PCDC Monthly Newsletter
October 2021
About Us
Email: nagee@pcdcva.org
Website: pcdcva.org
Location: 602 Main Street, West Point, VA, USA
Phone: (804) 843-2289
Parent Child Development Corporation
Our Mission
The mission of Parent Child Development Corporation is to empower families to improve the quality of their lives through educational and self-help programs, family support services, and advocacy activities in partnership with the community.
Our Vision
The vision of Parent Child Development Corporation (PCDC) is to be a leader in comprehensive preschool programs, child care services, and family support services in Virginia’s Middle Peninsula. PCDC will provide direct services, coordinate regional and inter-agency service delivery systems for children and families, and advocate for programs and services which promote the welfare of all children and families in the community, state and nation. PCDC will forge partnerships with communities and organizations to effectively and efficiently utilize human and financial resources, both public and private.
Message from the Executive Director
Ms. Mack
Happy Birthday to You!
New Hires!
Welcome to the PCDC team!
Chris Dyke - Maintenance/Facilities Manager. You can reach Chris at CDyke@pcdcva.org or at (804)843-2289.
Myeisha Mallory -Teacher Assistant at King William 1. You can contact Myeisha at mmallory@pcdcva.org.
Alyssa Harrison- Teacher Assistant at New Kent. You can reach Alyssa at aharrison@pcdcva.org.
Kendal Keel- Teacher Assistant at TCW. You can reach Kendall at kkeel@pcdcva.org.
Job Posting
HS Lead Teacher (Location: TC Walker and Smart Start
HS Teaching Assistant ( Smart Start)
Floating Teaching Assistant
Kitchen Assistant/ Classroom Substitute
Family Advocate (King William)
Congratulations, Ashlyn Madison!
Class is in Session!
The Education Department would like to highlight some of our staff and students' daily activities during their first few weeks of school. As you can see from the images, everyone has gotten off to a great start. The teachers were also told to show one word that describes the beginning of the new year, the responses were hilarious. One teacher asked "Is it June yet?! We know it been a bumpy few weeks but everyone is doing an excellent job and we appreciate all that you do!
Nina and Jennifer
It all starts with you. Roll Up Your Sleeves. Get Vaccinated. Show Your Confidence, Because:
1. You matter! You play a critical role in keeping your community healthy.
2. Protecting you also helps protect your students and your family, especially those who may be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
3. You are out there every day and risk being exposed to people with COVID-19 doing your job.
4. You can potentially transmit the virus to students, families, and the communities
5. You positively influence vaccination decisions of peers, students, friends, and family
6. The children in our programs can’t get the vaccine yet to keep themselves safe, but this is what we can do as adults to protect them.
Let's get vaccinated. Encourage your co-workers, student’s family, your family, and friends to get vaccinated.
This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. In fact, suicide is often the result of an untreated mental health condition. Suicidal thoughts, although common, should not be considered normal and often indicate more serious issues.
September was Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — a time to raise awareness on this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic. In addition to shifting public perception, we use this month to spread hope and vital information to people affected by suicide. Our goal is ensuring that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help.
- Know the Warning Signs and Risk Factors of Suicide
- Being Prepared for a Crisis
- Navigating a Mental Health Crisis
- Need more information, referrals or support? Contact the NAMI HelpLine.
Kind regards,
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
In the world of Head Start, we have the privilege to serve a culturally diverse community. Our families come from many cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Every day we are presented with opportunities to embrace the challenges that our families face, and respond from a place of understanding. When we recognize and support the diversities of our families with understanding, we promote equity. We treat them as the unique individuals that they are and support them according to their circumstances. That is what equity is all about! As we move through our program year, I would like to encourage everyone to think about inclusion. The Advocates and the Teachers will be working together to plan monthly events. There will be challenges because we are still living in a pandemic impacted world. Together we can find ways to celebrate the seasons, the successes, and each other at these events. In the spirit of inclusion, we will be finding alternatives to traditional events and work to make our events designed to include all of our families by creating awareness of our community and the diversity that exists within it.
Do you have an idea that you can share with us?
Do you know about any unique or culturally diverse information about our community or families that you would like to share?
Do you have suggestions for events?
If so, please talk to one of the advocates or myself if you have something that you would like to contribute. We are excited to see what we can do together because together is the only way to provide equity and inclusion for our families.
And one more thing...
Thank you to the Family Services Staff! You have filled in gaps and assisted along with others to keep our classrooms open. You have served in your own centers and in supported other centers too. You've come together as a team to support each other while continuing to support our families. Thank you for all that you do!!
Do you have questions about creditable meals, appropriate breakfast, lunch and/or snack options?
Great! Spend an hour with the National CACFP Association for a FREE training about Meal Patterns and receive an hour of CACFP continuing education! The training is available on-demand until October 31st!
Here is the link below:
The National CACFP Association is also giving away 100 scholarships to attend their October 16th, 2021 Saturday Summit for Providers!! Apply here by Thursday, October 7 at 2 pm/ET
Winners will be announced Monday, October 11!
If you know someone that can benefit from the Summit, please share the link below or click the work here:
In honor of Grain month last month, here is a quick Brown Rice Pilaf! Bon Appetit!
Jessica Poe
Friendly Reminder-Please use the new payroll timesheet that was emailed at the beginning of the school year. Contact me if you are unsure or need a copy.
Thank you.
Indigenous People's Day
Monday, Oct 11, 2021, 07:00 AM
Parent Child Development Corporation, Main Street, West Point, VA, USA
Message from the Assistant Executive Director
Happy Fall Y'all
It’s October and we’ve faced many challenges over the past few weeks. You’ve had to be strong, compassionate, flexible, and patient. All the qualities of an awesome person—a hero. We recognize that it takes a special person to walk into the classroom every day with a smile on your face and love in your heart for what you do. You have the ability to make someone’s day amazing and truly impact lives. We believe in you and want you to know that you are a hero to PCDC, our families, and our children. They look up to you and trust you. You may have already encountered a "Buttermilk" in your class who is never absent and needs you the most. And, you won’t give up on them--yes, you are a hero! Continue to be awesome; you have the power to make a change, make a difference.
Have an outstanding October and be the hero you are meant to be!
Your Cheerleader,