Hannum Happenings Parent Edition
May 30, 2023
Wednesday, May 31 (day 2): Field Day!
K-2. 8:45-10:45
3-5 1:00-3:00
Thursday, June 1 (day 3):Awards Day!
1/2 at 9:30am in the gym
3-5 at 1:15 in the gym
K at 2:15pm in classrooms
Friday, June 2 : LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Dismissal at 11:30am
Medications at School
If your child has medication here in the school nurse’s office please pick up your child’s medication on or before Thursday, June 1st. The school is not able to store medication over the summer. If the school does not receive communication from you by the above date, the medication will be discarded.
New Medication Authorization forms must be completed each school year in order for your child to have medication in school. Please have these forms completed and bring/send these completed forms to school with your child’s medication by the first day of student attendance of the next school year. The forms can be completed any date after the current school year ends. Forms, to all students who currently have medication here at school, were sent home to students in their Tuesday Take Home Folder.
Please call the school nurse, Maureen Malloy, RN 708-952-7897 or email mmalloy@d123.org if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation.
Awards Day
Grade 1 and 2 at 9:30 on Thursday June 1 in the Gym
Grades 3-5 at 1:15 on Thursday June 1 in the Gym
K at 2:15 in classrooms
I could not have found a more supportive community, whose values mirrored my own. In 16 years approximately 6000 kids have walked through these doors and I have never once not thought of that responsibility as I laid my head down at night. It was a privilege that I never took lightly and I thank you so much for your trust in me.
The teachers at this school truly love and care for your children. They want the best for them and want them to succeed. I know that this school will continue to flourish under the leadership of this staff and Mrs Doornbos. It's hard to walk away, but I know that I am doing what's best for my family.
Many of you have asked what my plans are and honestly, right now I don't have any! After so many years of having every minute of my day accounted for, I'm looking forward to that. I will probably continue to work, but at a job that allows my time to be more flexible. I also have 2 beautiful grandkids, one of which is beginning Kindergarten who I am excited to spend time with and be in the audience for all of his special moments at school. It'll be nice to be on the other side!
I wish you all a wonderful summer and I wish every Hannum family the very best.
Last Day of School!
Library Renovations
The Hannum Library is now closed for the remainder of the school year. Renovations began this week!! You'll notice a temporary wall in our foyer. That is so the workers can get in and out as necessary, but not compromise the security of our school. The wall will be removed at the completion of work.
Field Day
K-2 will have lunch and recess from 11:00-11:50
3-5 will have lunch and recess from 11:55-12:45
Summer School at D 123
2023-2024 School District Calendar
During the January 23rd Board of Education meeting, the 2023-2024 D123 academic school calendar was approved.
End of the Year Celebration Dates and Times
Believe it or not there are some school wide end of the year dates that I need to share with you. Please note that I have added the times.
OLHMS 8th Grade Graduation Walks @1:30!
Wednesday May 31:Field Day! Grades K-2 @ 8:45-10:45
Grades 3-5 @ 1:00-3:00
Thursday June 1: Awards Day!
Gr 1-2 @ 9:30am in the Gym
Gr 3-5 @ 1:15pm in the Gym
K @ 2:15pm in each K classroom
Friday June 2: Last Day of School. 11:30 dismissal!
Registration is now open for Pre K and Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year!
To get more information or to register for our Pre K program for the 2023-2024 school year, please click on the link below:
For more information and to start the process please visit:
To get more information or to register for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year, click on the link below.
For more information and to start the process please visit:
I could not have found a more supportive community, whose values mirrored my own. In 16 years approximately 6000 kids have walked through these doors and I have never once not thought of that responsibility as I laid my head down at night. It was a privilege that I never took lightly and I thank you so much for your trust in me.
The teachers at this school truly love and care for your children. They want the best for them and want them to succeed. I know that this school will continue to flourish under the leadership of this staff and Mrs Doornbos. It's hard to walk away, but I do so knowing that it's time to put my focus elsewhere.
I wish you all a wonderful summer and GO WHITE SOX!
PTA News
Hannum Bear Lawn Signs are still available for sale. You can purchase them online at: hannumpta.memberhub.com
5th Grade Recognition
Big thank you to all the volunteers and donations received to make this awesome day special for the 5th graders to celebrate their transition to the middle school.
Thunderbolts Game
Please join us June 2nd for Hannum PTA Family Night for a Windy City Thunderbolts Game at Ozinga Field! It's the last day of the School Year Event! Post game Fireworks! Gates open at 5:35pm Game starts at 6:35pm. Tickets are $11 each (plus $1.50 processing fee)
Order Your Tickets Online: https://wc1.glitnirticketing.com/wcticket/web/logingroup1.php and password is: hannum
Box Tops
We still need your help! Don't forget to scan your Box Tops over the summer to help earn money for the school!
Thank you so much for your time and support! We have had an awesome year that wouldn't be possible without our volunteers! See you next school year!
Contact us at: YourHannumPTA@gmail.com
Facebook/HannumPTA Twitter/HannumPTA
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Mrs. Anne Marie McGovern - Principal
Email: amcgovern@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @McGovernAnne