West End News
Dec. 5, 2022
It is hard to believe that it is December! We will be out for the holiday break before you know it! In the meantime, we have a lot planned for the next 2 weeks. Please be sure to read through the information below.
Please note.....We will dismiss at 11:10 a.m., Friday, December 16.
Have a wonderful week!
Angie Garrison, Ed.D.
West End's Mission: Our West End Community maximizes students’ potential by providing instruction that builds our students’ knowledge, strengthens their skills, and develops in them career-ready characteristics for success in an ever-changing world.
It's Computer Science in Education Week!
Don't miss school in December! We are having some fun days to show your holiday spirit! See chart below!
News from the Library
Celebrate Computer Science Education Week with these great books available in the library! As your child earns their "hour of code" this week, they can check out books about coding to read more!
Officer Holcombe's Heroes
K4- Sara Manley
K5-Zamiria Rowe
1st- Philip Short
2nd- Cassidy Shapiro
3rd- Kylan Maxie
4th-Jordan Durham
5th-Serenity Scruggs
Mrs. Simpson sent a $10 Ingles gift card home with your child before Thanksgiving! Thanks for having your child to school on time! We will reward more families before Christmas.
West End Teacher of the Month Nomination Form
Check it Out! Math Kangaroo Competition
Math Kangaroo (http://mathkangaroo.org) is an international math competition that presently engages more than 6 million students in grades 1-12 around the world. In the US participation has been increasing exponentially since the early 2000s and we would like to extend this opportunity to students in Upstate SC. The contest is based on a 75 minute multiple choice test, with 24 questions for students up to grade 4 and 30 questions for grades 5 and up. This event will take place on the Clemson campus on March 16, 2023 at 6PM. Every participant receives from the organizers a small gift bag, so the registration must be done individually for each student by parents at http://mathkangaroo.org/mk/registration.html, from late September to December 15, 2022 A registration fee of $21 is required.
Please make all inquiries to Dr. Jason Brown at Clemson University (brown6@clemson.edu, 864-656-1217).
Are you connected to your child's teacher on Schoology?
Absences, Tardiness, and Excuses
Please remember to turn in an excuse for each day your child misses school. Doctor’s notes, parent notes, emails, texts, and Schoology messages to the teacher all serve as excuses. Please note, doctor’s notes are required after the 10th absence. If a child accumulates 3 consecutive or 5 total unexcused absences, an Attendance Intervention Plan conference will need to be held. Continued absences could result in additional conferencing and/or referral to the district for truancy…leading to possible Court Order for attendance. This includes being at school on time each day. Students tend to perform better when they maintain a routine schedule and begin the day with their classmates.
Student Chromebooks
Student devices are in use by all students. Kindergarten uses Chromebook tablets in their classrooms. Help us to encourage students to take care of and protect their devices in order to keep then working properly all school year. This includes taking care of chargers and cases as well. Remember lost or damaged items can incur a fee to replace them. If you have not already, please sign in to your My School Bucks account to pay the $25 tech fee that is required of all School District of Pickens County students.
My School Bucks Link
Have you applied for free or reduced lunch?
"Families Diving Deep" -Opportunities for West End Families Throughout the Year
Any SDPC student who tests positive for COVID will need to enter their information on the SDPC Student COVID Reporting Form.
Students who test positive will need to quarantine for 5 days. At this time, there is no contact tracing. Siblings will not have to quarantine unless they are having symptoms or test positive.
Please let us know if you have questions. We hope everyone stays well!
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West End News
Email: angiegarrison@pickens.k12.sc.us
Website: http://wes.pickens.k12.sc.us/
Location: Easley, SC, USA
Phone: 864-397-2500
Facebook: facebook.com/westendelem
Twitter: @westendelem