Coyote Connection
December 21, 2021
Staff Spotlight!
This week we are applauding our amazing English Language Teachers, Mrs. Angelos and Mrs. Jaber! Mrs. Angelos and Mrs. Jaber work with small groups of students, often bringing them into their classroom to have lessons. They also work with whole classes and co-teach with other teachers. You will always find them moving from one class or group to the next! They are always going above and beyond for our students to ensure their needs are being met and that each student is getting what they need to be successful! They do all of this while making sure students are having fun! They are constantly working on fun projects in their classroom. Mrs. Jaber and Mrs. Angelos are also such an awesome support to our staff as well. They are always willing to answer questions and provide feedback for how everyone here at Kolmar can best support all of our students! Thank you for everything you do, Mrs. Jaber and Mrs. Angelos!
Classroom Happenings!
There are so many exciting things happening in Mrs. Stone's Preschool classroom! They have been completing a Bread Study. Students have been investigating how bread is made, what kinds of bread they like, who works with bread, how we eat bread, and they have even created a recipe for their own bread! These students have been cooking together as a class. They made English muffin pizzas, pancakes, and delicious cookies! There are lots of bread inspired items in their classroom’s dramatic play store. They have been taking orders and making sandwiches for each other in the classroom! These students are having so much fun and learning so much!
PTA Announcements
Please remember that the PTA Chess Club will not meet this week or during Winter Break.
BINGO Night Table Sign Up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e45a4ac29aaf85-bingo1
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is overflowing. If your child is missing an item, please have them take a look to see if it has been turned in.
January Breakfast Changes
Starting in January, breakfast will only be available before school in the MPR. Breakfasts will no longer be sent home with children in the afternoon. Breakfasts will continue being served at no charge.
December Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Kolmar Avenue Elementary School
Website: d123.org/kolmar
Location: 10425 S Kolmar Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-422-1800
Twitter: @d123kolmar
Mr. David Creech - Principal
Email: dreech@d123.org
Website: d123.org/kolmar
Phone: 708-422-1800
Twitter: @dtcreech