ASD Highlights & Happenings
Spring 2023 Edition
Dear Abington School District Community,
I hope your first quarter of 2023 has been off to a positive start! Here in our schools, I feel that we have hit the ground running in the first three months of the year.
There have been so many exciting events and inspirational activities of which I have been fortunate to be a part in our schools. From getting to serve as a guest barista at the ACTIVE Academy's The Perfect Blend coffee window, to sitting in the audience during the Abington Middle School and Abington Senior High School annual musical productions, to getting to read Green Eggs and Ham to a classroom of third-graders at Roslyn Elementary School, and reading Ways to Make Sunshine as part of Overlook Elementary School's "One School, One Book", I have loved every opportunity I've had to spend time with our students and alongside their teachers. I am in awe of their talents, enthusiasm and desire to learn. Moments like these serve as an ongoing reminder that there are many positive things happening within our schools, even when we feel like we are only hearing the negative. I implore all of our students to continue contributing positively to their school communities and being a force for good.
I thank the teachers, staff members and parent/guardian volunteers who have supported our students throughout the school year in making these meaningful opportunities and experiences a reality inside and outside of the classroom. It truly takes a village, and I am hopeful for a spring full of even more positive celebrations throughout our nine schools.
Jeffrey S. Fecher, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
School Climate Survey
Earlier this school year, we asked students to participate in the Pennsylvania Department of Education's School Climate Survey, a different version of which was later administered to parents and guardians, sent via email by school principals. The voluntary and anonymous survey asked parents/guardians to complete a brief questionnaire about each of their students. In total, 839 surveys were submitted from parents/guardians over the roughly one-month period the survey was open.
The survey asked questions about social/emotional learning, student support, and safe and respectful school climates. Parents/guardians were asked to respond how strongly they feel to each statement in the survey, for example, "My child’s school is a supportive and inviting place for students". Either they strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), agree (3), or strongly agree (4). The responses are collated and averaged.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey, including students and parents/guardians. The information that was collected will be used by school teams to review progress in improving school climate, and the results from both survey groups will be presented at a meeting of the Board of School Directors as an orientation later this school year.
Equity in Action in Abington Schools
Students at Abington Middle School participated in a Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service that was themed around anti-bias education. School counselors Mr. Fred Johnson and Ms. Diana Finesmith led the students in a series of activities designed to spark conversation and build relationships, explore identity, and honor and celebrate our similarities and differences. Additionally, students participated in exercises where they practiced speaking up against everyday prejudice, bias, and stereotypes.
The photo above shows students participating in an Identity Iceberg Activity, which emphasized that only certain characteristics about people are visible above the surface; however, most of what makes us who we are is actually hidden until people get to know us better. This activity is just one example that highlights why it is important to never judge someone based on first appearances, and that we cannot make broad assumptions without knowing who a person really is beneath the surface.
This activity, and the others that students experienced during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, are a part of the Anti-Defamation League's Anti-Bias education series, and will be implemented into lessons for the whole school through advisory period.
Creating a Sense of Belonging Through Mentorship
One example of such an initiative is the Abington Middle School National Junior Honor Society and Overlook Elementary School Kindergarten Reading Buddies program. Every year members of the honor society at Abington Middle School pair up with a kindergartener at Overlook to learn about their younger buddy and read books together. Using the information they have gathered about their buddy, the older students then write books using their buddy as the main character. Not only do the younger students look up to the "big kids", but they have an opportunity to learn something through these connections. Meanwhile, these visits serve as a great reminder to the older students of the importance of serving as a good role model both in school and out in the community.
Similar initiatives also occur within Abington Middle School where a Buddies Club brings together differently abled students and their peers who are members of various clubs and activities. The Buddies Club this year has so far paired up with student athletes on the soccer, volleyball and lacrosse teams, where they shared basic skills for each sport, and they also paired with the new AMS Dance Team to learn a trendy TikTok dance routine.
Additionally, at McKinley Elementary School, a recent McMentor event paired staff mentors with students in the morning before school started, where they had opportunities to participate in a STEM-themed activity that involved building using straws, a circuit-board, a green screen and other materials.
Opportunities like these help students establish a sense of belonging among their peers (both older and younger), and are a great way to strengthen the bonds of the entire ASD school community, whether it is within the same school, or across buildings.
Abington Senior High School and Highland Elementary
McKinley Elementary and Abington Middle School
Abington Senior High School and Copper Beech Elementary
In Case You Missed It
Caring and Kindness Week
In recognition of Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) and Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb. 17), schools across ASD participated in activities focused on kindness and creating a sense of belonging. Led by members of the schools' Climate Committees, activities ranged from students writing appreciative notes for classmates and teachers, to students participating in an acts of kindness challenge by doing nice things for others.
Round Up at the Register
Abington Township Police Officers and their K9s Visit ASD Elementary Schools
Other Happenings in ASD
100th Day of School at Roslyn Elementary
Freezin' for a Reason at Abington Senior High
National African American Read-In at Willow Hill Elementary
Recognizing the Abington Middle School and Abington Senior High School Theater Departments for their Successful Spring Musical Productions
Good to Know
Tech Tips from the Technology and Innovation Department: Healthy Digital Habits
For Children:
- Don't spend too much time on screens like phones, tablets, or computers.
- Take breaks from screens often. Get up and stretch, and rest your eyes.
- Try not to do lots of things at once. It can make you feel stressed and unproductive.
- Use apps or tools to help you stay organized and get things done.
- Sit up straight when you use a computer or tablet. It can help you feel better.
- Don't use screens too close to bedtime. It can be hard to sleep after using them.
- Do not share your password with your peers.
- Make a habit of charging your Chromebooks before bedtime.
For Adults:
- Set boundaries - Set limits on your digital device usage. Establish specific times of the day when you will not use your phone or computer, such as during meals or before bedtime.
- Practice mindfulness - Practice being present, in the moment, and mindful of your digital device usage. Take breaks from your phone or computer and engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
- Be intentional - Use your digital devices with intention and purpose. Avoid mindlessly scrolling through social media or other apps.
- Prioritize sleep - Avoid using your digital devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep. Instead, engage in relaxing activities such as reading a book or taking a warm bath.
- Take breaks - Take regular breaks from your digital devices throughout the day. Get up and stretch, go for a walk, or engage in other physical activities that promote movement and reduce sedentary behavior.
- Connect with others - Use your digital devices to connect with others in meaningful ways, such as through video calls or messaging apps. Avoid using social media as a substitute for real-life connections.
- Practice digital hygiene - Protect your digital devices and online presence by regularly updating passwords, not reusing passwords, backing up important data, and avoiding suspicious links or downloads.
Drive Safe. Walk Safe.
Upcoming Key Dates
- Tuesday, March 28 - Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
- Monday, April 3 - Tuesday, April 4 - ASD Arts Fest, 12:30 p.m., Administration Building
- Monday, April 3 - Tuesday, April 4 - Early Dismissal (Middle School - 11:30 a.m.; Elementary Schools - 12:20 p.m.)
- Wednesday, April 5 - Early Dismissal (Senior High - 11:35 a.m.; Middle School - 12:00 p.m.; Elementary Schools - 12:20 p.m.)
- Thursday, April 6 - Monday, April 10 - Spring Recess
- Tuesday, April 11 - Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday, April 15 - Marching Band Indoor Guard and Drumline Show, 3:00 p.m., Bobby Bryant Athletic Center at Abington Senior High School
- Monday, April 17 - Arts in ASD Parent/Guardian Group Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Little Theater at Abington Middle School
- Thursday, April 20 - Cannabis: It's Complicated, Especially for Kids, 7:00 p.m., Zoom (see below flier)
- Tuesday, April 25 - Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday, April 29 - M3 Modern Music Invitational, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium at Abington Senior High School
- Thursday, May 4 - District Equity Advisory Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 9 - Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 16 - Professional Development Day (No Classes)
- Tuesday, May 23 - Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
- Monday, May 29 - Memorial Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
- Wednesday, June 7 - Commencement, 6:00 p.m., Schwarzman Stadium at Abington Senior High School (Rain Dates - June 8 and 12)
Abington School District
Email: cr@abington.k12.pa.us
Website: www.abington.k12.pa.us
Location: 970 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA, USA
Phone: 215-884-4700
Facebook: www.facebook.com/abingtonsd
Twitter: @abingtonschools