Lincoln Bulletin
January 27, 2023
Lincoln School
Lincoln leopards are respectful, responsible, and safe!
District and School Theme-Be Here, Be You, Belong!
Location: 211 South 6th Ave, St. Charles
Phone: 331-228-2501
Twitter: @LincolnD303
January 23rd-February 3rd- After-School Enrichment Classes
Wednesday, February 1st-100th Day of School
Friday, February 10th- Lincoln Family Fun Night
Monday, February 13th-Student Council Sponsored service project, Feed My Starving Children
February 13th-February 17th-Random Acts Of Kindness Week
From the principal
This week at Lincoln we celebrated PEACE week. Ms. Wollak partnered with the Davis social worker and they created daily lessons for all students to watch and learn about problem-solving. Mid-week I shared Monday and Tuesday's videos, below are Wednesday's and Thursday's videos. Students are learning to be PAWsitively problem-solvers skills. Wednesday the students learned to reflect and respond, and compromise. Thursday the students learned the steps of being a peaceful problem solver.
Today while I was out at recess with 2nd and 3rd grade, I saw most students working collaboratively to build a snow fort. This was such a great application of the work and skills we are building at Lincoln. I look forward to seeing everyone learn and grow at these skills which will help during lunch, recess, class, and also outside of school.
Next week we will have students and some whole classrooms begin using an online social-emotional learning tool called Centrevention. It is a game-based intervention and builds social-emotional skills that provide a solution to give our students the support they can use. They will develop skills in 6 areas, including impulse control, emotional regulation, communication, cooperation, social initiation and empathy. This is a personalized program where students are placed in situations and work through scenarios and the results of their decisions. This resource is new to Lincoln. We will have students use this tool during intervention time. We are very excited to begin this research-based program to continue to build our student's skills.
Student Council Service Project
The below information was shared Wednesday, most if not all spots have been filled. Sometimes people drop out, I am planning to call to see if we can add more to the evening. We may add a second date--look for further information, but continue to check back if spots open.
Monday, February 13th from 4:30-6:15 pm we are participating in a school event at Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. Feed My Starving Children is an event where we pack food and do team building and fun competitions. You will be helping to feed people around the world that don’t have food. All families are invited but children must be at least five years old to pack food and an adult must be with each family. There are only 60 spots and we have over 200 families in our school so sign up quickly! Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes because you will be standing for a long time.
Lincoln Leopards can make a difference in the world and we hope to see you there!
Below is the link to sign yourself and your family if you so choose to have them join in this fun event.
Donations needed
Donate snacks for students in need:
Please donate children's leggings and sweatpants to the office. Student's pants get wet from playing in the snow. It helps to be able to give them a dry pair if needed.
Staff Spotlight
Name: Jocelyn Klotz
Occupation: 2nd Grade Teacher
Place of birth: Oak Park, IL
Family: Husband, 2 grown children, 1 granddaughter
Pets: 2 dogs, Bear and Daisy
Favorite sport: Football to watch, tennis to play
Favorite thing to do over the weekend: RELAX
Best places to visit: Alaska, Michigan
Favorite book: Gone with the Wind
What superhero would you be? Wonder Woman
Favorite food: Asian or Seafood
Dairy Queen or Oberweis? Kilwin’s or Graham’s
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite College: University of Michigan (but went to NIU)
Favorite Team: GO BEARS!!!!
Airplane or Road trip: Depends on where I’m going and what there is to see along the way
Fun Facts:
I have taught at one school, one grade, one classroom my entire career.
I’m an only child and also have no first cousins.
I love to roller skate.
I love classic cars.
I can drive a stick shift and I like to!
Data Dashboard
D303 Administration has worked with the Board of Education to establish a routine summary on the health of District 303 through a Data Dashboard. This chart, which will be updated monthly on the District website, provides an overview of nine important measurements in the categories of Academics, Operations and Belonging.
Handicap Parking
Health Office News
A note from the Health Office:
It’s never too early to start planning!!
Dental Examination Requirements
Students in kindergarten, second, sixth and ninth grades must submit evidence of a dental examination by May 15th of that school year. Dental exams must be completed within 18 months prior to May 15th.
Vision Examination Requirements
Students entering Illinois schools for the 1st time (kindergarten or transfer) must submit evidence of a vision exam conducted by a physician who provides a complete eye exam or a licensed optometrist.
Cold and flu season is upon us! Preventative measures remain the most effective way to reduce the spread of influenza and other viral illnesses.
Students who present to the Health Office with a fever and/or feeling poorly are sent home. To prevent widespread illness in school, we recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing flu or cold symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines:
CONSIDER KEEPING YOUR CHILD AT HOME for an extra day of rest and observation if they have any of the following symptoms:
Very stuffy or runny nose and/or cough
Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep or COVID)
Mild stomach ache
DEFINITELY KEEP YOUR CHILD AT HOME for treatment and observation if they have any of these symptoms:
Fever (a temperature of 100 degrees F or greater)
Vomiting (even once)
General malaise or feelings of fatigue
Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
TO HELP PREVENT THE FLU AND OTHER COLDS, teach your children good hygiene habits:
Wash hands frequently
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw
it away and then wash hands
Avoid close contact with people who are ill
Colds and viruses are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who has a fever should remain at home until fever free and for a minimum of 24 hours. A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Keeping your ill child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom!
Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Do you have extra leggings or sweat pants? Please send them in to the Nurse! Sometimes pants get wet during recess and a clean, dry pair of pants could help a student!
We are looking forward to the Lincoln Family Fun Night on February 10, from 5:30 - 8:00 pm. This event is open to all Lincoln students and families and will feature:
- Food for purchase from Fernando’s Street Kitchen (beginning at 5:30). Cash and cards are accepted for food.
- Live music from a Lincoln family band!
- Cake walk and BINGO
- Silent Auction
- Raffle prizes from great local businesses, Lincoln teachers/staff and Lincoln classes!
- And more!
Please RSVP here and please indicate if you plan on purchasing food:
Please signup to volunteer or donate baked goods for the cake walk. Your help and support will make this event a huge success!:
We look forward to seeing you there! Please be on the lookout for more information and advance raffle ticket sales.
Family Contact Info - Please verify for your family!
This week’s first snow is a great reminder to make sure the contact information you’ve provided the District is up-to-date. We want to ensure you’re getting timely alerts on inclement weather operations and other important notifications. Please take a moment to do the following:
View Notification Preferences/Enable Text Messages
District 303 will send notifications to families through the ParentLink system by text message, phone call and email based on your settings. Parents/guardians can view and edit their contact settings through the Home Access Center.
To receive timely emergency communications, we strongly encourage families to enable text notifications. For most people, this is the fastest way to receive and view important messages. Here’s how:
- From the HAC main menu, select the “registration” tab to view your contact settings
- Select the “edit” button to change your contact settings
- To enable text message notifications, enter your cell phone number in the Cell/Text field
- Select the “save” button