December 2021 Updates for BRIJHS
December 1, 2021
Happy December!
On December 9, we are thrilled to bring back our Intermediate Holiday Program. The theme is "Fa La La Land." Students in grades 4-6 have been practicing their singing and speaking parts and are excited to perform for you. Doors will open at 6:30. We ask that you keep your children with you until they are seated for the performance.
On December 14, our 7-12 band will perform a Winter Concert at the high school at 7 pm. Our Jr. High chorus will also perform that night. Please join us for another evening of festive music to get us all in the spirit of the season!
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving last week with your families. We are thankful for our students and for all of the families we work with.
Katie Nichols
Curriculum Spotlight:
Important Dates
2: Boys’ Basketball vs. Lexington, 5:30 p.m.
6: Boys’ Basketball vs. Fisher, 5:30 p.m.
7: Boys' Basketball vs. Champaign St. Matthew's, 5:30 p.m.
9: Boys’ Basketball @ LeRoy, 5:30 p.m.
Intermediate Winter Program, 7 p.m.
12: Booster's Meeting, 3 pm, BRIJHS Art Room
13: Boys’ Basketball vs. Epiphany, 5:30 p.m.
14: Boys’ Basketball @ Epiphany, 5:30 p.m.
7-12 Winter Band Concert, BRHS, 7 p.m.
15: Garden Club, 3:15 pm
Board Meeting @ HS Library @ 7:00pm
16: Boys’ Bball vs. Ridgeview, 5:30 p.m.
17: End of Quarter/2:20 Dismissal
PBIS Q2 Reward Day
20: WINTER BREAK begins
SHIELD Update:
During the month of November we completed 508 tests. Our positivity rate was 1.2%.
Our staff and students are doing a wonderful job of adapting to this new addition to our Wednesdays.
COVID testing at Kirby Update
Starting in January, everyone will need to find an alternate place to test. If they are a student signed up for the Shield testing, we will be able to conduct that testing at school.
Ms. Griffen's students practiced their breakfast making skills on staff! Yummo!
Cold Weather Reminder
Athletic Information:
Boys' Basketball season is underway. We have several home games before break.
Vollebyall practice will begin a week later than we had planned. It will begin 12/6. Games will start second semester.
Cups and Water Bottles Needed
Students do need to have a cup or a water bottle to refill in order to use this feature.
The office had provided cups to get started for the year, but our supply has run out. Please send a water bottle to school with your student.
If you would like to donate disposable cups to your child's classroom, the teachers are very appreciative.
Thank you for your help with this!
November's Exemplary Knights for BRIJHS
Staff Member- Dawn Stout was chosen by Shawna Kollross
4th Grade: Piper Teubel-Piper is a hard worker who always goes the extra mile in her own work and to help out everyone around her.
5th Grade: Ellie Clark-Ellie came back to school this year after a full year of remote learning. She has transitioned back into the school community very smoothly! She is friendly and polite, and shows an eagerness to learn. I'm so impressed with her!
6th Grade: Nalaynah Slade-Nalaynah always comes to school with a positive attitude, and ready to lend a helping hand. She is eager to help out with tasks in the classroom, or help a classmate in need.
7th Grade: Addison Browning-Addison has a great attitude! She is a pleasure to have in class - participating often and providing thorough work. She even adds in some appropriate comic relief. She was a great help in cleaning up after the dance, along with many of her peers. I appreciate Addison's personality and think she deserves some special recognition for being a great asset to our school.
8th Grade: Jaxon Berkler-Jaxon is an all-around great kid. He has a variety of friendships and never fails to make me smile. I know that last year was really tough for him with hybrid, remote, and in-person learning changes. But this year he seems to be staying on top of his work, and I'm really proud of him!
Boosters Updates:
If you want to join, please attend a meeting or email Kirby Hale at khale@blueridge18.org to get on the email list.
Meeting Dates for the year:
12/12, 3 pm
1/9/22, 3pm
2/13, 3 pm
3/13, 3 pm
4/10, 3 pm
5/15, 3 pm
6/12, 3 pm
All meetings are in the BRIJHS Art Room and all parents are welcome!
Links to past newsletters this year:
Quick Links to Important Documents:
Email: knichols@blueridge18.org
Website: www.blueridge18.org
Location: 107 S. McKinley Mansfield, IL
Phone: 217-489-5201