Covington Connection
March 14th, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, March 22nd: Covington STEM Night @ 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday, March 22nd and Thursday, March 23rd: Book Fair
Monday, March 27th to Friday, March 31st: Spring Break
Monday, April 3rd: Return to School
Tuesday, April 4th: No School - District 123 Staff Institute Day
Friday, April 7th: No School
Monday, April 10th: No School
Tuesday, April 11th: Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) Testing Window Opens (Grade 3 - Grade 5 students)
Erin's Law Presentations
A reminder that we will have our Erin's Law presentations for all students grade Kindergarten to Grade 5 tomorrow, Wednesday, March 15th. Letters were sent home to students briefly explaining the program (you can also read the letter by clicking on the image next to this text).
To learn more about Victor, visit www.VictorPacini.com
For more information regarding Erin’s Law please visit: http://www.erinslawillinois.org
If you have any additional questions or concerns about Erin’s Law, or would like to have your child opt out of the presentation, please contact your school Principal.
Parent University - “It Starts With You" - Restorative Practices for Families - Part 2
ONLINE - Wed, March 15, 2023 - 6:30pm
“It Starts With You" - Restorative Practices for Families - Part 2
School District 123 is continuing to ensure students and classrooms are “Learning Ready” and working toward creating positive and inclusive environments for all. This spring, leadership teams and staff members have embarked upon training and discussions regarding the role restorative practices plays within the culture, climate, and disciplinary structure of district schools. During this Parent University, a representative from the Restorative Group will be sharing information about building strong relationships at home while improving the connection with your child and increasing their confidence. This is the second of a six-part Parent University series on the topic that will run through the spring and fall of 2023. Part 3 will take place on April 13, 2023, with the remainder of the sessions scheduled for the Fall of 2023.
Join the presentation on March 15, 2023 at 6:30pm.
5Essentials Survey
Once again Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 will participate in the 11th annual statewide survey of school climate and learning conditions conducted by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This survey provides a platform for students, teachers, and parents to express their opinions on ways to improve their community's schools. Please take a moment to ensure your voice is part of the process by participating in the survey. The 5Essentials survey helps school administrators in District 123 prioritize and plan for the upcoming school year. Our school will only receive the results of the survey if enough families, staff, and students participate.
Covington School Book Fair
Please visit our Scholastic Homepage to preview the digital flyer and to set up your student's E-Wallet. Information can be found at the following link as well as the flier below.
Book Fair
Our Spring Book Fair is just around the corner! Our Book Fair will be taking place between Wednesday, March 22nd and Friday, March 24th. In order to run it, we do ask for parent volunteers. There are options to assist during the school day as well as Wednesday evening during our Family STEM Night. To look at all of the volunteer opportunities as well as to sign-up, please visit Book Fair Volunteer Form.
KDG/PreK Registration
2023-2024 Preschool Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
Covington Yearbooks
Covington Yearbooks are now available to order. Visit Covington Yearbook Orders to sign-up to order one of your own yearbooks. Additionally, the online link will also give you the ability to personalize your yearbook as well! Again, visit the link or click on the image for more information.
Drop Off Lane
Note: You can begin dropping off students in the drop-off lane at 8:10 A.M. We have been getting really backed up at about 8:20 A.M. and cars until 8:35 A.M. To avoid this, please consider dropping off students earlier as between 8:10 A.M. - 8:20 A.M.the line is much shorter.
With cold temperatures and difficult weather will become more normal, we are going to experience a larger number of families that are utilizing our Drop Off Lane.
When using the Drop Off Lane, please note:
- When entering the drop-off lane, pull up as far as you can. When stopping your car, if you are anywhere along the purple curb, please have your student(s) exit the vehicle and walk on the sidewalk.
- Students should walk directly onto the sidewalk. From there, walk along the sidewalk to Door 2.
- Please be patient while using the Drop Off Lane.
Thank you
PTO Information
Our PTO can only run our events with the help of our amazing families. Please consider signing up for one of our yearly events or committees by going to PTO Event Committee SignUp.
Follow us on Instagram @CovingtonElementaryPTO and on Facebook @CovingtonPTO for upcoming news and events!
Covington Elementary School
Website: d123.org/covington
Location: 9130 S 52nd Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @d123covington
Mr. John Wawczak - Principal
Email: jwawczak@d123.org
Website: d123.org/covington
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @MrWawczak