St. Mary's School
Monday, December 12, 2022
An Advent Prayer
Lord Jesus, you alone can satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart. Through baptism, you have claimed us for yourself, but too often we live as if we belong only to ourselves. May this season of Advent remind us that you have blessed us, so that in gratitude, we may live the gospel more faithfully. As we prepare to celebrate the miracle of your Incarnation, may we attend to the needs of our suffering brothers and sisters, the body of Christ in our midst. Amen.
In This Issue
Important Upcoming Dates
Student Council Advent Service Project
Christmas Pageants
Snowball Express
Christmas Mass Times
January Lunch Orders
January Before School/After School Calendars
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Important Upcoming Dates
Thursday, December 15: Christmas Pageant at 7:00 pm in St. Mary's Church
Tuesday, December 20: Snowball Express
Wednesday, December 21: Lunch orders due today
Wednesday, December 21: No After School Program today
Thursday, December 22: PreK Christmas Pageant at 10:00 am in Lower Church Hall
Thursday, December 22: Before/After School Program calendars due today
Thursday, December 22: No After School Program today
Friday, December 23: NO SCHOOL - Christmas vacation begins
Monday, January 2: NO SCHOOL - New Years Day observed
Tuesday, January 3: School resumes
Friday, January 7: Full day of school (no first Friday early dismissal)
Student Council Advent Service Project
During this Advent season, Student Council is organizing a collection of some much-needed items for Bread of Life pantry in Malden. Bread of Life is in need of the following:
- non-perishable food items
- toothpaste
- toothbrushes
- shampoo
- new socks
- new or gently used coats, gloves, hats, sweatshirts, sweatpants
Donations will be collected in school through Tuesday, December 20. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Christmas Pageants
Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 pm in St. Mary's Church. Students in grades 5-8 will provide the entertainment. Our PreK Christmas Pageant will be held on Thursday, December 22 at 10:00 am in the Lower Church Hall. Our teachers and students have been hard at work to make this year's pageants spectacular. We hope you'll join us for the festivities!
Snowball Express
Our PTO is sponsoring a Christmas shopping event for students in PreK through Grade 6 this Tuesday, December 20. The Snowball Express Holiday Gift Shop will be run by parent volunteers and classes will visit during the regular school day. Gifts range from 50ยข up to $14.00, with most priced under $3.00. An informational flyer and budget envelope will be sent home with students in PreK - Grade 6 this week. Extra copies may be obtained through the main office.
Christmas Mass Times
You and your loved ones are warmly invited to Christmas Mass at Saint Mary of the Annunciation Parish. The Mass schedule for Christmas is as follows:
Saturday, December 24
3:30 pm Christmas Carols with 4:00 pm Vigil Mass of the Nativity of the Lord
5:30 pm Christmas Carols with 6:00 pm Mass
Sunday, December 25
9:30 am Mass of the Nativity of the Lord
January Lunch Orders
Lunch orders for the month of January can now be placed online at orsgonline.com. The deadline for submitting the January order is Wednesday, December 21 at 11:59 pm.
If you already have an account with OrgsOnline, click here.
To create a new account, click here and use school code 442SMOTASMA when registering.
All students in PreK - grade 8 may place orders for lunch or milk.
January Before School/After School Calendars
Before School Program Prepay Calendar (due Thursday, December 22)
After School Program Prepay Calendar (due Thursday, December 22)
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all who attended Parent-Teacher Conferences earlier this month. Just a reminder...if you should have a question/comment/concern regarding specific issues involving your child, please speak with the teacher first. Direct communication with the teacher is the fairest and most effective means for addressing specific concerns. When necessary, I am happy to assist in discussions and the resolution of specific issues once a conversation with the teacher has occurred.
Contact Us
Email: mr.beza@stmaryschoolmelrose.org
Website: stmaryschoolmelrose.org
Location: 4 Myrtle Street, Melrose, MA, USA
Phone: (781)665-5037
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolmelrose/