Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
September 2022
The hours are posted and for any necessary paperwork, Christine Dickey, our Administrative assistant, is available 9:00am - 1:00pm Monday - Friday. If our property manager is out for other duties, Christine will either get an emergency message to him, or be sure he gets the message upon his return. Josh will continue with his hours posted, but his responsibilities continuously take him out of the office and out and about on the property. We have a lot of projects going on that demand attention outside of the office. Many emergencies arise that require oversight and Josh always makes himself available to talk with owners about their concerns and solutions with everyone in the community. What owners might not know is that Josh is available to this Board 24/7 and gets a lot of weekend and late night calls. So if you see the "Closed" sign on the door during office hours, you will know that he is out for meetings or somewhere on the property.
The Clubhouse Wall and Pergola is finished and ready for use!
The Family Pool should be opened any day now!
The Balcony/Stair Project is Moving Ahead (sort of)
Josh McCollum has been named Project Manager for the Stair Project
While I was doing some aspects of this prior to accepting this role, this is not the primary function of a LCAM or property manager, so naming me was important to give me the authority. I plan to be involved, fair, honest, and to not have any bias in this project/process as I believe I do on all Association related issues.
187 owners have registered to vote...this equals 64% ! We need 32 more people to vote to achieve the 75%
Amendments and By-Laws could be ready as early as the end of September. They could then be voted on by the Associations and we would need a 75% vote. So keep doing the practice polls and be ready for that ALL IMPORTANT VOTE COMING UP!
What is e-Voting?
- How is it beneficial a) to the owners and b) to the association?
- e-Voting is a method of allowing owners to vote using their internet connection. This saves the owners, and the Association, time and money (postage and copying), and reduces the stress of having to open ballots and count votes. Errors in reading hand-marked ballots are eliminated entirely. When you vote online it is secure and the results are tallied digitally...no vote can be compromised.
- How do I register?
- Log on to your Condominium Associates Owner profile using this link https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/. After you log in or register there is a tab at the top of the page that says Online Voting, after clicking the tab you with either need to register to vote or you can scroll down to the bottom and click vote.
- How do I get help if I need it?
If you need help please reach out to the office at bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com or bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Below are the results from PRACTICE Poll #2.
20 new owners signed up for online voting this week bringing our total to 187 registered online and 125 voted on Poll #2. Please remember that this was just a poll to get people involved in voting and familiar with logging into HOAst, these results do not reflect an actual decision regarding the new pool hours.
Open at 9:00am - Close at 10:00pm58.0
Open at 9:00am - Close at 11:00pm56.0
Open at 10:00am - Close at 10:00pm9.0
Open at 10:00am - Close at 11:00pm2.0
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Off season hours for the office (starting April 30) : MWF - 7:00am - 3:30pm Tuesdays 7:00-2:30pm Th - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Admin will be in the office: M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm
There are no Saturday hours during the off-season
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adriana Lein - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Susan Hoffman - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Committees at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Tom Shaw - fltshaw@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera (Summer chair: Mary French)
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com MaryLLLFrench@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Tom Shaw fltshaw@yahoo.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
E-Voting Committee: Mike Martin getmesouth@gmail.com
The Budget Committee for the 2023 Budget: Christina Stokes, Laurel Poletti, Payne Blair, Tori Elvir, Vivi Iglesias
NEW SECURITY NUMBER: The new number is +1 727-337-2266
For now - our guards are on duty from 5:00pm - 1:00pm Monday - Thursday, and 4:00pm - 2:00pm on the weekends. Our guards are Dave and Bobbi. They now have a new cell phone, so if you "see something - say something", and don't hesitate to call this number to report anything suspicious that you see or have a concern about.
No cans in plastic bags
Only aluminum cans...no household trash
No cardboard please...this contaminates the pick up
The 80's Returned to Bermuda Bay
BUILDING CAPTAINS - a neighborly way to keep everyone informed!
To try and streamline communication throughout the community we are initiating a system whereby there will be one person (Captain) who will maintain communication for each individual building. The purpose of this will be clear and concise communication about particular “Building” business and concerns. Owners will still be encouraged to contact the office/property manager whenever they have a concern or question, but a Building Captain can focus personal communication/fellowship/and pertinent information in another way. This will not replace email blasts from the property manager – it would be an extension of that service. Examples of this could be:
Hurricane information – making sure that their building is prepared and make sure that neighbors are helping neighbors when emergencies arise
Evacuation safety – making sure that residents understand the route and get out!
Safety concerns – for their individual buildings
Stair Project information that concerns their buildings
Landscaping concerns to your individual building
E-voting – making sure that their building residents are registered and will vote when the time comes
We are looking for one person per building who would be willing to take on this communicative responsibility. We would prefer someone in your building who is a year round resident if possible. This person would be responsible for obtaining the emails and phone numbers of the residents of your building for communication purposes only.
If you would like to be considered for Building Captain please contact Josh bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com or
Christine Dickey (administrative assistant)
Team work makes the Dream work!
Just a reminder to pay your Kayak and Trailer parking dues
Now that the family pool is almost ready for swimmers, the landscaping committee is turning its attention to needs around the family pool and laundry area. Below is map of that area and
a DRAFT of ideas so far. We will plan an initial community digging/planting date in the future for a few of these zones-- i.e. sometime in September, date TBD.
Landscaping, of course, will depend a LOT on volunteer help—including volunteers to contribute specific types of plants that would work well in these areas. These are also plants that we might be able to get FREE starters by thinning from elsewhere at Bermuda Bay. All are drought-resistant and non-invasive:
Blue Daze
Birds of Paradise
Liriope (blue lilyturf)
The Problem of Watering
The FIRST thing that needs to be addressed before any planting can be done is to get WATER to that area. There are only two sprinkler heads, but both are closed for the duration of WKM project at Bermuda Bay. However, there are two faucets in the family pool/laundry area. One plan is to hook up a hose and sprinkler head to at least one of those faucets, so that we can at get some landscaping done in the areas right outside the laundry.
Does anyone want to donate a hose (about 50 to 75 feet long) and/or sprinkler attachment?
The sprinkler attachment should be adjustable, so that we can direct the water to specific small areas.
Watch your water intake...we are already over budget!
After looking at the past three years there has been a steady increase in the water/sewer line item. 2019 budgeted $98,800.00 and spent $128,000.00, 2020 budgeted $132,500 and spent $143,000.00 and in 2021 W/S budgeted $151,000.00 and there was a slight decrease to $143,000.00.
What's important here is that the past two years have had less traffic at Bermuda Bay because of Covid. This year we were at full capacity and the usage went up. Josh has reached out to a company that’s going to stop by next week and talk to him about how to check to see if we have leaks and what the process is to fix it. The Board would like to kindly ask homeowners to check their toilets and just be conscious of running water.
Meet Your Neighbors - Peg and Roger Daisley
Roger and Peg Daisley (65E) moved to Bermuda Bay a little over a year ago from Long Island's south shore, where Roger grew up. However, they have owned a condo in BB since 2015, and have spent Christmas holidays here every year, while renting out their unit as a vacation rental the rest of the year. Since becoming full-timers, Roger served on the Review of Documents committee and became head of the ARC committee. Peg joined the landscaping committee and has written many of the articles you have loved for the Bermuda Bay Newsletter. They are planning for this to be their year-round home for at least the next decade or so, and want to do what they can to help with the revitalization of the infra-structure and grounds. They feel, like so many owners, that Bermuda Bay is truly a hidden gem, and they want to make sure that this gem shines again!
On Long Island, they had belonged to a yacht club and a sailing club, where Roger was the Commodore in 2018-2019. Since moving to the area, the Daisleys have joined the Boca Ciega Yacht Club, where Roger teaches sailing to those who want to be certified to take out the BCYC's boats. He is also an avid bicyclist, putting in about 25 miles each morning along the Pinellas Trail, and he is an aspiring "rock star." He had been a member of the band in his sailing club on Long Island for many years, and after moving here began taking guitar classes locally. He just recently joined a group of musicians who get together weekly for practice sessions at the BCYC. The band is called Ibuprofen. Peg is a member of the Morean Arts Center and the Gabber Book Group, and is still working part-time as a freelance editor and writing coach, mainly focused on working with authors who self-publish their books.
In Peg's previous life, she was a senior editor at The American Lawyer magazine and National Law Journal newspaper, where she managed all the surveys and rankings and stories related to them. After leaving for the freelance life, she consulted with the business side of the company (ALM Media) to develop a database of legal intelligence about the world's largest law firms. She continues to work with ALM on two projects each year. Roger, who attended the Naval Academy, and highly values the services of the V.A. in St. Petersburg, spent his entire professional life in the insurance industry, where his position advanced consistently, along with his degrees and certifications. Over the years, he was a VP at several of the largest mutual insurance companies, and Chief Marketing Officer at one. He also held top leadership positions in several professional organizations and was president of the board of a 188-unit co-op he and Peg lived in Manhattan. In fact, between 1994 and 2015, they owned three different co-ops in Manhattan and served on the board of all of them.
Though Roger is from Long Island (but born in Everett, Washington), Peg is originally from Bloomington, Indiana. They met in Indianapolis where Roger had been managing an agency for several years -- but they met just as Roger was moving back to New York to manage an agency in Queens, NY. After they married, they lived in Manhattan, and then Queens, and then moved to Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1987 for Roger's position at Massachusetts Mutual. During that time, Peg completed an M.A. at the University of Massachusetts, while she was teaching writing, and doing freelance pieces for local publications. In 1994, they moved back to Manhattan, where they lived until 2004, and then finally moved to Long Island.
It is because of where they come from on Long Island that they find the St. Petersburg -- and particularly Bermuda Bay -- so attractive. Topographically, this area is very much like the south shore of Long Island, which looks out over a great big, shallow bay (the Great South Bay) to a barrier beach island (Fire Island). Sound familiar? Peg was especially drawn to the prevalence of art and culture in this area, and is still getting to know her way around these activities. The Daisleys have always been drawn to the Gulf side of Florida, both because of the sailing-friendly waters and the fact that there is more of an "old Florida" vibe. And of course, they both very much enjoy the year-round warm weather!
Roger and Peg have two grown daughters, Kelly, who lives in Indianapolis and works remotely for Penguin Random House as a paper specialist and manager, and Kate, who lives on Long Island (Bay Shore, NY), with her two daughters (Molly, 12 and Abby, 8.5), and works for 1-800-FLOWERS as a manager of employee training and development. Roger has a sister, Dawn Daisley, who also lives in Bermuda Bay. She is the owner/resident in Building 51, and is the owner/landlord of another unit in Building 52. . There are few things the Dailey's like better than to have their kids and grand-kids -- and friends -- visit them at Bermuda Bay!
The Bermuda Bay Staff took some time out for Fellowship and Birthday Bonding
Josh also got a great surprise gift. He became an uncle! Now Josh and his nephew Rhett Joseph Desormeau share the same birthday! Congratulations on all counts!
As always, a big thanks to all of our residents who share photographs and articles
It is with great sadness...
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735