Asa Packer News
December 17, 2021
Asa Packer News
Please see below for this week's news.
Reminder: Students will be released at noon on Wednesday.
Student Lighthouse Team News
PTA Updates
1- Thank you to Helder Moreira from HEW Renovation for making our customized whiteboard for the Outdoor Learning Space! Also, thank you to Andres Grullon for staining the whiteboard for the final touches. Outdoor learning space number one is officially completed! Now on to #2!
2-Spiritwear orders were distributed this week. If you ordered spiritwear and have not received it, please contact Jess Lasko at
3- Be sure to attend our next Puma Party at the Bethlehem Municipal Ice Rink! Join us on December 28th from 1-2:30PM. This time has been reserved just for our Asa Packer families.
BESS/Review 360 Universal Screener
December 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This school year, several schools in the Bethlehem Area School District, including Asa Packer, will be participating in a brief, universal screening program that looks for behavioral, emotional, and motivational strengths and weaknesses. All students in the selected schools will complete brief screening forms during one class period on one occasion during regularly scheduled school activities. This screening has been approved by the Bethlehem Area School District.
Assessing the behavioral and emotional functioning of children and adolescents can be an effective tool in promoting student success. Academic problems, motivational struggles, and social difficulties can be the result of underlying behavioral and emotional challenges. When caught early, these difficulties can be addressed effectively before causing more serious problems.
Participation or refusal to participate will not affect your child’s grades. All information collected will be kept confidential. We hope that you will allow your child to participate, as the district will use this data to address the needs of your own child, as well as to design programs to address the needs of the school and district as a whole. These efforts are part of our continual goal of promoting safe, effective, and healthy schools for all students.
The administration at your child’s school will receive the results of the screening. If your child is demonstrating risk for challenges that could have an impact on school performance, he or she may receive an additional assessment to better understand the nature of the difficulties reported. If this is the case, you will be informed before any further assessments or interventions are conducted, developed, or implemented.
If you do not want your child to complete these screening surveys, or if you have additional questions regarding the screening program, please contact Mr. Horvath or Ms. Birster by Wednesday, January 5th.
Thank you.
BASD e-News
This week's BASD eNews contains:
Information from Dr. Roy on Snow Days for 2022!
Highlighted BASD Staff and Students
-BASD Student of the Week from Hanover Elementary School
-BASD Staff of the Week from Donegan Elementary School
-Built by Bethlehem Graduate of Liberty High School Class of 1973
I hope you enjoy BASD eNews from Dr. Roy
From Our Health Team
Safety During Entry / Dismissal
Parking Lot
I wanted to take some time to reiterate student safety procedures during arrival and dismissal times. As always, student safety is our number one priority. Please review the procedures below, and follow them to ensure our students’ safety at all times.
Please remember:
You may park your car in this lot and walk your child across the bus lane; or you may drive up to the student drop-off area, have your child exit the car and walk on the sidewalk next to the building. If you are getting out of your car to assist your child, please park your car in the lot and do not park in the drop-off lane. Do not stop and park in the drop-off lane.
- Use caution when driving through our lots.
- Bus lanes must be kept open at all times.
- Park in the designated parking spaces only and not along the curb.
- Walk and get your child(ren) (when picking them up early or at dismissal time).
- Do not leave you child(ren) unattended outside the school.
Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation.
December Lunch Menu
Student Absences/Excuses
Student Excuses/Absences may be mailed to
Please note: Messages sent to this address would replace the Blue Excuse Form. Blue Excuse Forms may still be used if you are not sending an email.
Return to School Checklist
From Our Health Department
The majority of our students are following mask expectations each day and all day. As a reminder it is the district expectation that all students wear masks appropriately (covering their nose and mouth) while inside the school building and on buses.
Please emphasize the importance of this expectation. We need to maintain safe and consistent practices and avoid defiance issues.
BASD COVID Documents
2021 - 2022 BASD Calendar
Asa Packer Elementary School
Location: 1650 Kenwood Drive, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Phone: 610-865-0660
Twitter: @AsaPackerBASD