East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: October 1st, 2023
PSAT Reminder
Reminder ... students in grades 9 through 11 will take the PSAT's this Tuesday, October 3rd. Testing will begin at 7:25am and end at 11am. In the afternoon, students will attend Flex Block sessions, where they can sign up for Office Hours with their teachers to make up work, get extra help, etc. This is the halfway point of Marking Period 1 and students should take advantage of the afternoon so they are set up for success for the rest of the marking period.
Seniors should attend school that morning to receive support on the Common App and/or engage in a career exploration activity. Seniors will attend Flex Block in the afternoon also to ensure they are up-to-date on their assignments.
Class of 2027 - Class Dues
Every student is required to pay dues towards their class, which should total $100 for 4 years. These dues get put towards many senior events like prom, homecoming, senior trip and senior luncheon. We urge families to pay their student's due yearly to reduce the amount in their senior year. Currently all freshmen have a $25 dues fee in their Efunds. They will be receiving an instructional video in their emails soon on how to go about paying them. Please email Li Martin if you would like to pay for future years early.
If your student is interested in being a class officer or participating in the planning of class fundraisers/events, please have them use the code: 3dfhuop in google classroom to join our class for more reminders and info that will be going up soon.
Class of 2024 - Pay Your Dues Now
SENIOR students must pay their class dues this fall! Dues will go towards the cost of caps and gowns for graduation and senior activities (luncheon, trip, prom, etc.). All students should pay $100 over the last four years ($25 for each year you are an EHHS student).
Pay on E-Funds: https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56620/
From The School Counseling Department
Financial Aid Workshop
Join us for a virtual presentation hosted by the Barnum Financial Group on Oct 4th at 6:00 pm to learn about how to fund your child's college education and what types of financial aid are available. Register here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CAK5BjMK8Z5bHwTmkPXpV67GDNF-z15rdCBm4weE2lI/edit?usp=sharing
College Fair Opportunity
West Haven High School is holding a College and Career Fair, which is open to students in neighboring communities, on Wed, Oct 4th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. There will be representatives from dozens of colleges, as well as the military. Come learn about the many different options available to you! Contact rosemcdonnell@whschools.org if you have questions.
Visits from College Representatives
Seniors: make sure to check your email for information on college representatives who will be coming to EHHS in the coming months. These are a great time to get your questions answered in a smaller setting and learn about each college and its application process. Registration required for each representative visit. Sign up in Guidance.
PSAT Day Workshop and Field Trip
Seniors: while underclassmen are taking the PSATs on Wed, Oct 3rd, join us for a Common App workshop in S106 from 9:00 - 10:00 am to start your college application, be informed about what to include and get any help in the process. To register, please complete this Google Form (it can also be found in the Applying to College Google Classroom that all seniors should join): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScl1yQD21scfgIEZs_C-YrTbYDRhilnF7BNNImcVMBDpBftuQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
UCONN ECE Registration
Students who are currently enrolled in classes affiliated with UCONN's Early College Experience (ECE) program need to complete an online application through UCONN to earn the college credit. Registrations for fall, spring, and full-year classes will be processed until October 20th. See this link for more information: https://www.smore.com/h6yg4
The EHHS Comet is continuing to grow. This week Roses and Thorns: Back to School edition is back with your favorite gossip courtesy of Brooke Ciscone, Isabella Mott reviews The Impossible in her new column Keepin' It Reel, Holly Speers uncovers The Hive Mind: Eras Edition, and Willow Torres shares the history and current status of The Creative Club. Visit our site at easthaven.highschool.news
If you don't follow us on TikTok and Instagram, show your support @ehhscomet
We are also looking for community and business sponsors to support our program and keep growing.
[please include this picture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RSL73l8_Kbkizwz7JuoZt0D-Fo9z75uU/view?usp=sharing]
Reach out to Ms. Caturano with any questions ecaturano@east-haven.k12.ct.us
School Photo Retakes
Picture retake day is 10/5 from 8:00 -11:00 am in the Auditorium. Any student who missed picture day or wants a retake should report there during that time. This is also the LAST CHANCE for SENIORS to get their senior portrait taken.
Kindness Club Spreads Positive Energy at EHHS
The Kindness Club took time after school on Wednesday to "Chalk the Walk" with kindness to bring smiles on the faces of everyone in our school community Thursday morning! Please follow us on Instragram @ehhskindnessclub. #kindnesscounts
Purchase your 2024 Yearbook and Yearbook Ad For Your Senior Now
Yearbooks are now on sale! The cost of the book is $70. Go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright.
Interested in Journalism? See Below ...
Do you like to investigate? Take photos? Find out more information? Are you a curious person?
Have you wanted to join The Comet newspaper staff but can't take the class?
Join The Comet Beat as a field reporter starting Monday October 18th at 2:30 pm in E121
Contact Ms. Caturano ecaturano@east-haven.k12.ct.us for more information
Interested in Drama? Give it a try!
Interested in joining Drama Club but not sure what it's like? Join us for Try-tober to try it out! Wednesdays in October from 3:30-5:00 in E114!
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 9/25 in W103. All are welcome!
Register for the November 4th SAT By October 5th
If you are interested in taking the Saturday November 4th SAT at EHHS register at https://mysat.collegeboard.org/ by October 5th.
Learn about fee waivers and see if you are eligible here: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/registration/fee-waivers
Interested in Voting in the 2023 Election? See If You're Eligible Below
Am I eligible to vote in CT?
- Are you at least 17 and turning 18 on or before Election Day?
- Are you a United States Citizen and a bona fide resident of some town in Connecticut?
- If you have been convicted of a felony, have you completed confinement?
check with the Division of Criminal Justice before you attempt to register.
If you can answer YES to all three of these questions, you are eligible to vote in CT!
How do I register to vote in CT?
There are two different ways you can register to vote in CT. You are able to register
online if you have a CT DMV ID, otherwise you are able to complete a paper registration
card and deliver it to your local Registrar of Voters before the registration deadlines. CT
also has Election Day Registration available. Visit myvote.ct.gov, for more info.
Need to register?
CT Online Voter Registration Portal You can register online if you have a
Connecticut driver’s license or DMV-issued non-driver ID.
Need to look up your registration?
Look Up My Voter Registration and Polling Place You can use this link from the
Connecticut Secretary of the State to check whether you are registered to vote
and verify your voting location.
Additional information / Questions:
Student Voter Fact Sheet from the Connecticut Secretary of State:
East Haven Registrars of Voters Office:
250 Main Street Lower Level / 203-468-3320 / vote@easthaven-ct.gov
Office of the Secretary of the State:
P.O. Box 150470, 165 Capitol Avenue Suite 1000, Hartford CT 06115-0470
Phone Number: 860-509-6200
Community Service Opportunities
EHHS Technology Services Department
East Haven Public Schools Technology Services is requesting volunteers
to perform basic troubleshooting of Chromebooks in exchange for
community service hours.
Scope of Work:
- Volunteers will wipe down the Chromebook, remove unauthorized stickers, and perform a visual inspection of the Chromebook for physical damage.
- Volunteers will log into the Chromebook and perform a variety of tests to ensure that the device is working properly.
- If any issues are found with the Chromebook, the volunteer will complete a form describing the issue and tape it to the Chromebook.
Students may also be allowed to pursue independent technology-related
projects or activities for community service if they show interest and
show consistent attendance.
Goodwill of Southern New England - Fantasy of Lights
Goodwill of Southern New England is in search of reliable volunteers to assist in their Fantasy of Lights Event from November 18 2023-December 31 2023. They are looking for four volunteers per night, and students may sign up for as many nights as they would like. The hours that they need the students to be available are from 4:45 pm to 9:15 pm on Sunday-Thursday and from 4:45 pm to 10:15 pm on Friday and Saturday. Attached a link for the students to choose their dates that they wish to volunteer.
**Please note that although students will be selecting a time slot, they will be expected to attend for the entirety of the event.**
EHHS Drama Club Fundraiser
EHHS Drama Club is selling Lyman Orchards pies and cookie dough to fundraise for our spring musical! The products will arrive in time for Thanksgiving! Order by 10/16 by using this link: https://my.mcmfundraising.com/2023-fall-east-haven-high-school-drama-club/kari-collins or seeing an EHHS Drama Club member!