BCSC 360
Information and Inspiration From Your District of Choice
March 4, 2019
February BCSC School Board Meeting Highlights
On February 11th, Columbus Signature Academy- Lincoln Campus hosted our third BCSC School Board Meeting in 2019. If you were not able to attend in person, it is our hope, that through the highlight video above, you will be more informed about the decisions made that impact our students, staff, and buildings.
In case you would like to read about our meeting, here are a few of the highlights:
1. In light of honoring our Hall of Fame Educator of the Year, Valentine's Day, and the anniversary of the tragic shootings in Parkland, BCSC School Board President Dr. Jill Shedd shared reflections on the lasting impact of K-12 education, the role of teachers, and the importance of relationships.
2. Former Lincoln Elementary and Southside Elementary Principal Joel Metzler was recognized as the 2019 Hall of Fame Educator of the Year Award recipient.
3. CSA Lincoln Principal Brett Findley and Library/Media Specialist Jenny Goggin introduced us to the CSA Lincoln Baseball Reading Challenge, a creative voluntary reading program for students intended to instill a love of reading.
4. Superintendent Dr. Jim Roberts updated the community on an amended BCSC Search and Seizure Policy given the provision of metal detectors to public schools by Governor Holcomb in 2018.
5. Assistant Superintendent for Financial Services Chad Phillips presented an overall report on 2018 appropriation adjustments.
If you would like to attend the next BCSC School Board Meeting, we will be meeting on Monday, March 4th, 2019 at W.D. Richards Elementary (6:30pm).
Bartholomew Consolidated Schools Kindergarten Round-up
Bartholomew Consolidated Elementary Schools will begin registration for students entering Kindergarten for the 2019-20 school year. Registration will be from March 4-8, 2019.
Any child that is 5 years of age by August 1, 2019, is eligible for Kindergarten. Each BCSC elementary school will be open on Monday, March 4, from 6:00-7:00pm, for a Kindergarten Open House to register Kindergarten students. If unable to attend this evening session, parents are welcome to register their child at their home school’s main office during the week of March 4-8th, from 9:00am-2:00pm. Parents wishing to enroll their student at CSA Lincoln or CSA Fodrea must have received prior enrollment instructions. Please contact these schools if you have questions specific to CSA Lincoln and Fodrea enrollment procedures.
All parents must present the following items to register their child for school: the child’s birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency. The proof of residency can be a utility bill (not a cell phone bill), but the address reflected must match the student’s home address.
For questions, please contact the school your child will attend.
2019 BCSF Spring Innovation Grant Applications Available
It is that time again for BCSF, your school foundation, to help you get those innovative ideas in action to engage your students, classroom, and schools in learning! The School Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the learning opportunities, inside and outside, our classrooms for all students, teachers, and staff of BCSC when traditional funding sources aren't available. This includes all levels from Bright Beginnings to McDowell and everyone in between! Our mission is to support you in your efforts!
Based on fantastic feedback from last year, we are continuing our Online grant application that will be sent directly to your supervisor for approval.
-We are accepting grant requests up to $2,500 each
-BCSF will be awarding $25,000 this cycle
The School Foundation selection committee accepts electronic submissions to bruins@bcsc.k12.in.us by the principal/director of the applicant(s). The person sending the application should receive a confirmation message within two days of the submission. Feel free to contact the BCSF office for confirmation information.
Grant Applications are due electronically to the School Foundation by 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 14th, 2019. Questions? Please call or email Suzi Bruin, Executive Director, BCSF, 812.378.4733 (office) 832.623.1943 (cell) or bruins@bcsc.k12.in.us Good luck and thank you for all you do each and every day!
To apply for a BCSC Spring Innovation Grant, please apply here.
In Case You Missed It
"Should We Close or Should We Go?" Music Video
Coming Up This Week For BCSC
BCSC School Board Meeting
Monday, Mar 4, 2019, 06:30 PM
W D Richards Elementary School, Fairlawn Drive, Columbus, IN, USA
Columbus East Spring Choral Concert
Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019, 07:00 PM
Columbus East High School, South Marr Road, Columbus, IN, USA
Columbus North Choir Performance
Wednesday, Mar 6, 2019, 07:30 PM
Columbus North High School, 25th Street, Columbus, IN, USA
Columbus East and Central Middle School Band Concert
Thursday, Mar 7, 2019, 07:00 PM
Columbus East High School, South Marr Road, Columbus, IN, USA
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Facebook: @bcscindiana
Twitter: @bcscindiana
Email: burnettj@bcsc.k12.in.us
Website: http://www.bcsc.k12.in.us
Phone: 812 376 4234
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bcscindiana/
Twitter: @bcscindiana