All Hail, Queen Elizabeth
By: Mia
Then in 1559 Elizabeth became queen. When Elizabeth was Queen the plague accrued three times one in 1563 one in 1582 and one in 1592. The ring around a rosie song was from the plague because the ring was the spots they would get from the disease, the pocket full of posies was the flower they held so it wouldn't smell like dead bodys and ashes is from when they burned the bodys of people who had the plague.Everyone was counting on Elizabeth to help but she couldn't stop the plague.
In 1562 Elizabeth was diagnosed with white pox a deadly disease but she suffered. When Elizabeth was 69 she was getting very old and she was not able to dance or read nobody new who would be queen or king after she died. In 1603 Elizabeth died and King James was chosen to become king.
Elizabeths Acomplishments
Character Traits