Art Rutkin Elementary Announcements
October 20, 2023
Now - 11/10: Poinsettia Sales Fundraiser
10/9-10/31: Socktober (Sock donations for the Caring Closet)
10/26: NO SCHOOL - Family Partnership Day (Conferences)
10/27: NO SCHOOL - Family Partnership Day (Conferences)
10/28-29: Arts in the Burbs 10:00am-5:00pm @ Tigard High School
11/5: Daylight saving time ends - set clocks back one hour
October: Down Syndrome awareness month
October: National Principal month
October: National Bully Prevention month
October 9-13: National School Lunch Week
October 16-20: National School Bus Safety Week
October 23-31: Red Ribbon Week
- Message from Mr. Kingery
- Socktober
- Fundraisers
Message from Mr. Kingery
Dear Art Rutkin Families,
I hope this message finds you safe, well and enjoying all the fun that this time of year brings with the change of season.
Our mission and purpose at Art Rutkin Elementary is to ensure a positive and inclusive teaching and learning experience for all students. Understanding who we are as a new school supports our efforts to be community responsive. It is exciting to learn and grow together in this new school community.
It is important for everyone in our community to know that district-wide policy regarding seasonal and holiday celebrations is currently an ongoing conversation. We also have the unique opportunity to thoughtfully establish our school traditions together. These types of processes take time. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as plans develop during this first year. Our staff has already learned a lot from the families of Art Rutkin Elementary. We have received valuable information through direct conversations, and through recent family and staff surveys collecting details about culture and traditions celebrated across all our school populations.
The week of Oct. 30-Nov. 3rd will be a fun week here at school. While we know that many of our families celebrate Halloween on Oct. 31st, we also know that many do not. With this in mind, we remain committed to our goals for ensuring a positive and inclusive teaching and learning experience for all students every day.
While we will not be scheduling Halloween parties or wearing costumes at school, we will be holding an all school assembly planned for Tuesday, Oct. 31st. This assembly will include the results from our Socktober sock donation drive, the upcoming school-wide focus for November around safe, considerate and responsible expectations and sharing the official name of our ram mascot. This will be a fun assembly for everyone at school. On Friday, Nov. 3rd, our classes will be recognizing and celebrating fall harvest traditions throughout the day. This will be done with cross grade level buddy classes and individual class activities all day long. Please look for details about this day in upcoming messages from your child’s teacher.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement as we create a welcoming school community where we can gather together with a true sense of respect and belonging.
With Gratitude,
Mr. Kingery
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! We are SOO close to our goal! It makes our hearts happy to know how many families will benefit from our drive.
Socktober goes through October 31st!
Fundraisers to support Art Rutkin's PSO
Community Flyers
Did you know that you can find community flyers in one place? You can!! They are located on our website under fast links.