year. The federal/state grants for these programs have stopped and we are now returning to our previous pricing for food service. Free/reduced breakfast and lunch are available for those that complete the application process and qualify.
Busing - We had a busing issue this week with a kindergarten student who fell asleep and missed their stop. This incident was a good reminder to make sure you have completed the annual review of information for your student(s) so the school and transportation departments have the correct information for your family. If you have not done so already, please be sure to complete your annual online registration. If your address (or any other contact information) changes during the school year, it is very important to update your information in the Parent Portal so we have the most current contact information for your family. Having technology issues? Contact helpdesk@waylandunion.org for assistance.
Labor Day Break - While we just started the school year and are happy to have students back, the Labor Day break is right around the corner. Our district will be closed Friday, Sept. 2 to Monday, Sept. 5, reopening for a full day on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
We're Hiring! - Wayland Union Schools is looking for substitute teachers, aides, bus drivers, coaches, and food service staff. If you are looking for employment, please visit the employment section of our district website: https://waylandunion.org/departments/employment
Covid Practices - There are no mask mandates for students this school year. That said, the CDC and our local Allegan County Health Department have released guidance as it relates to best practices for Covid. If your student tests positive, please contact your student's school office as soon as possible and be prepared to share with them either the date when your student's symptoms started or the date when they tested positive. Please refer to the following
guidance from the CDC and ACHD pertaining to COVID-19 and exposure.
Isolation Guidance: Students, teachers & staff who test positive for COVID-19 and/or display
COVID-19 symptoms should isolate regardless of vaccination status:
- Stay home and isolate for 5 days; and
- If asymptomatic, monitor for symptoms for days 0 - 10 and isolate for days 0-5 (day "0" is day symptoms begin or day the test was taken for those without symptoms); and
- If symptoms have improved or no symptoms developed, return to school, while wearing a well-fitted mask, for days 6 -10 (5 additional days); or
- Stay home for days 0 - 10 if unwilling/unable to wear a mask. (If you have a fever, stay home until you are fever free for a period of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.)
Exposure Guidance: ACHD is following the current COVID-19 exposure guidance recommendations:
- During days 1-10 following exposure:
- Watch for symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other COVID-19 symptoms.
- Wearing a high-quality mask around others while indoors for 10 days is suggested.
- Test 5 days after exposure. If symptoms develop, test immediately and isolate until receiving test results. If they test positive, then follow isolation recommendations. For the full 10 days after last exposure, avoid people who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease.
Fall sports have started! We have had home events for boys soccer, girls volleyball, girls golf, and cross country; boys tennis is home next week. Tonight, we have our first home football game against Hopkins! Come and check out some home athletic events when you can. As a reminder, we have switched to a new online ticketing process, information for how to purchase your tickets is available on our district website.
Thanks again for a great start to the school year. If ever there is anything you would like to discuss with me, please feel free to call my office at 269-792-2181.
Thank you.
Tim Reeves
Wayland Union Schools, Superintendent