Hybrid Learning Communities
Newsletter #2
Joint Staff Training in Iceland
From the 12th – 16th of September a group of 20 very enthusiastic teachers from Denmark, Iceland and Slovenia gathered for five days intensive Joint Staff Training program in Kopavogsbær, Iceland. The overall aim of the training was development of remediated and innovative digitally designed material targeting students at the age of 12 - 16 years in primary schools and lower secondary/vocational schools.
During the training we were inspired by a presentation by Hörðuvallaskóli, Kopavogsbær, about the integration of subjects in a shared space classroom as teambased teaching.
We also visited four different Primary schools in the Kopavogsbær area, introducing us to how digital learning tools and the educational apps Evolytes, Mussila music, Mussila wordplay and Turf Hunt were applied as gamified learning tools in teaching. Another presentation of how hybrid learning for students had evolved in the aftermath of the Covid19 Pandemic was presented to us at the Westman Islands Primary and Secondary Schools. Here we also visited their Fab Lab dedicated to materialize digital data into 3D models. Prior to the Joint Staff training a webinar prepared the teachers for the physical training activities in Iceland. This hybrid learning community has proved to facilitate and enhance the cross country collaboration of teachers, providing a dynamic combination of virtual and physical collaboration.
The upcoming phase of the project is dedicated to testing, adjusting and refining the developed remediated and innovative digitally designed material and development of a Hybrid Learning Communities Guide combining the Methodology Guidelines, the Curricula, the training program, the results of the evaluations and last but not least the lessons learned from the pupils' test of material. We will shortly begin to update our website with developed material: https://hybridlearningcommunities.eu/
The four participating organizations are:
Esbjerg Realskole, Denmark
Osnovna šola Olge Meglič, Slovenia
Kópavogsbær, Iceland
SOSU Østjylland, Denmark