good mexican food singapore
Can you learn anything about sales and marketing from good mexican food and bad gas?
Absolutely. In fact, check this out:
While on a road trip last month, my wife and I stopped in St. George, Utah where we briefly lived a couple years ago. While there we figured we'd say hello to everyone we knew.
And the FIRST place we went was a place called "Don Pedros."
Because dang if they don't have the BEST Mexican food I've ever eaten. And in the two years since leaving St. George, we had practically dreamed about eating there again someday.
I kid you not, either. The food is THAT good. And price was definitely NOT an issue.
We were even saying how they could have charged us $100 for our take-out and we wouldn't have cared (hey, we're suckers for Mexican food).
Anyway, the point is not everyone is looking for "cheap."
And there are many cases where, if your product is a high enough quality, people will happily buy from you no matter what you charge.
Here's another example:
We have approximately 3 gas stations in the town where I live. And yet, the busiest (the only one we even want to go to anymore) is easily the most EXPENSIVE. Even with last year's sky high gas prices it seemed busiest.
What's their secret?
Well, I can only speculate. But in addition to them pumping your gas (which is state law), they also check your tire pressure and oil level, top off your fluids, clean your windshield and even wipe down your side mirrors. All while sitting in your car breathing the ocean air. More here good mexican food singapore
Remember, this is gasoline we're talking about.
The one product where people brag about driving 20 miles out of the way to save 2 cents per gallon on (often bad quality) gas.