Hometown Family Buzz
August 29, 2023
Hornet Families:
What a great first week of school! This newsletter contains great information, not only for the week coming up, but for future events the school is offering. Please read the information and print off the events you would like to attend to return the flyers.
Our school day ends at 3:20pm. Please be at the school to pick up your child at this time. Your children are counting on you to be out at the door they exit when they leave.
PTA Meeting
Our first PTA meeting will be on Thursday, September 6th starting at 6pm. We hope all of our families can make the meeting. There will be a link sent out next week to attend virtually for families that cannot attend in person.
Our students will be coming home with monthly math challenges. We are hoping as family each of you work through the math problems together. There will be prizes for families who complete these challenges.
Have you used math challenge?
Please make sure your child is coming to school with a charged chromebook.
Save the Date
Our open house will be on September 12 at 6:00 pm. There will be two different sessions if you have multiple children in the building. You will head to your child's classroom to listen to a presentation from the teacher about behavior, expectations, curriculum etc. Our encore teachers will also be available that night to meet and greet. Please join us before for an ice cream social hosted by the PTA from 5:45-6:45 pm.
Back Parking Lot
Parents may NOT pull into the back parking lot to drop off or pick up students. You will be asked to move your vehicle. This parking lot is for staff only.
First Day of Kindergarten Fun
This year, Kindergarten started with a different look. On Friday, August 29, students arrived at 9:30 with their supplies AND their parents. They entered the room and found their seats, unloaded their supplies and hung up their backpacks. Parents stayed and helped their child get settled and then attended our first new family breakfast hosted by our principal Dr. Bencik, our nurse Sheila, and the PTA presented in a multilingual format. Students remained in their classrooms with their teachers until 11:00 when their parents came back to take them home. Students were all smiles on the first day! We can't wait to watch our littlest hornets grow.
If you are interested in signing up for the park district, please see the attached flyer.
Our school picture day will be Friday September 1. Picture forms came home last week Friday. Dress your best!
Clubs and Activities
Our clubs and activities will start next week on Tuesday. Flyers for different activities will be coming home this week.
MTSS Support
Here is district information about our systems approach. If your child will be attending these small groups, you will be receiving an individual letter.
6K- World Visions Family Race
Dismissal Procedures
When school is dismissed at 3:20 pm, students are able to walk home, line up in the gym for their bus, or meet their parents/ caregivers outside of the school. Older children who walk younger siblings or neighbors should meet them in a prearranged location outside of the building and will be dismissed first in order to pick up their sibling or relative. We ask that parents DO NOT park in the back lot to pick up children. Families should park on Kildare or Kolin.
We strongly encourage you to join our PTA at Hometown. We work together to provide many different events throughout the school year for the students. We always work with our volunteers to set them up for success. We will be offering all committee sign ups for trimester 1. Please consider joining this organization. The form is below.
Ice Cream Fridays
Our students love to get ice cream on Fridays. Please read the flyer for more details.
Goodies With Grandparents
Please use the flyer below to sign up for Goodies with Grandparents. You can print the flyer below and return it to the office.
Spotlight on Our New Staff--Meet Miss Smith
We would like to welcome our new staff to Hometown this year by focusing on each one. Our first spotlight is on Miss Smith, our new Kindergarten teacher. Let's learn more about her!
1. I have 4 nieces and 3 nephews.
2. I have been skydiving.
3. My favorite sports team is the Ohio State Buckeyes.
4. I love hiking.
5. Traveling and exploring new places and cultures is a passion of mine.
If you see Miss Smith in the hallway make sure to say hello! She joins Mrs. Gomez and Mrs. Sweetser in Kindergarten this year
On top of the world!
She loves to hike to new heights
Family time
She loves spending time with her nieces and nephews.
Cheering on her favorite team.
Behavior Expectations
Hornets learned about the behavior expectations in the building. Some students earned stingers for their great behavior. Please have a conversation with your student about how they are expected to walk in the hallway or what the bathroom expectation is.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown