GKHS Counseling Digest
Staying Connected to Your Support Network
Your Counseling Team
Danielle Melvin (A-Col), dmelvin@bethelsd.org
Brad Hostak (Com-Gra), bhostak@bethelsd.org
Megan Wardle (Gre-La), mwardle@bethelsd.org
Jennie Colgan (Le-Pam), jcolgan@bethelsd.org
Jodi Greyeyes (Pan-Sol), jgreyeyes@bethelsd.orgMike Stallman (Som-Z), mstallman@bethelsd.org
Katie Kimball, Social Worker, ckimball@bethelsd.org
Kelly Woyak, Career Specialist, kwoyak@bethelsd.org
Emmalee Kronoff, Career Counselor, ekronoff@bethelsd.org
Email: counselorname@bethelsd.org
Website: https://www.bethelsd.org/domain/4719
Location: 22100 108th Ave E, Graham, WA, USA
Phone: 253-800-6100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Graham-Kapowsin-Counseling-Center-363437170733154/
In this issue...
- Important Senior Information
- Salvation Army Food Pantry on WEDNESDAY
- Self Care & Advocacy
- Tech Issues
- Running Start update
- Important information from the CAREER CENTER
- Mental Health Resources
- District Meals in Motion
Town Hall Meeting with Mr. Yarkosky
Tuesday, April 21st at 2:30pm
Wednesday, April 22nd at 1:00pm
Seniors and Parents, please check you email for the Zoom links for two Town Hall Meeting opportunities with our Principal, Mr. Yarkosky. Both meetings will be the same, so you only need to attend one, whichever works best for you! He will be giving updates as well as fielding some questions and concerns.
Decision Day & Senior Awards Night
Seniors will be asked to fill out a form entitled "Decision Day & Senior Awards Night 2020." This is the form we will use to collect information for both events. Please be on the lookout for it!
Shower the Seniors FB page
Our amazing parent and staff community have started an opportunity to Adopt a Senior! Please go to the Facebook page and post Senior pictures of your Senior, along with a summary of their plans. https://www.facebook.com/groups/694047981362655/
You can also join the GKHelp Instagram page...for all students & parents!
Salvation Army Food Pantry on Wednesday
Tech Issues?
Running Start Update
Running Start at Pierce College - A new process for placement in the Running Start program at Pierce College is being developed. More information will be coming in the next couple of weeks. The new steps and placement information will be posted in this newsletter soon. New student course registration begins on June 1.
Current Running Start Students at Pierce College - EVF’s will be accepted beginning April 27. Contact your counselor to get your EVF. Course registration begins May 19.
From the Career Center
IGNITE panels for Girls interested in STEM Careers
Girls interested in exploring STEM careers, these panels are made up of professional women from local tech companies we all know and love, like Amazon, Microsoft, Pacific Science Center, Adobe and more! Hear their stories, how they got into the tech field, and the advice they might offer to prep for these types of careers. Two panels this week, both Tuesday and Thursday! Here's the link to sign up. https://www.igniteworldwide.org/virtual-panels/
March & May SAT Refunds Coming
In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, College Board canceled the May 2, 2020, SAT and SAT Subject Test administration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled for March 28) were also canceled. Students who already registered for May, whose March test centers were closed, or who do not receive March scores because of any irregularities will receive refunds.
June SAT and SAT Subject Test Administration
To keep students safe, and in alignment with public health guidance and school closures across 192 countries, we will not be able to administer the SAT or SAT Subject Tests on June 6, 2020.
Future SAT Administrations, Including September
If it’s safe from a public health standpoint, we’ll provide weekend SAT administrations every month through the end of the calendar year, beginning in August. This includes a new administration in September and the previously scheduled tests on August 29, October 3, November 7, and December 5.
Students can register for these administrations starting in May. We’ll contact students directly when we have the exact date. Eligible students can register with a fee waiver.
For each administration, we’re preparing to significantly expand our capacity for students to take the SAT once schools reopen. We’re calling on our member schools and colleges, as well as local communities, to provide additional test center capacity so every student who wants to take the SAT can do so.
Students can get early access to register for August, September, and October if they’re:
- Already registered for June
- In the high school class of 2021 and don’t have SAT scores
FAFSA, WASFA & College application help
How Are You Doing?
Richie Donlavage, Military & Family Life Counselor
Due to the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, MFLC and Child and Youth Behavioral MFLCs (CYB-MFLCs) will be able to temporarily provide telehealth services to you and your children. These services include video and telephonic (VTC) non-medical counseling in areas where face-to-face support is restricted due to COVID-19. We are pleased to announce this temporary capability to provide continuity of care for the military families in the Bethel School community. Your MFLC, Richie Donlavage, is now available to provide video and telephonic non-medical counseling support. He may be reached at (253) 381-8138 to establish a telephonic or video non-medical counseling appointment.
Nutritional Resources & Ordering
Beginning Monday, April 6th the following eight "Meals in Motion" sites will be operating-
- Camas Prairie Elementary School
- Cougar Mountain Middle School
- Graham-Kapowsin High School
- North Star Elementary School (re-opening)
- Roy Elementary School
- Shining Mountain Elementary School (re-opening)
- Spanaway Lake High School
- Spanaway Middle School
ORDER your meals here!
More Resources