Harrington Happenings
January 14, 2024
Happy Sunday Harrington Families!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. We are certainly having a very different Winter season this year. Yesterday, topped 60 degrees! Today it is 35 degrees, and supposed to get colder as the week goes on which will reflect a more consistent January weather wise. As you will read below, the students have begun their mid-term assessments and are working very hard. Also, this coming Friday will be our "Tape Mr. A" to the wall event. Students, wishing to participate can purchase a strip of tape for $1, there is no limit on how much tape students can purchase. As you can see in the picture above from the last time we did this, there was a lot of tape used to keep me on the wall, haha! I am excited for this event, I love seeing the students smiling and hear their laughs as the tape me to the wall. We will be sure to take before and after photos to share with the community.
- From January 8th through the 26th, students will be participating in their mid year assessments. As a school, we review this data to see student growth since our Fall assessments.
- January 19th we will be holding our "Tape Mr. A To The Wall Event." The proceeds from this event are used to support students that may need financial support for various school activities.
I will remind families that drive on school grounds to pick up their students and drop off their students that smoking is prohibited on school grounds. If a staff member does witness smoking in vehicles on school grounds, they will kindly ask you to stop smoking, this includes vaping devices. I appreciate your support in adhering to no smoking on the school grounds.
Once again, remember to…"Push through your day, Smile, Be Happy, Stay Positive!"
Be safe! Stay well!
Rob & Karen
Harrington Cultural Diversity Night
Please join us for Harrington’s Cultural Diversity Night on January 30th, 2024 from 6:00-7:30 pm. The goal of the night is to build connections between families. We are looking for families who would be willing to share about their culture.
Culture is defined as the way that people live including the food, clothing, language, traditions and celebrations that they engage in. This could include sharing about a place that is special to your family, it could be a special food that is eaten at a certain time of year, it could be a holiday that your family celebrates, a special piece of clothing that is passed down from parents to children or a song/dance that is special to the family.
What your family chooses to share with the Harrington community is up to each family. Feel free to join with another family who may have a similar culture to do an activity, poster, game, song or dance together. We need the help of all families to make this night a success. Please consider signing up to share about your family traditions, culture or heritage by clicking on this link https://forms.gle/UV7tHGirfGsLYU9B7. If there are any questions please reach out to Karen Grabowski, Assistant Principal, grabowskik@chelmsford.k12.ma.us.
Harrington Math Night
All students and families are welcome to join us for our regular Monday Night Math on January 22 at 7:00 pm! We had a great showing at the December Monday Math night please use the link below to sign up for January 22nd.
Let's Stay Connected!
Hello Harrington families,
Save the date for the Scholastic Book Fair 2/5-2/9 and our annual Readathon that will be happening through the month of February!
If you are interested in volunteering for any school events that will be held during school hours please be sure to have an active CORI on file with the district. Applications can be picked up and returned at the administration office at 230 North Road. This includes the Book Fair!
General School Information
Building Hours - The Harrington School and the Main Office will be open daily Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. You can also contact the office with any specific questions between these hours. The phone number is: 978-251-5166.
Building Access: Visitors to the school are only permitted with an appt. made through the main office. You must have a photo ID when you come to the school. The main office staff will verify your ID using the camera system on the door buzzer. If you are picking up your student(s) prior to dismissal, please call the main office ahead to inform them and and remain outside the building and the main office staff will dismiss your student.
Buses: f you have any bus questions concerning routes or bus stops, you can find the information on the Chelmsford Public Schools website or call 978-251-5100 (https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/transportation/ ). Students will not be required to show a bus pass and bus pass checks will not be conducted over the first few weeks of school. By the middle of September when final adjustments have been incorporated into the transportation routes, we will distribute bus passes to students and begin bus pass checks. The bus passes this year will contain the bus number, bus stop, and approximate pick-up time for each rider. Please note that buses will run late for the first week or two of school as drivers take extra care in learning stops and students.
District Nutrition Message
This year Massachusetts is offering all school lunch and breakfast at no charge to students. This does not automatically make families eligible for any other benefits. We strongly encourage families that feel they are eligible for transportation or extended day reduced tuition to fill out the online free and reduced meal application. The links can be found below.
If you do qualify for benefits you most likely will be eligible for SNAP benefits.
Some examples of SNAP benefits are discounts on gas, electric utilities and internet services.
District Academic Calendar
C. D. Harrington Elementary School
Email: asselinr@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://harrington.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 120 Richardson Road, North Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5166
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harringtonelementarychelmsford/