Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
October 19, 2018
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestra hoja informativa y necesita la traducción en español, por favor contacte a Erica Sánchez al 503 356 2560 opción 2 para español.
All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC. Our events, programs, school support, and enthusiasm make up this vibrant volunteer community and are indeed, POWERED BY YOU. So let's keep Cedar Park awesome!
To date, we are 97% to our summit, with just $1597 left to FULLY FUND our 2018-19 budget and have the kids earn their all-school ice cream party. Even though we are THIS CLOSE, we won't stop until we hit the goal we set back in June, which is $50,000.
So let's finish what we started, Cedar Park, and achieve our 5K dreams together!
Be a Hero & Donate to our ONLY Fundraiser, the CPMS 5K
You still have options to take us over the top of our 5K mountain:
- Go to https://www.firstgiving.com/event/411287/2018CedarPark5K and donate to the cause directly through next Monday, 10/22.
- Return your cash/check to the school in the 5K pledge envelope (or any envelope clearly marked 5K). Students can drop them off in the office.
Donations Die in Darkness
Student Programs (blue) = PACK Store, Art Literacy, Reading Support, Student Planners, Lunch Duty Supplies, & Community Programs
Schoolwide Support (red) = flexible Principal’s Fund for teacher, team, and grade level requests
Student Events (yellow) = Student Socials, 8th grade BBQ, Family Fun Night support, & New Student Picnic
Grade Level Student Experiences (green) = Transportation & costs for grade-level field trips. Last year, 6th went to Outdoor School, 7th explored PSU, and 8th enjoyed a day at OSU.
Staff Appreciation (orange)
Operating Costs (light blue) = 5K expenses and Miscellaneous
Our Teachers Brought the Party
THANKS to all the staff members who gave us all whiplash and a good chuckle. Teachers earning the spirit awards for best costumes include Mr. Forbes, Mr. Waldrip, Ms. Hattendorf, Mr. Witt, Ms. Massan, Ms. Fitzpatrick, Ms. Hitsman, Mr. Alpert, Ms. Catherall, Ms. Clifford and Ms. McClelland.
And an honorable mention to Dr. Anderson for showing us how to deck yourself out in school spirit. That orange wig was, well... tremendous. We'll see you all next year bigger and better than ever.
Congrats to our Fastest 5K Runners!
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Parent & Volunteer Turnout Was Legendary
Special shout out to our entire 5K leadership team, including Karen DiPietro (chair), Erika Hammond & Carrie Fox (day of logistics), Bettina Jeszenszky (sponsorships), Melissa Gatchell (financials), Hannah Donohue (promotions), Julie Gupta (matching funds) Brenda Swanson & Jana Drotzmann (procurement) and Tiffany Hahm (prizes).
The success of the 5K is a collective effort of staff, students, volunteers, sponsors, and the greater CPMS community. Even if you weren't with us on 10/4, all your time, donations, and effort did not go unnoticed. This fundraiser was most certainly, POWERED BY YOU, Cedar Park. Bravo.
5K Corporate Sponsors Add Valuable Boost
Our corporate sponsors have been very generous and collectively added $10,000 to our fundraising efforts-- 20% of our goal! When you patronize the following businesses, please thank them for supporting excellence in education in our community.
- PLATINUM SPONSORS: Noyes Development & Willamette HVAC
- GOLD SPONSOR: Catalyst Financial
- SILVER SPONSORS: Cedar Mill Chiropractic, Raleigh Hills Orthodontics, Decarli, Parker Furniture, Wet Kat Pool Service and Vista Capital Partners
- BRONZE SPONSORS: Buick GMC of Beaverton, Sunset Science Park Credit Union, Walker Garbage and World of Smiles
Thank You Franz Bakery
6th Graders Rock Outdoor School
Transportation to Outdoor School was provided by the PTC and your generous 5K donation.
Cedar Park Kicks Off Anti-Bullying Week, 10/22-10/26
October is National Bullying Prevention Month when schools around the U.S. teach bullying awareness and prevention and celebrate school unity and diversity.
CPMS' counseling team– George McMurtry (8th), Rachel Taleff (7th), & Andrew Witt (6th)– have a full line-up of activities to engage students during the week of October 22nd-26th.
- During Advisory class, students will discuss what defines bullying and differentiates from other behaviors.
- Students will participate in a school-wide survey and work in groups to identify positive messages they want Cedar Park students to aspire to.
- At lunch time students will be able to sign an "Anti-Bully Pledge" at tables hosted by our 8th grade WEB Leaders.
- On Wednesday, October 24th, all students will be encouraged to where orange, the official color of Bully Prevention Month!
We hope you enjoy this article "Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying: Defining the Differences" and have an opportunity to discuss it with your student.
Bully Prevention Resources:
Bully Report Form: Cedar Park students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying to any adult at school. In addition, counselors have "Bully Report Forms" outside of their offices in A, B, and C Hall. Please feel free to contact your student's counselor should you have any questions.
Links for more information about Bullying and Bully Prevention Month:
Thank you for your support of Cedar Park!
Family Fun Night Enjoyed Fall Reboot
"It was the best attended and most fun FamilyFun night in several years thanks to our parent volunteers, teachers, and students!" shares Cedar Park vice principal, Megan Clifford.
Thank you to the 27 staff members and various parents who gave up their Thursday evening to engage with Cedar Park. We will see you next year! Special thanks to parent coordinators, Jenna Allen, Kelly Jacobsen, and Karen DiPietro.
Global Food Carts Bring Tastes of the World to CPMS
Huge thanks the 19 community volunteers who helped organize the hungry hoard. Shout out to our Spanish teachers, Ms. Catherall and Ms. Stevens, for making this unique opportunity possible!
Inagural Principal Coffee & Tea Events Answer Many Parent Questions
We gathered, sang kumbaya, and comesserated over the raising of tweens. Is this a principal chat or a support group? The jury's still out.
Click to read the FULL RECAP of all the latest, greatest, and perhaps previously unknown details of Cedar Park’s programs and academics, as discovered via Dr. A's first "Coffee & Tea" events on 10/1.
Topics covered:
- Upcoming IB Visit: What is it & Why Does it Matter?
- Rumor Patrol
- Class Size: What's the Damage?
- Parentvue Perplexity
- Proficiency Grading & All Its Glory
- Six is the New A
- Advisory Revamp
- Other Interesting Nuggets of Information You’d Have Learned If You’d Been There
Dr. A's next "Coffee & Tea" will be Tuesday, 11/27 at 8:45am and 6pm. All parents are welcome to attend.
Book Fair Enchants Cedar Park
Thank you to Debbie Hernandez, CPMS' Library Media Specialist, and the rotating group of volunteers who set-up, staffed, and cleaned up this event. CPMS will be holding another book fair this spring, Feb. 22 through March 4.
Cedar Park Choirs Dazzle in Fall Concert
Well done to all musicians! We look forward to hearing you again at your winter concert on Thursday, 12/13.
PTC Provides Pizza for Staff During Conferences, Tailgating Themed Event on 10/25
October's Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Since we are in the middle of football season, let's treat the staff to our favorite tailgate foods. Sign-up now to spoil our Cedar Park staff on Thursday, 10/25.
Art Literacy Announces Important Dates
Wed, October 24th @ 7:00 PM (Library): Training for presenters and a general introduction for all volunteers that wish to join us. This is important for presenters to attend. If you are not presenting but will be assisting, you are encouraged to join us this evening. We will keep it as close to one hour or less as possible.
Specific times for your student's session will be provided by October 24th. However, these are the dates of each grade's Art Lit presentation.
- October 31st: 8th Grade
- November 7th: 7th Grade
- November 14th: 6th Grade
Art Lit is funded through your generous 5K donation.
Still Room to Join Several After School Clubs
- ELL Homework
- Math Homework Helpers
- Soccer (limited)
October PTC Meeting, THIS MONDAY, 10/22, to feature Safety Resource Officer Matt Cline
Cedar Park's Safety Resource Officer, Matt Cline, will be discussing effective ways to keep our children safe online on Monday, 10/22 at 7pm in the CPMS Media Center (library).
Join him and the PTC Board at the October PTC meeting to learn tools, apps and other ways to monitor and protect your student's digital life. Join us to learn more about this important and relevant topic!
Latino Family Night THIS Thursday, 10/25
Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to build Cedar Park connections and learn more about CPMS. The multi-school soccer tournament will take place beforehand and food trucks will be available.
Cedar Park to Staff the BSD Clothes Closet on Wed, 10/31
Volunteers will sort clothing donations, replenish the store, and assist customers in finding correct sizes. Help is especially needed in the afternoon. Even if you can't can't commit to a full shift, any time spent volunteering here is time well spent!
The Clothes Closet is located at: Beaverton School District Administration Center, 16550 SW Merlo Road, Beaverton, OR 97006.
Band Concert Scheduled for Thursday, 11/8
New Cedar Cafe to Celebrate Perfect Attendance on 11/16
This year, students with no absences and no tardies will be rewarded with 20 minutes of relaxation, complete with a treat and hot drink in our cafeteria. These will be celebrated quarterly, with the first being Friday, 11/16.
Students will be notified if they qualify. Thank you to parent coordinators Star Erickson & Karley Nees for managing these celebrations!
Cedar Park Onstage Presents "The Election" this December
After an embattled student body president resigns in disgrace, Mark Davenport figures he will cruise to victory in the special election. After all, his only opponent is nerdy Christy Martin, who wants to eliminate football. But when a mysterious Super PAC gives her an unlimited budget, things start to get very ugly. Mark must face total annihilation or accept the services of a slick professional campaign manager with questionable ethics and a million-dollar Super PAC of his own. A hilarious and timely satire on the contemporary political scene. (via playscripts.com)
Performances will be Friday, 12/7 at 7pm and Saturday, 12/8 at 2pm & 7pm. Admission is $7 (adult), $5 (student), $1 (10 & under), $20 (family) and free to BSD staff.
For more information regarding theater at CPMS, head to Ms. Gladstone's website.
All opportunities are scheduled through the mVP system.
Hit the "Opportunities" tab and filter by "Cedar Park Middle School" to easily see sign-ups.
- October Staff Appreciation "Tailgating" event (10/25)
- Clothes Closet (10/31)
Ongoing Opportunities:
- Student Store (M-F, 8:45-9:15am)
- Wolf Pack Partners (Every Thursday, 11:30am-1:30pm)
- AVID tutors (Tues/Thurs) Email Richard_feely@beaverton.k12.or.us.
- PACK Store (Every other Thursday, 11am-1:30pm)
- Wolf Work Days (Every third Thursday, 2-4pm)
Upcoming (look for sign-up soon):
- 8th Grade Art Lit (Wed, 10/31)
- 7th Grade Art Lit (Wed, 11/7)
- 6th Grade Art Lit (Wed, 11/14)
- Cedar Park Cafe (Friday, 11/16)
All parent and community volunteers are required to have an mVP profile.
Head to www.cedarparkptc.org/volunteering for more details.
Several PTC Committees Waiting on Leadership (Student Socials & OBOB)
Cedar Park AVID Seeking Guest Speakers & Tutors
Student Store & PACK Store Now Open for Business
Important First Semester Fall Dates
Advice from the Trenches: Veteran Parents Offer Insight
NEVER MISS A THING. Community members can subscribe to the PTC blog at www.cedarparkptc.org/news to receive the latest news on the day it posts.
Prefer social media? Find us on Facebook.