LHS Update vol. 12
December 6, 2021
Although, in times that we are currently presented with, the right words are often difficult to find. I do, however, want to remind you of the various safety protocols we have in place to protect students, teachers and staff. Our safety measures include, but are not limited to:
- safety drills (lockdown, fire, tornado, etc.)
- support from our local police and fire departments
- a dedicated School Resource Officer.
- LHS uses the ALICE program, which is our internal response protocol to an active intruder/shooter situation.
- We shared an ALICE training refresher video with all students and staff last week.
We will continue with ongoing reminders and training, to create a healthy, safe, and confident school environment.
If you have not already done so, please speak to your student(s) and urge them to reach out to school officials if they become aware of a potential safety issue at LHS. You can also reach out through the State of Michigan’s Okay2Say tip line at 8-555-OK2SAY or OKAY2SAY@mi.gov.
We all need to continue conversations about how to care and support one another in spite of differences.
LHS Building Protocols
- The main hallway doors leading to the academic portion of the building will be closed daily at 4:00 pm. Students that are remaining after school for classroom assistance with teachers should make prior arrangements. If your student does not need to stay after school, they are expected to leave the building at the conclusion of the school day.
- Student backpacks and other personal belongings are to be kept in their school issued lockers. The exception being students that may have administrative approval as part of a 504 plan or IEP.
- LHS staff will continue to be visible throughout the day.
- Exterior doors will be closed and locked throughout the day.
- Classroom sign-in/sign-out sheets will be utilized for emergencies during instructional time.
- During instructional time students are required to have a pass or supervision to be out of the classroom.
Upcoming Dates
- December 9 - ASAB Testing
- December 23, 2021 - January 3, 2022 Winter Break
- January 4 - Classes Resume
- January 12-14 1st Semester Final Exams
- January 17 - No School
- January 18 - 2nd Semester Begins
Jostens Reminders
Senior Parents and Seniors,
Jostens has all the Senior items ready to order at Jostens.com if you missed order day. ALSO, PLEASE BE AWARE THAT PRICES INCREASE ON CAPS/GOWNS AND OTHER SENIOR ITEMS ON December 31ST, SO DON’T DELAY. You can set up a payment plan to be sure you order everything you need for your Senior if you can’t to pay for it all right now.
Here is the link to order for our school:
You can call Jostens at 810-658-1700 with any questions.
Student Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Addidtional information can be found in LHS Update vol. 11
LVS and online students should be following the due dates established in their online classes. The schedule identified below, provides additional guidance as to where student's progress should be throughout the semester. Online students should be 70% complete with their classes.
- 12/10/2021 (¾ through the semester) 75%
- 12/23/2021 (Christmas Break) 92%
- 1/7/2022 (End of Semester) 100%
Final Exam & Exam Exemption Information
Students may choose to opt out of their semester final exams if they meet the following criteria:
No more than four (4) absences (Excused and Unexcused) in a class for the semester.
No more than three (3) tardies in a class for the semester.
No semester suspensions, violation of the academic dishonesty policy, and/or violations of the acceptable use policy.
Note: Missing 11 or more minutes of a class constitutes an absence.
Minimum grade of 78% in a class OR,
Minimum grade of 65% AND no missing assignments or assessments in the class
Online, dual enrollment, or EMC classes are not subject to the semester final exam exemption.
Points of Clarification:
Students who qualify for the final exam incentive will have the option of taking the final exam. The exam grade will be calculated into the semester grade if it improves the final semester grade. The final exam grade for exempt students will not negatively affect their semester grade.
- school business
- medical appointments with documentation
- bereavement with documentation
- documented court appointments
- college visits with documentation
- Absences due to documented quarantines
All other absences are counted the same, with the possible exception of religious holidays. The final exam schedule will be shared in the coming days.