BCA May Newsletter
Congratulations to our new 2017-2018 BCA members!
The vision of the Collegiate Academy at Blackman High School is to create a challenging learning environment with a rigorous course of study where students can become well-rounded scholars who fulfill their potential as they transition from high school to post-secondary opportunities.
17-18 BCA Kick-Off
Tuesday, Aug 1, 2017, 05:00 PM
Academic Signing Day
On Tuesday, April 12, Blackman High School’s Blackman Collegiate Academy seniors participated in the first annual Academic Signing Day. Sixty-three seniors acknowledged their college choices and committed to continued academic excellence in college (see copy of commitment attached). Students committed to MTSU, University of Tennessee, Belmont, UT Chattanooga, Tennessee Tech, Howard, Berklee College of Music, Brigham Young, Carson-Newman, Chattanooga State, Covenant, Harding, Lipscomb, Martin Methodist, Savannah College of Art and Design, Trevecca, Alabama State, UC San Diego, Tulane, University of Mississippi, University of Central Florida, Washington University in St. Louis, Vanderbilt and the Air Force Academy.
Families and friends participated in this academic celebration that included refreshments and time for pictures.
All colleges were invited to the signing day, and MTSU, UT Chattanooga, and Martin Methodist personnel attended with special backdrops and brought college merchandise. Some other colleges sent students memorabilia to commemorate the day.
Blackman High School values academic commitments, and next year’s event is already planned to take place on April 11, 2018.
BCA Courses
- Freshmen: Honors English I, Honors Biology, and Honors World History or AP Human Geography (must be enrolled in at least 2)
- Sophomores: Honors English II, Honors Integrated Math II or Advanced Honors Geometry, and Honors Chemistry (must be enrolled in at least 2)
- Juniors: Honors English III or AP English III, Honors U.S. History, AP U.S. History or Dual Enrollment U.S. History, and Speech or Critical Thinking (must be enrolled in BCA English III and U.S. History)
- Seniors: Speech or Critical Thinking (if not already taken) and Capstone
Dual Enrollment for Juniors and Seniors
To be eligible for the Dual Enrollment program, students must:
1. be a junior or senior in high school;
2. have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA; or
3. have a minimum composite of 22 ACT (SAT composite of 1020)
**Admission to MTSU and the Dual Enrollment program does not guarantee eligibility for all courses. Some courses require prerequisites and/or certain test subscores, including Math and English courses.
The tuition cost of a Dual Enrollment class is $166.00 per credit hour. This cost can be offset by the Dual Enrollment Grant, if the student applies and is ruled eligible. Click here for more information about the grant. Students must maintain a 2.75 GPA for dual enrollment courses taken to stay eligible for the grant. The student should be prepared to pay the tuition cost in advance and then be reimbursed. Other anticipated costs include textbooks, $25 application fee, online course fees, and any applicable lab fees.
Speaker Series Recap
The 2016-17 Blackman High Speaker Series was a great success this year! We had the following speakers:
September: Mr. Shannon Eskinde, U.S. Marine and realtor
October: Mr. Walter Tiek, Businessman
November: Ms. Candy Carter, director of Last Call for Grace
January: Mr. Pete Pitts, actor from The Walking Dead
February: Mr. Kevin Anderson, Director of Sales at 94FM The Fish
March: Mr. Mike Hicks, Nashville Musician
We are excited for our slate of speakers for next year!
Rutherford Works Code Camps
Rutherford Works Code Camps are educational, five day programs for middle and high school students that strive to create a fun, engaging, and immersive environment in which they are challenged to think about technology. The program teaches students to create with code. By giving students the resources needed for success, they can become leaders of the high-tech Tennessee workforce.
The week-long day camp will be conducted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. At the end of the camp, the students will host parents for a “Demo Day” where they will exhibit the skills they have learned. With over 1,000 tech jobs going unfilled in Middle Tennessee every year, your student can get a jump start toward a high wage, high demand career. Click here for more information.
- Elementary (Grades 3-5): June 12-16, Barfield Elementary
- Middle (Grades 6-8): June 12-16, Blackman High
- Middle/High (Grades 7-12): June 26-30, Stewarts Creek Middle School
- High (Grades 9-12): June 26 - 30, MTSU - KOM Building
High school students can apply to be leadership interns at Camp Invention at Barfield Elementary. Leadership interns will:
1.) Earn 40 volunteer hours which help strengthen college, scholarship,
or job applications.
2.) Inspire elementary school children's creativity and perseverance.
3.) Gain valuable knowledge about Intellectual Property Literacy™.
4.) Receive a letter of recognition from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Click here to apply.
MTSU Summer Experiences
Innovation J-Camp
UT Summer Engineering Program
The Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN will host a series of summer engineering programs for rising ninth to twelfth grade students during the summer of 2017. For program information, dates, and deadlines visit: http://www.engr.utk.edu/diversity/pre-college/.
Each program is a one-week residential program for rising high school students except eVOL9. All students are encouraged to apply. All eVOL10 applicants must have taken a standard test, such as the ACT Aspire, ACT Residual, ACT, PSAT, or SAT. All HITES applicants must have a minimum ACT math score: 25 (SAT math score: 590). Our mission is to provide students who show an interest in engineering studies an early exposure to and preparation for scientific study and research. All applications must be received by their deadlines listed on the website above.
The Blackman Voice J-Camp
Life Experience Application
Students must complete 40 hours of real-life experience in the area of his/her major. The experience must be approved by the faculty board. This experience can be completed any year but must be completed by April of the senior year. The experience may or may not be a part of the student’s senior research project. The experience should be meaningful and provide insight into the field of study the student is interested in.
Report Extra-Curricular Activity Hours Online
You can now check how many hours you have submitted for extracurricular activities by clicking the link below the online form on the BCA webpage. It will update every morning from now through May 19th. If you do not see your hours listed, please enter them in the online form.
**These hours are due by May 19th.
Homework Hotline
- Free tutoring is available by phone
- Monday - Thursday from 4 - 8 p.m.
- Call 615-298-6636 or 1-888-868-5777
Support BHS when shopping for groceries!
You can now support Blackman High School when shopping for groceries!
Kroger: Log in to krogercommunityrewards.com and link your Kroger plus card to Blackman High School.
Publix: Pick up a BHS Publix partner keychain card in the BHS front office.
ACT Prep with Shmoop
Thanks to Rutherford County Schools, you now have access to Shmoop's premium resources. HERE'S HOW TO GET STARTED:
- Go to http://schools.shmoop.com/login/rutherford-county/
- Log in OR Create New Student Account
- Enter Magic Word: NAVIGATE (all caps)
- Choose either ACT Exam Prep (under the Test Prep section) or ACT Crash Course (under the Courses section)
Need help? Contact Holly Hunter hunterh@rcschools.net.
Congratulations Mary Grace Mancuso!
Congratulations Kayla Berry!
Congratulations Jeremy Puhr!
2017 Rutherford Works High School Internship Program
Richard Arning: City of Eagleville - Administrative Intern
Griffin Collins: Schwan Cosmetics - Product Development Lab Tech Intern
Timothy Gardner: Nissan Purchasing Intern
Katie Hartman: Murfreesboro Medical Clinic - Marketing
Luke Porter: Murfreesboro Electric - Engineering Intern
College Acceptances
Congratulations to the following seniors on their college acceptance!
- Nathaniel Bryan – University of Tennessee, Christian Brothers University, MTSU, UTC
- Jasmyn Bunch – University of Tennessee
- Dominique Diallo – MTSU, Carson-Newman, TN Wesleyan, Austin Peay
- Marion Farrar – University of Alabama
- Madison Flannery – Savannah College of Art and Design, Full Sail University, University of Central Florida, ETSU
- Evan Foulks – MTSU
- Mary Goodnight – University of Tennessee, MTSU
- Megan Grimes – Trevecca Nazarene, Belmont
- Katie Hart – University of Tennessee, UTC, Oral Roberts University
- Trey Harvie – Auburn, Mississippi State, University of Mississippi
- Haley Kyle – Carson-Newman
- Maya Paliaro – University of Tennessee, ETSU, Austin Peay, MTSU
- Dominic Perratta – Belmont and MTSU
- Jeremy Puhr – Tennessee Tech
- Kayla Reed – Harding, University of Alabama, Freed-Hardman
- Taylin Spurlock – University of Tennessee, MTSU, University of Kentucky, Belmont, University of the South
- Colton Tincher – University of Colorado-Denver, Belmont, MTSU, University of Tennessee, West Virginia
- Tyler Trent – University of Tennessee
- Samantha Udell – University of Tennessee, Loyola, Tulane
- Megan Uhls – Lee University
- Daylia Wallace – UTC
- Cierra Williams – Western Kentucky, University of Tennessee, Tulane
Senior News
- BCA Tassel: $13
- Honor Cord: $9
- Distinction Stole: $13
All seniors should have completed their FAFSA. If you still need to file, visit fafsa.gov. The FAFSA qualifies students for the HOPE Scholarship if they have a 3.0 GPA or 21 ACT score.
Tennessee Promise
Tell Us About Your Acceptances and Scholarship Offers!
Do You Have News?
BCA Contacts
Principal - Dr. Leisa Justus, justusl@rcschools.net, ext. 22901
Assistant Principal - Ken Reed, reedk@rcschools.net, ext. 22973
School Counselor - Christine Bryan, bryanc@rcschools.net. ext. 22906
Academics - Amber DeGeorge, degeorgea@rcschools.net, ext. 22909
Communications - Sara Lynn Clawson, clawsons@rcschools.net, ext. 22908
Grants - Andrea Holder, holdera@rcschools.net, ext. 22960
Extracurricular - Tim Pedigo, pedigot@rcschools.net, ext. 22720
Events - Hollye Dabney, dabneyh@rcschools.net, ext. 22738
Life Experience - Geneva Cook, cookg@rcschools.net, ext. 22942
Speaker Series - Brian Seadorf, seadorfb@rcschools.net, ext. 23036
Research - Rebecca Jones, jonesre@rcschools.net, ext. 22993