South School Friday Updates
February 2nd, 2024
Save the Dates:
Winter Walk to School - 2/7/24
PTO - 2/7/24 @ 7pm
School Council - 2/14/24 @ 3pm
PTO Bingo - 2/15/24
February Vacation - 2/19-2/23
Week of January 29th
Happy Friday South Community!
We had a FIN-omenal week at the South! We had out 3rd annual puzzle day this past week. See pictures below from the event. Thank you to our PTO for the continued support in acquiring supplies for the event. It has quickly become a highlight for many students!
The South Community has a few upcoming events at the South including Winter Walk to School next Wednesday (7th), Valentines Day on the 14th and PTO sponsored Bingo Night on the 15th. More information regarding all of those events below.
We sustained some winter damage to the asphalt by the 2/3 pick up area and also in the teacher parking lot. Both of those areas have been reported to the school and town department and their will be both temporary and long term fixes as the warmer weather arrives and repairs are able to be completed.
Have a wonderful weekend!
- Principal Dore
Puzzle Day - January 29th
New Building Project Updates
Valentines Day @ the South
MCAS Dates & Reminders
Update from Nurse Kaplan
As the snowy, icy season is upon us please send students to school in weather appropriate clothing. Please remember that if the temperature is warm enough students will go outside and may require boots and snow pants in order to play in the snow. If you are in need of hats and/or gloves please reach out!
During the wintertime there are a lot of respiratory illnesses. If you are not feeling well please use your best judgment in sending students to school. Please remain home if you have had a fever (24 hours fever free without fever reducing medicine). If you have been vomiting and/or had diarrhea please follow the 24 hour guidance as well.
- Nurse Kaplan