Chesterbrook Academy News
October 2017
Note from the Principal
October is Fire Safety month, we will be teaching the children about fire safety and the important role that firefighters play in our community. We will have a visit from the Lower Providence Fire Department on Monday, October 9th.
If there are any questions or concerns please know that my door is always open.
Signing In and Out
You need to sign your children in/out while they are with you. That means you sign them in, in the morning as you walk in the door before you take them to their room.
You sign them out in the afternoon after you have picked them up, on your way out of the door.
It is very important to follow this procedure for safety reasons.
2nd - Picture payment or returns due back
9th - Firefighter visit23rd - Yankee Candle orders due
25th - Bookmobile
31st - Halloween
Week of 23rd - Principals conference - Miss Karen out of building
Jackets - Please be sure to send in a jacket even if the forecast is for a warm afternoon. It can be quite chilly when we go out in the morning.
Parking Lot - Please obey the 15 MPH speed limit in the parking lot. Child can dash out from between the cars and away from their parents. Also cars must follow the direction of the arrows when driving through the lot. Cars may NOT be left running in the parking lot.
Folders - Please be sure to check your folders daily. In most rooms they are located behind the doors or near the cubbies.