October Senior Newsletter
October 3rd, 2023
Happy College Application Month!
October is an exciting time for seniors as this begins Michigan College Month. On October 10th, Coleman Jr/Sr High School will be hosting its own College Application Day. Please see the attached list of universities that will be waiving application fees for the month of October. All seniors expected to graduate in May of 2024 will be encouraged to apply for admission to at least one college or university, if they have not already done so. In addition to completing college applications, students will also be setting up a Parchment account for sending transcripts electronically, a FSA I.D. for the FAFSA application, and logging into the Michigan Students Scholarships and Grants portal to identify if they qualify for the Tuition Incentive Program. Also, staff from CMU and Delta College will be here to talk about financial aid and scholarship opportunities. We strongly encourage all current seniors to participate in this extremely important day.
In preparation for College Application Day, there are several pieces of information that students and their families will need to work together in gathering to complete most college applications. That information includes the following:
Social security number
Home address of mother and father if different from student’s
Emergency contact information
Personal Email (or parental in the case the student does not have one)
College entrance test scores
If applying to a university
List of extracurricular activities
List of honors and awards
Employment information
In order to make this day run smoothly, it is imperative that you have the above information ready for Tuesday, October 10th. Attached is a form to record the above information that we will also distribute to students prior to the event. Please remember to bring this form with you on College App Day! Alternatively, storing the information in your phone may be a great way to be sure you have it available on College App Day.
College Rep Visits
College reps will continue visiting throughout the next few months. Thus far we have had visits from SVSU, Mid-Michigan College, and Oakland University. We have had great attendance at these rep visits, which is exciting to see! Signup sheets for the upcoming rep visits are located on Mr. Zink’s office door. Attending these rep visits can help you learn more about the college, including admissions and scholarship information.
Check out these scholarship opportunities!
- Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship: https://www.elks.org/scholars/scholarships/mvs.cfm
- J Ranck Skilled Trades Scholarship: https://www.jranck.com/scholarship/
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Scholarship: https://www.svsu.edu/media/mlk/docs/MLK%20Scholarship%20Flyer.pdf
- Delta College Presidential Honors Scholarship: https://www.delta.edu/costs-financial-aid/scholarships/index.html Link for application: https://delta.elluciancrmrecruit.com/Apply/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=/Apply/
- 2023 College Scholarship Database: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php
- Going Merry: Create an account on Going Merry to get matched with a personalized list of scholarships that you can start applying to in 5 minutes or less! https://www.goingmerry.com/
Looking to Stay Connected? Join us on the Remind App!
If you are interested in receiving updates, reminders, and helpful information related to college and career planning, you are encouraged to sign up for the Remind app! Once downloaded from the app store, you can use this code @3habdc4 to connect with Mr. Zink and I on all things related to post-secondary planning during your senior year. This will include reminders about rep visits, links to helpful college admission resources, sharing of upcoming career fairs and events, and so much more!
Have a GPA of 3.0 or above?
Have a GPA of 3.0 or above?
Big News: The Michigan Assured Admission Pact (MAAP) was announced last week! Through this program, 10 of Michigan’s public universities are guaranteeing admission to all Michigan high school graduates who earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or above (4.0 scale). The 10 participating universities are: Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Ferris State University, Lake Superior State University, Northern Michigan University, Oakland University, Saginaw Valley State University, University of Michigan-Dearborn, University of Michigan-Flint, and Wayne State University.
Interested in a Skilled Trade?
See the attached listing of all the certificate programs available at community colleges here in Michigan!