Mighty Moves 4&5 w Lauren&Eberhardt
Nancy Eberhardt and Sheryl Ferlito
Mighty Moves 4 and 5 with Jill Lauren from Whole Phonics
When are students ready to move out of decodables? Not an exact science...
What is a Word? How is it processed in the brain?
Join Dr. Carolyn Strom as she shares how the brain learns to read, the concern of low proficiency in reading during primary school years, and creating a particular focus on the Science of Reading in preschool and early years.
Try Sortegories Map It Level A
Map It focuses on the segmentation, deletion, and substitution of phonemes in words. The ability to manipulate phonemes in words is an essential skill to read and spell accurately and automatically.
Try Sortegories Phrase Building
In Phrase Building, the user arranges decodable words into phrase and then determines their functional meaning. Phrase building is a building block for sentence development in writing and prosody in reading. Heart words are practiced in context.
Register for 7 Mighty Moves Book Club: Click to register
Book Talk: 20-30 minutes with Literacy VIP
- See schedule
Sortegories: 15-20 minutes
- Learn how Sortegories helps teachers implement the moves while learning the Science of Reading
Open Mic: 10-15 minutes
- Q&A - general discussion
Sortegories is a web-based app for decoding, encoding, vocabulary and syntax
Click here to Try Sortegories on our website and click any tile to learn more about each activity from sound to syntax
Sortegories 3.0
https://sortegories.com Sortegories 3.0 provides unlimited web-based practice in decoding, vocabulary, morphology, syntax and more!
Email: Sheryl@sortegories.com
Website: sortegories.com
Twitter: @Sortegories
Facebook: facebook.com/Sortegories
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@sortegories
YouTube: Sortegories - YouTube
Reading Rockets: Sortegories | Reading Rockets
UFLI Alignment: UFLI Foundations Decodable Text Guide - Google Sheets
Sortegories 3.0
https://sortegories.com Sortegories 3.0 provides unlimited web-based practice in decoding, vocab and syntax.