Cavalier Newsflash
Work HARD! Dream BIG! Believe in YOURSELF! Never GIVE UP!
Volume 2 - Issue 39 - June 1, 2020
Message from the Principal
Good evening Cavaliers,
Wow, last week of school! Let’s take a deep breath and push to the finish line. As usual, the last week of the year is full of important events, and now with distance learning, it’s even more hectic. But we can do this! #cvmstrong
Go Cavaleirs!
Julio Alcalá
Chula Vista Middle School
Books, Instruments & Club TC Uniform Return
Chula Vista Middle will open for students to return textbooks, musical instruments and athletic uniforms in the safest and most efficient way possible. Returns will be by vehicle, grade level, student last name and limited to the following dates and times:
8th Grade
Last Name starting with A-L – Monday, June 1st – 1:30pm-3:30pm (By Vehicle Only)
Last Name starting with M-Z – Tuesday, June 2nd – 1:30pm-3:30pm (By Vehicle Only)
7th Grade
Last Name starting with A-L – Wednesday, June 3rd – 1:30pm-3:30pm (By Vehicle Only)
Last Name starting with M-Z – Thursday, June 4th – 1:30pm-3:30pm (By Vehicle Only)
The following return procedures will be in place:
For the safety of everyone, we are requesting that only parents and students come to CVM to return items. No other services will be provided or permitted during these times.
On your designated date and time, drive in to the staff parking lot from Fifth Avenue and follow all posted communications. Students must arrive to campus by car and remain in their car at all times until instructed otherwise.
When you arrive at the school, please adhere to all social distancing guidelines. Wear a mask, scarf, bandana, or “do-it-yourself” face covering while on campus. The county of San Diego and the city of Chula Vista have made face covering mandatory for all encounters outside your home. Our staff will also be adhering to the public health guidelines on social distancing and following established public health and district protocols.
Only students will be allowed to exit vehicles and enter the Multi-Purpose Building, one at a time. Parents/guardians must stay in their cars during the entire pick up process to minimize possible exposure to COVID-19 as well as to remain compliant with public health mandates. During the distribution process, parents and students must follow all written/posted and verbal directions to maximize safety.
This will not be a time for students to socialize, please discuss with your student the need to practice social distancing at all times. Please note there will be no access to other areas of school.
Thank you!
Chula Vista Middle abrirá para que los estudiantes devuelvan libros de texto, instrumentos musicales y uniformes deportivos de la manera más segura y eficiente posible. Las devoluciones se realizarán por vehículo, grado, apellido del estudiante y se limitarán a las siguientes fechas y horas:
Octavo grado
Apellido que comienza con A-L - lunes 1 de junio - 1:30 pm-3:30pm (solo por vehículo)
Apellido que comienza con M-Z - martes 2 de junio - 1:30 pm-3:30pm (solo por vehículo)
Séptimo grado
Apellido que comienza con A-L - miércoles 3 de junio - 1:30 pm-3:30pm (solo por vehículo)
Apellido que comienza con M-Z - jueves 4 de junio - 1:30 pm-3:30pm (solo por vehículo)
Se implementarán los siguientes procedimientos de devolución:
Para la seguridad de todos, solicitamos que solo los padres y los estudiantes vengan a CVM para devolver los artículos. Ningún otro servicio será provisto o permitido durante estos tiempos.
En la fecha y hora designadas, maneje hasta el estacionamiento del personal desde la Avenida Quinta y siga todas las comunicaciones publicadas. Los estudiantes deben llegar al campus en automóvil y permanecer en su automóvil en todo momento hasta que se indique lo contrario.
Cuando llegue a la escuela, cumpla con todas las pautas de distanciamiento social. Use una máscara, bufanda, pañuelo o una cubierta para la cara mientras esté en el campus. El condado de San Diego y la ciudad de Chula Vista han hecho que la cobertura facial sea obligatoria para todos los encuentros fuera de su hogar. Nuestro personal también se adherirá a las pautas de salud pública sobre distanciamiento social y seguirá los protocolos establecidos de salud pública y del distrito.
Solo los estudiantes podrán salir de los vehículos y entrar al Edificio de Usos Múltiples, uno a la vez. Los padres/tutores deben permanecer en sus automóviles durante todo el proceso de recogida para minimizar la posible exposición al COVID-19 y cumplir con los mandatos de salud pública. Durante el proceso de distribución, los padres y los estudiantes deben seguir todas las instrucciones escritas/publicadas y verbales para maximizar la seguridad.
Este no será un momento para que los estudiantes socialicen, por favor platique con su estudiante la necesidad de practicar el distanciamiento social en todo momento. Tenga en cuenta que no habrá acceso a otras áreas de la escuela.
iPad Alternative Return Procedures
- Charge iPad before you arrive
- Remove passcode & back up data
- Bring the Apple charging brick and cord
- Take a picture of device and asset tag/barcode for your records
- Device not turning on will be assessed for damage and may incur a charge
Paper Copy Turn-In Procedures
Please return completed work in the envelope provided and make sure the student's name and ID number are clearly written on the envelope.
The last Day for 7th grade students to turn in paper copies will be Wednesday June 3rd.
Class of 2020 8th Grade Promotion Requirements Update
Consulte la carta de la Superintendente de SUHSD, Dra. Karen Janney, con respecto a los cambios en los requisitos de promoción de octavo grado para la clase de 2020.
8th Grade Class of 2020 Virtual Celebration
In order to celebrate your Promotion from Chula Vista Middle School, we have decided to produce a Virtual Promotion Ceremony video.
The link to the video will be emailed to you on Thursday June 4th, 2020 at 11:00am. You can share the link with family and friends so they can enjoy the moment with you.
Promotion Certificate Distribution
In an effort to distribute promotion certificates to our promoting 8th grade students, in a safe and orderly manner, Chula Vista Middle will temporarily open its campus for promoting 8th grade students to pick up their promotion certificates and class t-shirts.
Pick up will be by vehicle, last name and limited to specific dates and times.
Please see the following detailed procedures:
Distance Learning Survey/Encuesta de Aprendisaje a Distancia
Greetings Sweetwater families,
The survey below is being sent to all parents/guardians to obtain your input on Distance Learning and reopening of school for 2020-2021. We are asking that you log-in using your child’s sweetwaterschools.net account so that we can connect your responses to your child’s school.
Survey link: https://bit.ly/ParentDL2020
Saludos a las familias de Sweetwater,
La encuesta a continuación se envía a todos los padres / tutores para obtener su opinión sobre la educación a distancia y la reapertura de la escuela para 2020-2021. Le pedimos que inicie sesión con la cuenta de sweetwaterschools.net de su hijo para que podamos conectar sus respuestas a la escuela de su estudiante.
Survey link: https://bit.ly/ParentDL2020
Current Student Registration
Returning Student Registration
Chula Vista Middle School Parents/Guardians,
The online registration window for 2020-2021 school year is now open. Please log into Infinite Campus Parent Portal submit your applications as soon as possible.
Chula Vista Middle needs your 6th or 7th grader’s current student information (e.i. current school, parent/guardian contact and address) to generate a GUID number (Activation Key). Please click HERE for more information.
We Are CVM!
Chula Vista Middle School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: www.cvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 415 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Twitter: @CVM_Principal